
Smriti's POV-

When I woke up, I noticed that my head was rested on Christian's shoulder. He was asleep too, at least, that's what I thought.  I immediately adjusted my posture and woke up.

" I thought that you'd sleep till morning." I heard his speak.

" And I thought that you were sleeping." I remarked.

" I just had my eyes closed." He said.

I nodded.

I stood up to go to Mansi and group but I was pushed back.

Christian had forced me to sit on his lap. I started moving to free myself.

" Mrs Grey, stop moving so much." He commanded.

" Let me go!" I exclaimed.

" No." He said.

" Mr Grey,  that I am perfectly capable of freeing myself from anywhere, I hope that you are aware of this fact." I said confidently.

" What did I say about you addressing me as Mr Grey?" He asked.


I was so lost in I don't know what that he took advantage of the fact and started placing kisses on my jaw and nape of my neck. I blushed.

He smirked seeing me all red.

" Mrs Grey, the effect that I have on you is insane, I hope you know that." He said, mocking me.

" I did not see anything." Grace said, covering her eyes and went away.

Double shit.

I started attempting to free myself again but when it comes to him, I don't know where all my power and sarcasm flies away.

After a struggle of good 5 minutes, he loosened his grip on my waist, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

" Why are you so shy Mrs Grey?" He muttered in my ears with his husky voice, sending shivers down my spine.

" I'm  not." I managed to voice out.

Before this uncomfortable stance could go on further, I heard Mia calling my name.

" Coming Mia." I shouted, finally got up and went to the next cabin where everyone else was there.

" Why are you so red Smriti?" Sunaina questioned.

" It's nothing." I muttered.

" Are you sure it's nothing Smriti?" Christian asked, who was right behind me.

" I'm fine!" I exclaimed and took a seat next to papa.

" Let's play something." Fahim suggested.

" Antakshari." I exclaimed along with Mansi.

" Yes." Grandmaa agreed too.

" Whtat is antashshi?" Mia asked, pronouncing it all wrong.

" It is Antakshari. It is a song game." Sanskaar spoke up.

She nodded.

" We don't know how to play so why don't you guys play one round and show us?" Carrick  asked.

" Sure." Rajat replied.

We divided the teams, boys vs girls. It was our turn to sing from the letter M.

I started with Moh Moh ke dhaage.

Soon, we all launched into songs.

Again, I don't know when I fell asleep after the game, but the one thing I was sure about was that this time, it was Sanskaar's  shoulder that I had taken as my pillow.

" Smriti, wake up. We are about to land." I heard a voice.

" Let me sleep". I snuggled closer to the pillow. Wait, what pillow? Last I checked, it was Sanskaar's shoulder but I am not so sure now, so I immediately opened my eyes only to meet the most beautiful eyes I have ever looked into. The dark brown chestnut ones.

" You sleep too much." Mr Grey commented.

" I don't." I whined. He chuckled.

He started leaning closer into me. I started moving backwards till I hit my shoulder with the panel. We were merely inches apart. I blushed again and he smirked at my reaction as usual.

Then, he took the safety belt and fastened in around my waist tightly. Then, he went back.

I was slightly dissapointed at the loss of contact of his hand on my waist.

" Yeh kya soch rahi hai tu pagal? ( What the hell are you thinking stupid?)" I muttered to myself.

" What did you say?" He questioned.

" Nothing." I replied.

" Mrs Grey, I think that I'll need to keep a translator along with me all the time to let your words make sense to me." He joked.

I chuckled.

The pilot announced that we had landed at the Indira Gandhi international airport. 

We took our luggages and exited where our drivers were waiting for us.

" Smriti do you see Sanjay sir and Manish sir there?" Fahim asked pointing towards the security area.

" Yes. I think we should go and see what's the issue." I said.

" I agree." Lakshya said.

" Mumma, you guys go home. We will be there in sometime." I said.

" Smriti, I don't want all of you to go for a long drive. Come home without any tantrums." Mumma instructed.

" Mumma, we are not going to have fun. I see Sanjay sir and Manish sir there. We have to be here." I said.

" Okay Smriti, but come as soon as you are done with the work." Papa said.

They all left along with Sanskaar.

