- The Beginning -

CW: Mentions of kidnapping.


Marilyn Kate and Vance Hopper had been rivals since they were five years of age.

No one knew why they hated eachother, they just knew.

But Marilyn remembers the day she started hating him like it was yesterday.

"Bye kids!" A father calls out to his children with a grin on his face as he watched them run away without muttering a word back. They were way too excited to start school to even wave to their father as they made their way to the playground.

Marilyn and Casper Kate had been with their father since their mother left to buy drugs and never returned. It broke the poor man's heart but he knew he had to stay strong for his kids.

"C'mon Casper! There's a swing!" Marilyn yelled to her older brother in excitement, a wide smile covering her face as her brown eyes brightened at the sight of metal chains and a rubber seat.

Casper was a few months older than his sister. And like any older brother, Casper was extremely protective. He swore to their father that he'd protect the small girl. Even after death.

Marilyn begins making her way towards the swing, a hop in her step. But she doesn't make it very far until she's pushed into the slimey mud by a pair of hands.


Marilyn was disgusted. Even though it was only a few centimeters, she felt as If her hands and knees had sunk four feet into the gushy mud.

If it hadn't of rained yesterday the small girl wouldn't have been half as mad. But it did rain. And she was furious.

Looking up, Marilyn glares at the unfamiliar boy who had pushed her down.

He was staring down at her with a small smirk of delight. His bright blue eyes held a mischievous glint and it only angered the girl more.

Raising to her feet, the girl steps towards the curly blonde. "You ruined my favorite shirt."

The boy looks back at her, amusement clouding his features.

"Really? I think it looks better. That shirt was ugly before I added a little mud." Marilyn doesn't have much time to cover herself before the boy flicks his shoe through the thick brown liquid, splashing it all over the girl.

"Hey!" Marilyn turns to see her brother storming over to the two with his jaw clenched and a frown on his face, his dark hair blowing a little in the cool breeze.

The younger boy doesn't show any sign of regret or fear as the older boy stomps up to them.


Casper grits his teeth. "Don't splash mud at my sister."

A smug look covers over the young boys face as he looks at Marilyn and the mud covering her clothes.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Caspers gaze hardens and his eyes squint at the boy.

Marilyn tilts her head, a glare covering her own features and Casper watches as his sister stomps towards the boy before grabbing his hair and pulling him down.

The boy lands in the mud with a groan that had Casper and Marilyn smirking and they watch the boy spit mud from his mouth.

Standing back up, the blonde looks at Marilyn with a deadly glare before running forward and tackling her into the mud.

Letting out a yelp, Marilyn yanks the boys shirt and rips him off of her, slamming him onto the mud.

"C'mon Mari, you can take him!" Casper shouts, getting ready to jump in if needed. He knows she's going to have to stand up for herself sometime, but that won't stop him from beating up a few kids on the way.

The blonde boy let out a groan before yanking Marilyns hair back.

Other kids begin to gather around the two and watch as they roll around in the mud, getting dirtier by the second.

The sight was honestly amusing. Its not every day you spot two five year olds  pulling at eachothers clothes and hair as they splash down into the wet and mushy ground.

"Oi, you two!" A teacher runs forward, pushing through the crowd to make his way towards the two children. He grabs the boy by his waist, pulling him off the girl he was currently smashing in the mud.

Marilyn gets up, glad the teacher was their to keep the boy still as she made her way towards him, reeling her fist back to hit him.

But before she can make contact with the boy, the teacher moves him out of the way and that causes Marilyn's fist to connect with the man's genitals.

Letting out a groan, the man squeezes his legs together to try and calm the throbbing pain he feels.

If it was anywhere else, the man would've been fine. But it wasn't. The punch was right to his jewels.

Looking at Marilyns brother, the teacher nods towards her, Casper nodding in understandment.

Get his sister.


That was the first time Marilyn and Vance had ever crossed paths. They both hoped it was the last. But they lived in a small town, and there's no where to run when you're in a small town.

It has been eleven years since that day. They were both sixteen and most people thought that they would've matured by now. But nope.

"Move bitch." Marilyn feels herself being pushed into the lockers, pain shooting through her shoulder from the impact.

Vance walks away from her with a cocky smirk covering his features, sending her a mock pout before laughing with his friends.

