Chapter- 40

Hello readers! I know that I had promised to update this chapter with more of Smriti and Christian scenes but I had to dedicate this upcoming plot to the 26/11 survivors and martyrs who had lost their lives to protect us. They fought till the very end for all of us and most importantly, for India. They protected us with their lives. Unfortunately, I am not capable of doing anything for them except for respecting my country and dedicating this book to them. This is for all of them out there who faced, combatted and survived the 26/11 attacks and to those who left us indebted to them by saving us.


Smriti's POV-

As Mia informed me about the arrival of Christian's ex, I couldn't help but feel an unusual empty pit in my stomach, like something has been put off. I soon was successful in getting rid of the henna and came out of the washroom.

" Let's go and teach her a lesson." Mia said.

" I wish I could Mia, but remember, I'm not allowed to leave this room till tomorrow afternoon." I reminded her.

She sighed. Then I saw her expressions change immediately and anyone could decipher the evil glint in her eyes.

" Okay, I know that you cannot come down, but that doesn't mean that b*tch cannot come up. Just wait and watch." She said smirkingly and left the room.

" But what the hell is Christian's ex doing here anyways?" I muttered to myself.

It was about time that I heard some serious shouting going on. Hell, I could make out that Mia was literally cursing Sofia or whatever her name was.

" You 20 pounds make up cake face b*tch, get out of here or you will suffer!" I heard Mia shout.

I rolled down the floor, laughing. God, this is going to get better.

" Oh my god! I am so not sorry for spilling this coffee in you, which I might add, was a genuinely deliberate action." Mia squeaked again.

I am dying, laughing.

" Oh! Now the b*tch wants my clothes. I am not sorry but I am not letting filth touch my Gucci." Mia shouted.

" Enough! How dare you Mia" I heard a voice, Sofia's.

" No one gets to talk to my family like that Sofia. Now either you get out by yourself or I'll have Taylor do it." I heard Christian booming up.

There was absolute silence for some good 2 minutes before mumma spoke up.

" Son, she is our guest and it is our responsibility to make her feel welcome. Here in India, guests are considered as incarnations of god." She said.

" Mrs Sharma, this woman here, is nothing but a nonsense." Mia sighed dramatically.

" Mia darling, it's just a matter of tonight. Tomorrow is the wedding." Grandma said.

I could imagine Mia nodding her head positively, having an irritated expression on her face.

I could near hear the rest of the conversation, so I assumed that it had calmed. Peace out, But I was way too wrong here.

Mia had barged into my room demanding for the nail enamel remover.

" But Mia, I don't see any nail paint on, on you." I remarked.

" Smriti, it tastes yuck. Specially in coffee." She said, smirking.

She is going to be the death of me.

" Fine, here you go but no one can know about my involvement in your idea." I instructed, handing over the bottle to her.

" Rest assured sister in law." She took it and left the room.

It was 11 in the night and I was about to go to sleep when I heard someone knocking the door.

I opened it only to find a lady, whom I assumed to be Sofia.

" Yes, do you require anything?" I asked, politely.

" I am just here to inform you that Christian is MINE." She barked.

" I see where this conversation is going, but unfortunately for you......." I did not complete my statement, instead held my left hand in front of her where the ring was lying on my ring finger, indicating that I was taken by Christian and he had accepted me as his wife.

" Who let the b*tch out? I did lock her up for some reason." I heard a voice from the staircase.

Mia must have spotted us standing.

" Smriti, get inside now. You should not look at a witch's face when your wedding is tomorrow." Mia mocked Sofia.

" Let's see how the wedding takes place." Sofia said smugly.

" Oh, so you will stop the wedding? Where were you when the 1st wedding happened in New York?" I asked irritatedly, almost losing my temper in the process.

I saw the colour of her face face.

" You got married!?" She exclaimed in a tone full of accusation.

" Haww! This idiot had no idea while the paparazzi were going mad about their wedding pictures?" Mia mocked.

I looked at her, impressed.

" Smriti now go to sleep. It's your day tomorrow." Mia said.

I nodded.

" Goodnight Mia." I said.

" GNSD. I'll take care of this problem here." She said.

Before shutting the door, I could not stop myself from questioning Sofia,

" Why are you so thick? I mean, insults over insults are being hurled over you and still like a shameful woman, you are standing here." I said and shut the door on her face.

I finally hit the bed and slept.

The next morning, I was woken up by Sanskaar.

" Wake up madam.!!" He shouted in my ears.

" Sanskaar, I hope you remember that I know how to shoot a bullet." I groaned.

