- The black van -

CW: Kidnapping and Mentions of kidnapping, Blood, swearing.


A phone rings throughout the house, pulling Finney and Marilyn from their slumbers.

The two had fallen asleep on the couch last night waiting for Robin, they didn't want to start the movie without him.

Groaning, Marilyn taps Finney with her foot. "Go answer it."

Finney also groans, but is too polite to say no so he eventually raises from his spot on the couch, making his way to the phone.

She watch him raise the phone to his ear before answering.


Marilyn waits patiently for the phone call to end, watching Finneys facial expression change as the person on the other side speaks through the phone.

She can't hear anything being said, having being too far away. So all she can do is just listen to the quiet muttering.

Finney listens to the words being said, Marilyn spotting fear and sadness flash through his brown eyes before he makes brief eyecontact with her.

What the hell is that call about?

Finney nods. "I understand. Thank you for telling me." He says before putting the phone back.

He stands on the spot for a little bit, just staring at the wall where he placed the phone causing Marilyn to grow worried.

Slowly sitting up, Marilyn adjusts herself on the couch to be more comfortable. "Finney? Are you okay?"

Her words seem to break Finney from his daze and he turns to the girl, tears filling his eyes.

"Its Robin."

Marilyn looks at him confused. "Robin? What about Robin?" She asks.

Finney looks at the floor, a tear slipping from his eye.

"He's missing."

Marilyn could've sworn she felt the world pause as soon as the words left his lips.

She didn't know what to do. Her best friend was missing. He could be in pain, or worse.

All she could remember her theory about The Grabber and how he didn't take another victim until the one he had previously was dead.

Robin was gone.

And if Robin was gone, that meant Casper...


Finney and Marilyn didn't do much that day. Just deciding to hangout and be as happy as they could without the third person of their trio. They knew Robin wouldn't want them crying over him.

It was now Monday and almost the whole town had heard about the boys disappearance. Flyers were put up and flowers were sent to homes. The town was starting to get used to having to send flowers and sympathy to eachother. It was sickening.

Marilyn and Finney were walking to school that morning. Three days after Robin wen't missing. They decided not to talk much about it as it was a painful subject.

But Robins absence also put thoughts into the minds of a certain group of boys.

Finney and Marilyn feel hands push them from the back, causing the both of them to fall down onto the damp grass.

Three boys towered over them and Finney automatically recognized them as his bullies.

Now that Robin was gone, there was no one to stop them.

One of the boys send a kick to Finneys face, causing him to let out a groan.

Marilyn quickly raises from the grass to go and tackle the guy but is quickly pulled back by one of his minions. Punches are thrown to her face and she feels pain course its way through her body.

Finney was also getting beat up by two of the bullies, kicks getting sent all over his body. 

"Fucking cocksucking cowards!"

Both teenagers feel a small amount of relief at the sound of Gwennys voice. Marilyn turns her head slightly, watching Gwen run at the bullies with a rock in her hand.

She makes her way to the guy who was punching Marilyn before hitting him in the head with the rock, immediately causing the guy to loose focus and Marilyn takes the opportunity to kick him off her.

Gwen makes brief eyecontact with Marilyn--- Marilyn sending her a small nod.

"Go help Finney, I got this."

Gwenny nods before tightening the rock in her hand and sprinting at the guys kicking Finney.

Marilyn turns back to the guy who was previously beating her up, watching as he scrambles from the grass and to his feet.

He moves to tackle her before she steps out of the way quickly and pushing his back as hard as she can.

He lands on the ground with a groan before she kicks him right in his jingle bells.


"Stay the fuck away from me and Finney." She says. Her voice was laced with anger and annoyance. She didn't have time for this shit right now.

Marilyn looks over at where Finney was to see Gwen leaning against a wired fence, her teeth stained with blood. There was a guy resting next to Gwen. He had a gash in the side of his head, blood pouring from the wound and Marilyn could only guess Gwen did the damage with the rock.

Making her way over to Finney, Marilyn pushes the guy off of him, watching him fall on the ground next to Finney before kicking his head.

The guy groans, grabbing his face where she kicked him before rolling around on the grass.

Marilyn holds her hand out for Finney to take and Finney wraps his fingers around her wrist, pulling himself to his feet.

They both make their way over to Gwenny, helping her to her feet.

Marilyn sends a glare in the direction of the bully who was resting against the fence before the three make their way into school.

People send them weird looks, muttering to eachother quietly, wondering why they were all bruised and bloody.

The three just ignore their stares before making their way to the bathrooms so clean their cuts up as much as they can.

Vance--- who was in the hallway with his friends watched as the three walked past him with blood all over their faces. Wondering who had done that to them.


The end of school had rolled around the corner in a flash and kids began to make their way home, almost no one daring to walk alone as The Grabber was still out there but there are still that handful that still walk by themselves.

Finney and Gwen make their way outside of the school doors, Marilyn right behind them.

They spot yet another crowd of people gathered around another school fight and all three of them roll their eyes.

"Who the hell is it now?"

Marilyn, Finney and Gwen make their way towards the circle of people, noticing the familiar long blonde hair of Vance Hopper standing about a shorter guy.

Marilyn rolls her eyes again. "Who the hell is he beating up this time?" She steps forward to get a closer look at the guy before stopping when she recognizes the face.

