Chapter- 46

Smriti's POV-

As it was touchdown New Delhi, we were summoned to the RAW headquarters from the airport. The Prime Minister along with the Defense and Home Minister were supposed to join the meeting along with the defense chiefs. This only indicated that Mission Gagan was huge.

" I think this is airstrike." Rajat said as we drove to the headquarters.

" I think the same too. It has to be airstrike because there is no other way that we will be able to teach the neighbors a lesson without violating the international laws regarding border crossing violation." I agreed.

As we reached the headquarters, the meeting had already started and out of courtesy, we waited outside.

" Smriti, what do you think is going on inside?" Sunaina asked.

" Plans, policies and what not...!" I whispered back.

" Hmm." She responded.

We waited for two hours for the meeting to wind up. As soon as it did, we went to Sanjay sir to ask about further orders.

" There is going to be a airstrike by the airforce followed by a warning. Our involvement is that a team of officers will go to our neighbors coverted to see and assess the situation there. Mansi, Smriti, Rajat and Fahim. Sunaina and Lakshya will fly back to New  York to take charge there and start working. You four will join them there after this mission." Sanjay sir informed. 

I nodded.

" Sir, how many days are we supposed to stay there?" I asked.

" Just two days. Mansi will be in Lahore, Smriti in Karachi, Rajat in Peshawar and Fahim in Peshawar. Just make your readings and come back. Job done. You leave in four hours. Go and pack. Your fake passports and ID's will be handed over to you when you come here after you pack." Sir said.

This means that I'll have to go home.

I took a cab, praying in the way that mumma does not almost get a panic attack seeing me here.

I rang the bell and mumma did open the door.

" Hey Mumma." I said.

" Smriti, what are you doing here? Were you not supposed to be at your honeymoon?" She asked.

" Can't tell mumma. Anyways, I need to leave so help me pack." I said, getting in.

" Fine. You go and pack and by that time I'll get you something to eat." She said.

I nodded at her and went upstairs.

I packed some essentials and mumma got me puri and mutter paneer to eat. Yumm

" Mumma, I'll be back in two days." I said.

" You'll come here?" She questioned.

I nodded.

" Then when to NY?" She asked.

" Probably on 5th." I said.

" Take care my doll." She said and I hugged her.

" I'll see you soon. Byee mumma." I said before getting into the cab.

The driver dropped me and I went inside.

" Smriti, you are Nazima Sheikh for the next two days. Twenty eight years old and a teacher in a nearby school. Here is your passport, fake ID and the fake school identity card." Sunaina handed over them to me.

I took the burkha from my cubicle and we started leaving.

" Team, your airport clearance has been made. You will have assistance there. If you feel like you are getting caught, probably your cover has been blowed. All you need to do is to go to the Indian Embassy and you will have all the support there. Am I clear?" Manish sir asked.

" Yes sir." We chrosed.

" All the Best. Jai Hind." He said.

" Jai Hind." We sang and haired cabs for the airport.

Each and every procedure was carried out smoothly and I was in Karachi within three hours.

I went to the safe house and then for a walk towards the army cant.

It was blackout and high alert in Karachi.

I smirked to myself.

" What are you doing outside your house? Don't you understand the meaning of curfew?" An army official who was on rounds shouted at me.

" I am sorry. I had no idea about the curfew. When did it get down?" I asked.

" Nearly twenty minutes back. Show me your ID." He said, looking at me suspiciously.

I handed him over my fake driving license.

" Nazima Sheikh. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." The army official said.

I smiled uncomfortably.

" Come, I will drop you." He said, a gentleman.

" No thank you sir. I can find my way on my own." I protested.

" I insist lady. Please." He said.

Not to look suspicious again, I had to agree and so I did.

" Thank you." I said sitting in the car.

" Special Agent Smriti, you can drop the charade now." He said.

" What! I am no agent!" I said, faking.

" Ms. Sharma, I am Kritik Lakhani from RAW. I had information that you will be here today." The man said.

" You are not understanding. I am no agent." I replied again.

" XYA COCO TRING DAD747 " He said.

This is the identification code. I can trust him.

" Okay Mr...??" I said.

" Kritik Lakhani, Investigation force." He said.

" Sir." I acknowledged.

" So Smriti, I'll be handling a report to you which is the current situation of the Army, Navy and Airforce here. You have to fax it to your department head. This is all you can do because a curfew has been enforced here. You cannot roam." He said.

I nodded.

" Also, if there is any problem in these two days, press that button next to the nightstand beside the bed in the room. I'll come and see." He said.

" Okay sir. Thank you." I said, getting down the car.

I went inside and read the file before faxing it to the bureau.

A covered call was made by Sanjay sir in the meanwhile. I told him whatever had happened.

" Yes, I have received the files from the others too. You cannot do anything now so we'll get you the first flight back together." He said.

" Okay sir. Jai Hind." I said.

He hung up.

Then as is was pitch dark, I went outside to see the situation and not a man was outside. These guys are damn weird! They first provoke the lion and then hide in the darkest corner possible. What they don't know is that lions like to hunt in the dark.

Now we had to wait. JUST WAIT.,

My cell went off again.

" Smriti, change of plans. Get to the terrace of your building. Sit in the chopper and come back here." Sanjay sir said.

" But sir, they will find out that something is fishy." I said.

" They already did. Now do as I say." He said.

I quickly took all my things and sat in the chopper.

" Hello Mrs. Grey." Tailor said.

" What the hell is happening Taylor? What on earth are you doing here!" I asked.

" Mrs. Grey, this is a rescue operation." He said.

" But why are you here?" I exclaimed.

" The Indian government asked the American government to rescue their agents on the sanctioned American choppers as we had permission from the Pakistani government to fly overhead." He said.

" This still  not explains  what you are doing here." I said.

" Mrs. Grey, I am security. Air force America working as chauffer to Mr. Grey as security. He gets protection from the American Government." He explained. I nodded.

" Taylor, not a word about it to Christian." I said.

" Yes mam." He said.

" Call me Smriti." I corrected.

" Okay Smriti." He said.

Within an hour, I landed at the RAW headquarters airbase.

" The file." Manish sir asked as I got down the chopper.

I handed him over.

" We strike at 3:30, 3:43, 3:56 and 4:02. " He said.

I nodded and got inside saying goodbye to Taylor.

" And now it starts.But I still don't understand why we had to go to Pakistan for Five hours." I muttered.

" Ms. Sharma sometimes RAW gets a little wrong too." Manish sir said.

Of course he heard!!

" Sir, I'll be here by two. Can I leave for now?" I asked.

" Absolutely not Ms. Sharma. Go to your cubicle and read the files of the strike. You are assisting with it. You will be  one of the Wing Commanders' eyes for the strike. You will guide him." He said.

I nodded. 

As I got into my cubicle, I saw Rajat, Fahim, Mansi, Lakshya, Sunaina and Chaitra in the canteen.

I went to them, talked, ate Pasta and then went back to reading. " 

" It's time." Sanjay sir said, entering my cubicle.

I nodded and then it all started.

We were successful in the strikes and destroying four major terrorist base camps within the given time.

This was satisfying to an extent where we all ended up partying after more than 300 terrorist casualties.

I promise that the next chapter which will probably be out either tomorrow or day after tomorrow will all be about Smriti and Christian.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. Do tell me what you feel about it either through the comments section below or you can just PM me. Remember, I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!
