- Her Vance -

Fast footsteps echo through the Blake house as Gwenny runs to her brothers room, opening the door in a hurry.

Finney jumps lightly from his slumber, his eyes snapping open at the sudden bang of his door against his wall.

"C'mon! You said we can go visit them today!" Gwen screams, jumping on his bed excitedly.

Finneys eyes shoot open wider, looking at her with fear. "Shh, dads in his room." He mutters, looking at the open door.

Gwen sends him a smile, shaking her head. "Nope, he left early for work today." She says.

Finney smiles before nodding, lifting his hands to rub his eyes. "Alright, I'm sure Vance needs company anyway, and maybe Marilyn would be awake." He mutters.

Since Marilyn had still been unconscious, the two just went to visit Vance. Sure, Finney was absolutely terrified of him and Gwen hated him because Marilyn did, they finally started to warm up to him as they visited the hospital.

But Finney and Gwen couldn't lie to themselves. They could both see Marilyn and Vance's chemistry beyond hate from a mile away, just neither of them thought to mention it as Marilyn always spoke lowly of the curly haired boy.

But, secrets can stay secrets for long and hidden feelings get revealed eventually.

"Ready? Cool, let's go." Gwen said, yanking her brothers arm and dragging him out of the house, both kids running towards the Grab 'n Go a few blocks away.

Since Gwen and Finney didn't have cars of their own, nor could they drive at all, the two would always ask Ms. Beckett to take them as she herself also liked to visit the young boy in the hospital bed.


Franklyn and Ms. Beckett both smile at eachother while walking through the hospital entrance. They didn't mean too, but they always seemed to show uo at the same time, both visiting their loved ones.

"Morning Franklyn." Ms. Beckett smiles, sending a polite wave over to the man.

Smiling, Franklyn sends one back before the two both make their way towards Marilyns and Vances room.

"Move it oldie's!" Gwen yells, running past the two older people and towards Marilyn and Vance's shared room.

Finney scatters behind her, muttering a small sorry for her actions as he makes his way past.

Opening the door, Gwen rushes in, looking towards Vance's hospital bed as he's usually awake during their visits and to her surprise, the bed was empty.

Confused, the girl looks around the room with furrowed eyebrows before a small gasp escapes her slightly parted lips when she spots the two teens cuddled up in Marilyns bed.

"Jesus Gwen, you need to slow down some..." Finney trails off, noticing what Gwen was staring at. "Times." He finishes, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Are they?—"

"Yup." Gwen cuts her brother off, smiling brightly at the two teens asleep in the small bed.

Vance's arms were tightly wrapped around Marilyn in a protective manor as they both sleep carefully and soundly squished up against eachother.

"Now there's something you don't see very often." Finney and Gwen flinch at the voice of Ms. Beckett as she walks in the room.

"What do you—" Franklyn cuts himself off when Ms. Beckett points towards Vance and Marilyn.

Everyone in the room stare at the two with giant smiles.


It was almost like they were watching a movie. The two love interests that everyone was begging to get together had finally done something with their feelings.

Finney snaps out of his happy daze, shaking his head and blinking in realization. "Wait, does that mean Marilyn woke up?" He asks, Gwen nodding from beside him.

Franklyn nods. "Yeah, sorry. I forgot to tell you guys." He mutters. He had more important things to do, like plan his sons funeral.

Finney, Gwen and Ms. Beckett all nod in understandment. They all new Franklyn was putting on a strong face for them, they also knew how he was feeling on the inside. They can see it in his eyes.

His sorrow drowned eyes.

Sighing, Ms. Beckett walks over to the two, everyone slowly trailing behind her.

Leaning forward, Ms. Beckett places her wrinkled hands on the young boys shoulders, careful of his injuries and making sure not to pull the skin around the small cut on his neck.

"Vance, sweetie you need to wake up." She whispers, shaking his softly.

Vance groans lightly, and Ms. Beckett spots the piercing blue of his eyes peek through his eyelashes.