" Is that supposed to be a threat?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

" Now freshen up and sit here. I will be back in sometime." He said.

I nodded and went to the washroom to do my business.

As instructed. I was ready in half an hour and getting bored.

All of my team mates entered my room.

" Ready for the big day?" Mansi asked.

" Not really." I replied.

" I can understand." She said, sitting next to me.

" Smriti, I know that this is not exactly a good time to talk about it, but I hope you remember tomorrow's date?" Mansi asked.

" It is 28th September." I said. Then I realised.

" Oh my god. It marks the 10th anniversary of Mumbai attacks. There was a secret threat letter issued by the same terrorist group that same kind of thing will happen in Mumbai again 10 years later whether the master mind of the attacks is hanged to death or not." I spoke up.

" Yes and it means that we have to be in Mumbai tomorrow." Chaitra said.

" Of course we do." I exclaimed.

" But we cannot let the civilians of Mumbai know about this thing. Once they start panicking, the plans of the terrorist group starts succeeding." Rajat said.

" Sanjay sir will be taking a conference in 2 hours at the headquarters, we will connect you in via skype." Fahim said.

" I cannot leave for New York tomorrow." I said.

" You cannot." Namit said.

" I need to talk to Christian." I said.

" You deal with him. We all are leaving. I will skype you as soon the conference starts." Sunaina said.

" Okay, but for that we need to get the networks secured first." Lakshya said.

" Where is your laptop?" He asked.

" My room. I'll get it." I said and dashed out.

I quietly sneaked into my room, was about to grab my laptop when I was pushed onto the bed.

" Finally, it had been 13 fucking hours since I saw you." He said.

" You cannot see me. Its against your traditions!" I said and I covered my face immediately with the duvet.

" So know all this cannot stop me from looking at what is mine." He said and pulled me into his chest.

" Christian, please don't do this. Mumma and Grandma believes in all these things." I said sincerely.

I heard him sigh and he left me.

" Fine Mrs Grey, but once we reach back to my penthouse, you'll be all mine to love, cherish and touch." He said with a hint a tease in his tone.

I could feel my blush.

" I can feel you blush Smriti." He remarked.

" I am not." I said.

" Lying is bad." He said.

" Christian, you all will have to leave for New York tomorrow. I will come on 29th." I said.

" No Mrs. Grey. You are coming with us. Moreover Mr. and Mrs. Sharma are coming to New York too for some days." He said.

" I cannot Christian, I have work." I sighed.

" Tomorrow is 28/9." I said.

" I know tomorrow's date." He said.

" Ten years back, on 28/9, there were 8 bomb blasts that happened in Mumbai. It marks the 10th bitter anniversary of almost 300 civilians dying, many soldiers martyred and loss of Innocence. That was the first time when Mumbai witnessed a series of 8 bomb blasts together and India could do nothing about it. I have work obligations tomorrow for the ceremony." I lied about the last part. I cannot tell him about the seriousness of the situation.

Thank god my face was covered with duvet and he did not catch my lie.

" Fine. I will send the private jet back here for your use." He said.

" No Christian! I will come by commercial flight." I argued.

" Smriti." This tone was enough to make me shut my mouth because I knew that his word was final.

" Fine." I sighed.

He pecked my forehead from the duvet.

" I am turning around so you can leave." He said.

I nodded and left the room.

I reached back to the guest room and handed the laptop to Lakshya. He did what was necessary and they all left for the headquarters. Mumma entered the room.

" Finally you remember that you have a daughter." I mocked.

" Not now Smriti, I went to the venue with your papa and Sanskaar. Now I want you to leave for the Salon in 2 hours to get ready. Then you will come back home. By that time Christian's family along with him would be at the venue and we all will go together." Mumma instructed.

I nodded.

" Mumma, just make sure that no one enters my room for the next 45 minutes. I have a conference. Also, I will not be coming to New York with all of you tomorrow, instead I will come on 29th." I said.

" Smriti, now you are asking for too much." She said.

" Mumma, tomorrow in 28/9." These words were enough to make her stop taking.

" Fine." She said.

I went to her and hugged her tightly.

" I love you." I said.

" Ditto." She said and then parted away.

" Now wind your conference up quickly. Ill make sure that no one comes here." She said.

I nodded. As she left, I logged onto skype.

The conference ended in about the next 30 minutes where it was decided and our team goes to Mumbai, One team stays back at Delhi and the third team will be in Chennai.

Then, I was pushed into the car to go to the salon with Manyatha. Also, the worst part was, I was not shown my wedding dress till now!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope that you all like it. To unlock the next chapter, 90 comments on this one are needed. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!