That was the same person who was beating her up this morning.

He really tried to pick a fight with Vance? Dumbass.

They watch the fight but it doesn't last long as Vance knocks the guy down with one punch. Marilyn would've been impressed if it was anyone else. But it wasn't, it was Vance Hopper.

Though that didn't stop the girl from feeling a little bit impressed.

Vance kicks the guy one last time before looking up at the crowd, making short eye contact with Marilyn before quickly spinning around.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?! Fuck off!" He yells and almost everyone scrambles away.

Marilyn stands there for a few seconds, looking at the guy who was on the ground.

Vance pushes her out of the way before stomping off. A wave of annoyance flashing through Marilyns body.

"Fuck you Vance."

The blonde spins around, holding up both his hands to show her his middle finger and sending her a sarcastic smile before turning back around and continuing on with his journey towards what Marilyn was guessing the Grab 'n Go.

Marilyn turns to Finney and Gwen who were patiently waiting for her to join them on their walk home.

Waving her hand lightly, Marilyn shakes her head. "You guys go. I'm gonna find out what this shit was about."

Finney immediately shakes his head. "No, I'm not going without you."

Marilyn smiles at him. "Finney, i'll be fine. I've beat this guys ass before, I'm sure I can do it again."

Finney looks at Marilyn unsure. Before Gwenny rolls her eyes. "Finn, shes a badass, she'll be okay. Plus what would you do? You got your ass beat."

Marilyn laughs and Finney rolls his eyes playfully.

"You two shut up," He mutters before waving to Marilyn. "Bye."

Marilyn waves back to them. "See you guys tomorrow!" Gwenny nods before the two make their way home, Marilyn making her own way towards the kid groaning on the floor.

She leans down with a small wince. "You're a fucking idiot you know that?"
She says, holding her hand out.

The guy looks at her weirdly. "Why are you here?"

Marilyn shrugs. "I felt bad."

He nods back before holding his eye where Vance had punched him. "I don't even know why he did it." He mutters and the girl sends him a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

The guy shrugs. "He just came at me, I didn't do anything. I'm not that stupid." He says. He knows not to mess with Vance. People who mess with him ended up in hospital.

Marilyn looks at the guy weirdly.

Why the fuck would Vance beat you up then?

Sighing, the girl shakes her head before stepping back. "Weird."

The guy nods at her in agreement before raising his eyebrow. "So, did you wanna beat me up too? or..."

Marilyn quickly shakes her head. "What? No, no. I was just being nosey." She said and the guy nods before spinning on his heels and walking away.

Marilyn watches him walk off before staring at the ground confused.

Deciding to shrug it off, she turns around and makes her way home.


The streets were almost empty, only a few people in sight.

The air was cool but the sun shone brightly, making Marilyns eyes squint slightly so she could see better.

The streets started to get emptier and emptier as she got closer to home.

Walking past all the fences and lampposts, Marilyns eyes gazed over each of the missing persons posters.






It hurt Marilyn to see the posters of Her brother and best friend. They were constant reminders that shes probably never going to see them again.

Stepping forward, she takes a closer look at Robins and Caspers photos.

They looked so happy.

Robins photo was from the school pictures. He didn't have his Bandana on and Marilyn remembers teasing him about how different he looked when the teacher had given the photos to the class.

Marilyns brown eyes shift to her brothers photo. It was a photo of both her and him sitting infront of their house on Christmas. The picture was cropped to be just Casper, but Marilyn could see her shoulder in the corner.

"Hello there."

Marilyn flinches, spinning around to see the source of the voice.

A tall man with shoulder length gray hair stood infront of her. His face was covered in white face paint. His lips were stretched into a sickening grin and he was wearing what she could guess was a magician outfit as the black van behind him was labeled; Abracadabra, entertainment and supplies.

Marilyn already got a weird vibe from the guy. He did not look like any magician she'd seen.

"Would you like to see a magic trick?" His voice was scratchy. Like nails down a chalkboard. It made her feel unsafe.

"No, Thank you." She says, trying to be as polite as possible to not anger the man.

But it didn't make him any happier as she spots his grin fall flat and he sends an angry glare before stepping forward.

Marilyn is quick to act, taking her own steps back before spinning around to run. But before she could take off, her hair was grasped from behind.

Yanking her back, the man wraps his arm around her neck, dragging her towards the back of the van.

Marilyn kicks and claws at him, trying her hardest to scream but his tight grip forced her quiet and barely anything but a small whine could make it past her lips.

The man opens up the back door to his van, pulling out a bunch of balloons and holding them infront of her to block anyone else from seeing what he was doing.

Marilyn tries to free herself and kicks his shin with as much force as she could muster, causing him to let out a loud groan letting his grip loosening the slightest.

Feeling the pressure around her throat loosen, Marilyn opens her mouth to scream. But as soon as her lips part, an unfamiliar liquid is sprayed into her mouth forcing itself right to the back of her throat.

She feels the man shove her into the back of the van, pain shuddering through her side as she lands with a loud thud.

Staring out the open door, she spots the guy staring at her with a glare before watching him release the balloons into the wind and closing the door with a slam.

That was the last thing Marilyn remembers seeing before darkness clouded her vision.