I took my leave and we went to our dear bosses.

" Sir, do we have a problem?" Mansi asked.

" Good to see all of you back, but are you not on your CL for the next 7 days?" Sanjay sir asked.

" We are, but work is work." I said.

" Congratulations Ms Sharma." Sir said.

" Thank you sir, but what seems to be the problem?" I said.

" There is a terrorist threat in Delhi for the next 48 hours. The Al-Qa'ida group are creating nuisance again." Manish sir said.

" Is hijack a probability?" Fahim questioned.

" Yes. The security has been doubled at the airport and railway stations. We are here to escort the Prime Minister safely. He is returning from the Singapore Summit." Sanjay sir said.

" What is it that we have to do?" Lakshya questioned.

" Mr and Mrs Malhotra, I want both of you to go to the headquarters and keep a check on the CCTV'S of all the public places. Hack them if you have to. If any disturbing or unusual element is found, you will immediately inform the on the ground team." Manish sir said, addressing to Lakshya and Mansi.

" Sir who all are in the on the ground team?" I asked.

" The teams are already in the high alert areas. You all are a team. Go and freshen up, then report to the headquarters and take your charge on airport from there. I want all of you in my cabin within the next 1 hour." Sanjay sir ordered.

We nodded and took taxis for our respective homes.

" Smriti, go and get changed while I am setting the dining table up. We all will have dinner together." Mumma said as soon as I got into the house. Everyone was in the hall, talking except for Grandmaa, Mia and Christian.

" I am leaving for office mumma, you guys carry on with the dinner." I said and went off to my room.

" No Smriti, you are not going anywhere before you have your dinner. I don't want you sick tomorrow." Mumma shouted from the kitchen.

I gave a deaf ear to her, which I know that I'll regret later.

When I entered my room, I saw Christian who was very nicely going through my embarrassing photo album of my childhood which I had hidden from everyone all those years, just to avoid mumma showing it to everyone.

" What are you doing here?" I asked, snatching the album from him.

" Excuse me?" He said.

" I mean, what are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"  I am your husband. Where do you expect me to be?" He questioned walking towards me.

" Fine." I said and rushed to the washroom after taking my bath gown along with me.

I took a quick shower and got out after wearing my gown. Thank god Christian was not in the room.

Smriti's attire-

I immediately locked the room and wore the formals. I was just getting out of the room when I knocked into a hard wall. Wait, what wall? I don't remember any wall being here.

I looked up to see that I bumped into my husband's chest.

He held me by my shoulders and I regained my balance.

" Where are you going?" I asked, looking at me.

" To the office." I replied.

" At 11 pm?" He questioned.

" We don't go by the time, time goes by us." I replied, cockily.

" I love this boldness." He said, holding me by my waist.

And suddenly, all my confidence flushed down the drain.

" I am getting late." I stuttered.

Surprisingly, he left me.

" Come soon wifey." He said and winked at me. I blushed.

I was just out if the main gate when I remembered that I am not carrying my gun.

I made my way back to my room.

" Missed me so much that you came back?" Mr Grey asked, with an annoying smirk on his face.

I tried being sassy.

" No, just wanted to show something to you." I said.

" What?" He questioned, raising oneo of his eyebrow.

I opened the drawer, took my gun and pointed towards him.

The smirk had not left his face.

I knew that I was getting late so I decided against provoking him.

" If I had time, I would have tried scaring you with this, but....." I said and ran out to my car.

I am running late.

Finally I reached the headquarters within 20 minutes and was 5 minutes late but thankfully Sanjay sir did not mind. He briefed us about the whole situation and we went to the airport to keep an eye and jell in.

Nothing suspicious took place at night so we were given 3 hours off in the morning. When I reached back home, I knew that I was in deep shit because I had not informed anyone about me not coming home at night. Moreover, I had 30 missed calls on my private cell. 10 from mumma, 10 from papa and the other 10 from Christian.

Smriti, you will have to save your ass now.

Hii Guys! So this is the next chapter. I hope that you all like it. Now to unlock the next chapter, I need to have 170 votes and 40 comments on next chapter. Call me cruel but this is how it is gonna be from now on. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!
