:Chapter 16:


I felt high. As if every problem that I ever had was lifted off of my shoulder and tossed away. Werewolves couldn't get high, our healing would eliminate any of the effects seeing the drug as negative. Yet I felt high.

China was laying on the other side of me. She had the same expression that I had on. One of pleasure and a smile on as we laid on the bed together.  I don't even no how long we had been up here. I lost count. Only one thing really mattered to me was this at the moment.

'Cause' you are high on endorphins from what Pandora and I did. The thing that you resisted until I took control.' I looked back down at my chest. I knew that Gemma had left as I heard her say goodbye before everyone started dispensing.

I looked over at China. She still had her shirt intact unlike me. She had practically ripped it off. . . well Pandora was the one who ripped it off. By now the claw marks from the rogue were completely healed. China glanced at me and then the marks all over my chest.

In a design of roots. And some of the roots formed a moon here and there. China had dried blood near her neck just like I did. Her skin had knitted together by now probably like mine had. 'Accelerated healing is very useful in situations like this isn't it?' I nodded at that.

China's blue eyes were half lidded in pleasure. "Has it formed anything yet?" China asked craning her neck to me. "No." I said and China looked a bit disappointed as I went over to here. Leaning down I wrapped my arms around her before curling into her.

"I'm tired." I told China who smiled just a bit at that. "Then you should go to sleep." China said. 'Sleep does sound nice, maybe by the time we wake up the marks will be completely formed into something pretty. That will be a nice thing to see when we wake up.'

"Do you want me to go to the couch?" I asked sleepy. "Your fine here." China said and I nodded at that. My bed was comfortable and sank in when you sat on it. Like the rest of my brothers I head a really good memory foam mattress and I loved it.

'The bed is very comfortable and has quite the memories, especially now since it was where we marked.' I could feel the throbbing in my neck from where China-- no Pandora bit me to give a mark. The bite mark was too deep to be a play bite and the pleasure came afterwards.

It was a bit uncommon to see a male marked. The female was typically the one getting marked. But there is always that occasion where the female will mark the male. It represents trust to have the male let the female near their neck and bite down to mark.

A mark in general met trust. 'A male mark means even more trust then a female mark. But it is special just like a female getting marked.' I touched the bite mark and winced just a bit. A mark always hurt since it did involve teeth sinking into skin.

Brushing some hair from my face I placed my head on China's chest well next to it before shutting my eyes. I nuzzled in softly before letting sleep take me away and to let both of our marks heal and form into a real mark after that. One of the best things.

I woke up at 10AM to my surprise which was sleeping in late. China was still asleep as I got up rubbing my eyes. She looked peaceful sleeping.

When I left she curled up with the pillow. 'She is very cute in her sleep for sure. Very cute and comfortable to sleep on.' I smiled before heading into the bathroom to do my business. Wash my face, hands, and then comb my hair before I glanced up at the mirror and smiled.

The smile then turned into shock upon realizing what exactly the mark was. The marks on my chest extended up to my collarbone to the mark. The mark was a full black moon surrounded by roots that extended down before connected to my moon touched marks. I bit my lip.

Hiding a mark was like disrespecting your mate. A way of being embarrassed about it. And I wasn't embarrassed about it. But it connected to my moon touched marks. I looked at the make-up I put on to cover the marks. Then back at the mark while biting my lip.

'I'm sure you can angle it to cover everything up except the mark. I mean that is possible after all.' I touched the mark just as China peeked open the door. "Is everything ok?" China asked coming in and I nodded at that. "Just looking at the mark." I said.

China nodded. "I'm trying to figure out how to cover this without touching the mark. The mark you gave me isn't embarrassing. It's just my other marks decided to go connect to this." I told China who nodded at that. "Well just cover all around here and you'll leave the mark visible." China said.

I looked at her and smiled. 'Look even China is trying to help us. It seems she knows how important these marks can get. Especially since not many people know about them.' "Thank you, did yours heal?" I asked and China pushed aside her auburn hair and looked in the mirror.

Her mark wasn't anything extraordinary. Although most marks weren't. Most represented the pack especially from alpha bloodline. Most of my brothers had full moons or crescent moons. Isabella's friend Derik's mate had three bright red claw marks for a mark. Derik was an alpha, the former alpha's son of Red Claws.

He rejected the position not wanting to leave. 'But it seems our marks link with our packs, and a bit of our personality it seems.' I nodded. And no mark was similar. But there was no elaborate wolves with forest scenes or names underneath. That's not how a mark worked.

A werewolf wasn't a tattoo artist for sure. And I personally didn't like the whole name thing, it seemed overly possessive which could turn abusive. I smiled at China. China had a simple black full moon on her neck. To most people it would look like a circle but I knew it was a full moon.

"It's simple, but pretty." I told China who smiled. 'And simple can be beautiful and pretty. And that's what China's mark is beautiful and pretty for sure.' I nodded at that. "You want some breakfast?" I asked China who nodded at that with a bit of a smile.

"Well my mom is making pancakes, I can smell it." I told China with a smile. "Pancakes is one of my favorites." China said with a smile. "Mine too, come on." I told her and we went downstairs where my brothers were. Noah looked dead as he was still waking up.

Alex had a smile on as he drew on a piece of paper with a felt marker. "What are you drawing?" My mom asked setting down a big plate of markers. "A little picture for Ice. It's not like Nico's, but Ice likes blue so I know she'll like it." Alex said with a smile.

'And there he goes with that little girl that he is always walking with. Ice. A strange name for sure.' I nodded at that. "That's sweet, Ice is lucky to have a friend like you." My mom said with a smile as she passed out the pancakes.

China happily accepted some blueberry pancakes as we waited for my mother to tell us we can eat. My dad was at the front of the table. He was a button-up dress shirt, formal pants, and some dress shoes. He was going to work and then later would deal with the pack.

'He's a busy man for sure, makes me happy that we're not the alpha. Being an alpha isn't a simple job for sure.' I nodded at that. Once my mom gave me the command to eat we went to eating. China happily ate her food.

It didn't take my mom or dad long to see the marks on both of our necks. Although Noah some them first and simply smirked at me making me shake my head at him. Moon was marked as well with a purple moon. And she wore that mark quite proudly.

'Well she is proud at having a mate and boyfriend like Noah. Extremely proud, if she could drag him around like a kill I'm sure she would.' I nodded at that. I continued to eat my food when my gaze flickered to the woods to see a wolf standing there looking at the house.

"Do you have a werewolf visiting?" I asked. "No why?" My mom asked and I pointed to the wolf slowly approaching. My mother's eyes went bright gold as my dad looked up and growled. China's head snapped up as the wolf began to run. "That's not a pack wolf that's a rogue." My mom said as more appeared.

"Max get to your room right now." My mom said. China glanced at me. "Go." China said. "Alex baby take Isaac to the safe room and stay there." My mom said as China dragged me up. "There are nearby warriors alert them. We'll keep them busy for now." My dad said taking off his clothes.

As China dragged me up the last thing I saw were my parents wolf forms as they waited for the rogues.

1623. And then there will be a fight scene, the traitor revealed and then the book will end and Ice Cold will start. Alex's book. Then 2 books left before Entwined Mates end. Man this has been a ride. Until next time my cute marshmallows.