Vance's face contorts in confusion when his vision finally clears up from their post sleep haze, the blurry figures of people finally becoming focused enough for him to see.

Sucking in a deep breath, Vance lightly pulls away from the girl, looking down at her with a warm smile.

A smile that definitely doesn't go unnoticed by the others in the room, smiles covering everyone else's faces as well.

But their happiness was no match for the warmth and fuzziness Vance feels inside of him. He doesn't want to hide his feelings anymore. Not from her.

Vance has hidden his feelings from her before. But no matter how hard he's tried, they keep coming back. They keep finding their way back to the surface and he's given up on forcing them back down to the depths of his cold heart. He wants her to know exactly how he feels. How happy she makes him. He wanted to show her just how much she means to him.

Slowly removing his arms from the resting girl next to him, Vance plucks her arm from his waist, carefully and quietly slipping from the sheets, his bare feet landing on the cold tiled floor.

He stares at the girl for a few seconds, making sure his movement didn't wake her from her slumber, grabbing the thin blanket and pulling it up to her chest, tucking her in warmly.

Spinning around, Vance goes to walk to his own bed before freezing when he spots the other people in the room staring at him with smiles and smirks.

"What." Vance asks rudely before moving past them and towards his own bed with the roll of his eyes.

He may be nice to Marilyn, but no one else may get that privilege. Only her.

And sometimes Ms. Beckett.

Franklyn shrugs looking over at us daughter with a genuine smile.

"Nothing." He whispers.

Finney and Gwen look at the older man with smiles. They could tell just how much that little interaction between the teens had raised his spirit.

Franklyn may not like the boys choice in attitude, but he does trust that Vance will protect Marilyn. Protect her in ways that a father sometimes cannot.


A few hours has passed since the morning, Marilyn had finally woken and gotten alot of hugs and kisses from her two friends, as well as a warm hug from Ms. Beckett as a cherry on top.

The girl was happy that she was finally back with her family and loved ones. Where she belongs.

"I asked the nurse. She said you're eligible to leave tomorrow after noon," Franklyn says, looking towards his daughter who nods. "You just gotta take it slow until you're fully healed and well." The man adds.

"What about me?" Vance asks from his own spot.

Finney rolls his eyes slightly. "You were allowed to go ages ago." Finney looks towards Vance with a smirk. "But for some reason you chose to stay."

Vance opens his mouth to reply before shutting it with a huff. The boy had trapped him in a corner. So he refused to answer, folding his arms and glaring at the boy.

Finney feels some sort of pride shield over him. He knows that Vance wouldn't do anything to hurt him because of how close he was to Marilyn. And boy, was he glad he was friends with her.

Marilyn smiles lightly, looking at Vance with a teasing gaze, causing the boy to turn away slightly embarrassed.

It's one thing to call someone out. But it's another thing to call them out infront of the person they've been called out about.

Marilyn clears her throat slightly. The pain and swelling had definitely decreased in presence while she was out, but it still lingered.

"What about the funerals? When are they?" She asks lightly, looking down at her hands and fidgeting with her fingers.

Franklyn looks at the girl with slightly saddened eyes. "Caspers funeral is in a few days." He whispers and she nods.

"And Robin's?" She asks.

Finney and Gwen lose the grip on their furrowed eyebrows, looking at eachother with extreme guilt.

"Marilyn, Robin's uncle already held his funeral." Finney whispers, looking down in shame.

Finney tried to stall the funeral for as long as he could, asking Robins uncle to wait just a little longer. But the man wanted to get it over and done with. Put his nephew in a safe environment and try his hardest to move on.

"Oh." Marilyn mutters before shrugging her shoulders lightly. "Thats okay, I can visit him." She whispers.

The rest of the room nod, Vance sending her a small smile letting her know that he's there if she wanted to talk when they go.

Marilyn smiles back at him, butterflies swarming in her stomach. She's never seen such a side to Vance that she saw last night. She liked this Vance.

This was her Vance.
