:Chapter 5:


I was silent while I watched him. My mate. That term seemed foreign on my tongues especially since I was standing in the alpha's home. My mate. My mate was the son of the alpha. He probably wasn't the alpha but he was the son of one.

And I completely just threw the situation downwards by saying 'well hello mate' and no werewolf said that. 'Except weird ass males who think they are all that.' 'I am aware I just embarrassed us. If I could take it back I would.' The thought of meeting my mate always lingered.

The thought of having a mate thrilled me sometimes. Having someone that truly wouldn't leave me ever besides Pandora, but we were stuck together. But having a mate, they wouldn't leave you. And now my mate was staring at me looking quite dumbstruck and I didn't blame him.

"Max?" I heard the Luna asked confirming my mate's name. 'Max, seems pretty ordinary. Just an ordinary name belonging to an ordinary alpha's son.' 'He doesn't seem all that ordinary, I mean he is attractive.' 'I'm more interested in his wolf, I wonder what he's like.' My eyes went back to this Max.

Max was about 5'11 pushing 6' feet. He had cheek length charcoal colored hair with black undertones. His eyes were a brilliant sea green. His jaw was defined and he had high cheek bones and that innocent look in those eyes. He looked like the boy next door.

People believed girls wanted bad boys. He wasn't a bad boy, but honestly bad boys were overrated. 'He is very attractive. And seems to have that good boy aura to him. Seems like we got an interesting mate on hands. . . now I can't wait to see what his wolf is like.'

Neither could I. I know my new foster parents were no doubt thinking of it. Thinking of the ways this Max could keep me here. Instead of requesting for a new home. Or being so irritating they got rid of me. And it pained me knowing that they were right.

'There is no way we can leave now. As of right now we have an actual attachment to this town. Something that has never happened in our seventeen years of life besides our aunt. And I'm not sure how to respond to this at all.' 'Neither am I.'

If I left, if we left, we left behind our mate. Leaving behind your friend was one thing, doing it so much allowed me to do it a pin drop. But leaving my mate? That was something I wouldn't, no couldn't do. Leaving him would not happen under any circumstances.

Even if it meant having to stay with these obnoxious scouts. 'Endure it for our mate. That's what we will do and they know it as well.' 'Something that will be painful considering their disrespect but will be done for we can stay with our mate.' I looked back at him seeing his nostrils flaring out.

He was taking in my scent. That thought thrilled me. "Max honey, why don't you and your. . . mate go up to your room, we'll handle this sweetie." The white haired Luna said touching his cheek affectionately. I knew she was his mother so jealousy didn't flare up.

'Oh we are going to his room. . . all alone just the four of us, you, Max, his wolf, and I. No one else to disturb us. I wonder what is going to happen in that room of his.' I felt my cheek turn a bit red at that thought.

"Ok, come on." Max said staring at me those sea green eyes staring into my light blue ones sending heat up my body from his gaze. His eyes were so pretty and able to trap someone. 'They are very pretty when you think about it.' So with that we followed him.

"So. . . what's your name?" Max asked as we sat on his bed and I looked over at him. He gave a reassuring smile to me.


Max nodded. "China." Max said testing the name on his tongue and I liked the way he said it. 'It does sound nice coming out of his lips. He has this certain ring to it, you should have him say Pandora so he can give my name that ring to it as well.'

"I'm sorry about what I did." I said. Max looked up. "Oh it's fine. I just was a bit startled, I didn't expect to meet my mate anytime soon. Although I don't mind meeting you. It just was unexpected." Max said with a nervous laugh and I nodded at that.

"How old are you?" Max asked turning to me. "You shouldn't ask a girl that." I told him and Max laughed. "I'm seventeen, you?" I asked. "Sixteen." Max said. 'Sixteen is the age your wolf can identify a mate. He is that age which is good in a way. I'm assuming he isn't freshly turned 16.'

I looked back at Max who smiled. "So you were in the fostering system, did you find out you were a werewolf or did you know?" Max asked. It was a personal question, it really was, something I didn't like talking about. But I guess I could give him a short version.

"Um. . . yeah. My aunt was a werewolf." I said and Max nodded. 'He seems really nervous, it's cute in a way when you think about it. As if he's never been around a girl before like this.' Max smiled at me once more as he touched his legs.

"So Max, are you the alpha?" I asked. "Um no, I'm not. My brother is getting that position. The alpha is determined by fur color. My brother Dalton is the closest to the Blackwolf, my dad is a Blackwolf and my mom a Whitewolf." Max said and I nodded.

"But I do have nothing but alpha bloodline." Max said before looking at me. 'That's a lot of alpha bloodline and Original bloodline as well.' Original wolves were believed to be the first werewolves and the most powerful. We all have blood but most of us don't get their gifts.

There were still pure Original bloodlines and ones with a nice amount. Black Crescent Moon was known for having all. Blackwolf, Whitewolf, and Redwolf. I had a bit of Redwolf, enough to give the auburn hair color and keep that fur in wolf form. Something I was a bit proud of.

"What about you, what are you?" Max asked. "Um, I really don't know. My aunt never talked much about it, but I'm pretty sure I'm above scouts and trackers." I told Max who smiled. 'Yeah and we hate disrespect as well. It really pisses me off when we're talked like we're kids and haven't seen the hard parts of life.'

It did. Max nodded at that. "So what's your wolf's name?" Max asked. "Pandora." I told him and Max nodded. "Pandora, like the box of Pandora?" Max asked. "Yes." I said. 'Except we aren't stupid enough to open a box of evil on the world.'

"What's yours?" I asked Max who looked at me. "Artemis." Max said. "Like the goddess of the hunt and moon?" I asked. "Yes, he has a goddesses name. But I like it, it's a unisexual name." Max said as if to make his point clear that his wolf wasn't girly.

"So I heard alphas mark once they meet their mate." I told Max. Max went quiet. "Typically." Max said. 'He seemed to go quiet around that as if he doesn't want to be categorized under that.' 'I don't blame him, lots of alphas go under that stereotype.'

"I believe marking should be done with full consent." Max said. "Marking triggers the heat and a heat triggers primal instinct and I believe it should only be done with the female. . . and the male's consent before you open that." Max said and I nodded at that.

It seemed very respectful when I thought about it. 'Many don't think like that. Seems we got a kind mate. I like it. We should stay here a bit longer to get to know him a bit better, that would be a nice thing to do without a doubt.' I looked at Max and smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"So we should get to know each other better." I told Max. "Sure."

1413. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time epic marshmallows.
