:Chapter 13:


Once more we got in Noah's thunderbird. Moon in the front seat with Noah and I sitting next to each other. My backpack was next to Max's once more as Noah pulled out of the parking lot as he turned on the AC to keep the car a nice temperature.

I ran a hand through my auburn hair as Noah took a right away from his house. 'I wonder what kind of house Moon lives in. She is a fae so now I'm interested.' So was I. I didn't know all that much about the fae.

I never really had anyone to teach me about them. Moon was the only experience I had with a fae. Real and not real. And she was an Unseelie. So I knew nothing about the Seelie, not that I cared. I knew the Unseelie were the dark and the Seelie the light.

And the dark has always interested me. 'There is something about the dark that is much more seductive and interesting then the light could ever provide.' I nodded at that. Max was reading his comic book once more his bangs spread messily across his forehead.

It was a cute way. Max glanced up at me his sea green eyes meeting my baby blue ones. Max smiled nervously at me. He was like the cute boy that was shy. And I liked it. If I had some asshole alpha mate I'm sure I'd of beaten them.

Despite what everyone thinks dominance doesn't always good great. It's only good when the both of them trust each other. 'And Max isn't overly dominant, but he sure is as hell isn't submissive, he's like the perfect mate for us.' 'Well are mate is supposed to complete each other.' Pandora smiled at that.

I looked out the window to see the scenery fade from lightly wooded to thickly wooded. Greenburg was surrounded by the woods but it came in moderation. The woods turned into forests as Noah loosened his foot on the pedal slowing the car down some as Moon and him talked.

"You should make those nachos again." Moon said. 'Nachos, now I want nachos, nachos are good. Cheesy goodness with the crispy and salty chips.' "I bet you somehow Karma and Twilight would know I was doing it." Noah said and Moon laughed at that. It was a cute laugh. I shook my head.

Max told me anything that came like that was her fae influence. She rarely held back on it now since Noah got her to open up. "Karma may be the prince of the Unseelie, but I don't think he's that talented." Moon said. Noah raised an eyebrow at this.

"I bet he learned about cameras and set them up." Noah said. Moon shook her head. "We'll save some for them then, but you need to make some." Moon said. "Fine." Noah said and Moon smiled. 'Well it looks like some delicious nachos, and some time spent with Max, a win-win type of situation.'

I nodded at that. Max slowed in front of a white house and pulled into a driveway with a bunch of stones. It was a two story one. "My dad is out with the queen." Moon said turning to face Max and I as he closed up his comic.

"So it'll just be us." Moon said and I nodded. 'Seems alright. Her house looks good, no parents, just the four of us. It's not like we'll be doing anything bad.' I nodded at that as I grabbed my bag and got out as Max came around and stood next to me.

He smiled at me and I returned it. We followed Moon and Noah to the house. Moon took out a steel key and unlocked the door before letting us all through and closing the door. Inside wasn't what I expected it to be. I sort of expected something all nature like.

But it wasn't. 'I guess we sort of put a stereotype on Moon since she was a fae, but it looks like she doesn't fill it all that much. Which is fine, her house looks nice.' It just wasn't what I expected it to be at all. Not at all.

It was in tones of black, white, grey, and bits of purple. "Noah and I are going to go make some nachos." Moon told us and I nodded. The two went into the kitchen as Max and I took a seat on the black sofa next to each other.

I took out my folder out of my backpack and took out some homework. "What homework do you got?" Max asked scooting closer to me. "French 3." I told him. "If you need help I can help you." Max said with a smile. "What English are you taking?" I asked Noah.

'He seems smart though. I bet he could help us with our English work if we needed to.' Probably but I still wanted to know what English he takes. "English 2 honors." Max said. "I'm in a higher English than you." I told him. "I'm in honors though." Max added with a smile.

"So I'm sure if you need help I can provide that sort of help." Max said with a smile on his face. "I'm reading A Midsummer Night's Dream." I told Max. "I read that before, it's interesting." Max said with a smile on his face as he sat close to me.

'See Max can help us with this complicated book. He is an honor's student after all. And Artemis, my mate is no doubt smart as well.' Max's wolf. With a bit of a smile I showed him the paperwork that the teacher had given me and the copy of the book peeked out a bit.

"Ok well I'm sure if I read it I can help you with this." Max said and I nodded before pulling out the copy as Max got a bit closer and took it to begin reading it. Once he was done Max began helping me with the questions.

It was peaceful in a way. Just sitting next to Max. 'But you can feel that buzz of electricity between the two of you. It's attractive and seductive.' Max would point out helpers during it while the smell of cheese became more vibrant in the living room and the sizzle of homemade tortilla chips.

Once I finished it with Max's help Noah came in with a huge bowl of tortilla chips and a huge bowl of cheese with a ladle. They had four plates and handed Max and I our plate and we began putting the chips on before covering it in the cheese sauce.

Moon and Max sat at the opposite end of the sofa. 'Looks like they're giving us space. Which is sweet in a way. Gives us more time to be with Noah without someone so close to us.' I nodded at that as Max smiled at me.

I took some of the cheese and put it on the chip before taking a bite and savoring the taste. I looked at the chips. They were good so far. Nachos was a nice snack for sure. And homemade nachos no less, man was that good. Real good for sure.

With a smile I went back to eating them. 'Going here was a good idea for sure. Max helped us with our homework, and then Moon and Noah made some delicious nachos no less.' Yeah it was nice. With a smile I leaned back to enjoy my time spent here.

We spent until eight o'clock there. Moon and Noah made some chicken sandwich for dinner. Chickens fried in a nice batter before being placed on a bun, slathered in barbeque sauce and some melted cheese.

'It was a delicious thing to eat. If we could eat like this everyday man would we be set for real after that.' Gemma wasn't a terrible cook or anything but Moon, the teen fae sure did trump her cooking without a doubt in my mind. Moon made good food.

Noah had dropped me off. I was standing outside next to Max. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Max asked. I nodded. Max smiled at me. "Thanks for helping me." I told Max with a smile. "Yeah no problem. I enjoy English, I've always been good at it." Max said with a smile.

'Look our mate is smart as well, seems we really did get lucky, I like that for sure.' Max smiled at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." I told Max who nodded. Then Max got brave and gave me a real quick kiss before grinning at me. It was quick.

"Bye China." Max said before going to Noah's car. "Bye Max." I said watching him with a bit of a smirk. Max turned a bit red before getting in the car with a final wave. I turned back to see Cole looking out the window. I gave him a harsh glare and he walked away.

No one was ruining my night. No one.

1502. So I timed myself with this. It took me 59 minutes. Exact calculation 59: 23.36. Yeah and a bit of it was a welcome call with my teacher. But wow it didn't take me that long to write this. Not even an hour which is cool. But hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time nacho flavored marshmallows.