Groaning, Marilyn sends him a death glare before smirking and reaching into her pocket where a baseball is held. Something Finney— one of her best friends, had given her to look after for the period as he was swimming.

Twirling the ball in her hand, Marilyn reels her arm back and aims it right towards her target before throwing the ball forward with as much force as she could muster.

She watches as the ball flies through the air before hitting Vance right in the middle of his back.

"Ow! What the fuck!" Almost everyone in the school had heard his scream of anger. Hell, the whole town probably heard it to be honest.

Turning around, Vance looks down at the ball that had been previously thrown at him. A smirk covers his face as he bent down to pick it up. God, who the hell would be dumb enough to throw a ball at Vance Hopper.

Whoever it was, definitely had a death wish.

He looks around the hallway with a glare on his features. Almost everyone was staring at him with fear. Everyone except for her.

Of course.

"Sorry big boy, did I hit you with my ball?" Marilyn had a smirk on her face as she stared at the taller boy.

When people realized who had thrown the ball, they all turned back to what they were doing knowing that whenever these two were within twenty feet of eachother, all hell was going to break lose.

"You bitch." Vance seethed, she was really starting to get on his nerves.

In a fit of anger, he threw the ball back in her direction. Harder than she had thrown it. The ball flew so fast that people could practically hear it slice threw the air.

But Vance wasn't a very good aim.

And Marilyn knew that.

So she just stood there. Not moving an inch as the ball flew right past her and into a wall. She had never felt so much joy in her life. God knows how bad that ball would've hurt if it actually hit her.

"Wow Vance. That really hurt." Marilyns voice was mock. It took everything in almost everyone not to laugh as they eavesdrop on the two.

If anyone had been caught laughing at her jokes directed to Vance they might as well say their goodbyes to their family.

Vance was furious.

She was teasing him and he didn't like it one bit. But then again, Vance Hopper doesn't like much.

"Fuck you." He seethes.

Marilyn nods. "I'd fuck me too honestly." She smiles, looking over her nails before the bell rings.

Vance send her one last glare before turning around and storming down the hall while ushering his friends to follow "C'mon!"

Marilyn smiles before turning to go her own way and heading towards her science class. Not forgetting to pick the baseball up on her way.

Walking through the door, Marilyn scans the room in sight for her curly haired friend.

She spots him in the back corner and he sends her a smile, waving her over to the empty seat next to him.

Science was their favorite class, they loved doing experiments together and learning about different chemical reactions. The two had so much fun in class together, it was one of the main reasons they're best friends.

Making her way to the back row, Marilyn sits in the empty seat. "Hey Finney." She whispers, leaning towards him.

"Hey." He whispers back, sending her a smile.

"As you all know," The teachers voice brings the two from their limited conversation. "One of our classmates, Bruce Yamada had gone missing riding his bike through the streets on Saturday."

Marilyn looks at Finney who looks right back. She knows Finney knew the guy, she remembers watching the Baseball game where they versed.

"If anyone knows anything about his disappearance, I advice you go to the principals office and tell them what you know."

Marilyn gulps. Bruce was the third person to go missing in the last month. First it was Griffin, one of her classmates. She remembers seeing him draw on the math worksheets they would get given in class.

Then it was Billy. The local paperboy. The two would say hello to eachother on most days when he delivers paper to her street.

And now Bruce? Denver was getting less and less safe by the minute, and it only frightened the town more. But the scariest part was, no one ever found the bodies. The kids would be taken and God knows what happens after that. If they were dead? No one knows what happened to their corpses. And if they were alive?

...People could only hope that were true.

Marilyn had heard rumors about the kidnapper. The Grabber. A name people have collectively decided by the town. No one knows what he looks like or how he takes the kids. They just know he's out there. Looking for his next victim. 


The end of school had finally rolled around the corner and Marilyn, Finney and his little sister Gwen had left the school doors together.

Walking down the concrete path, the three strike up a random conversation before the sound of yelling could be heard from the grass area.

Looking over, they spot a crowd of teenagers all gathered around what they could only guess was a fight.

Looking at eachother they all collectively nod before running towards the huddle of people, pushing their way to the front.

Marilyn smiles lightly when she spots her other best friend sending a punch towards Moose, the schools jackass. Moose loved to hit on girls that were his, as well as try and touch them without their permission.

Marilyn watches as her friend sends a speedy punch towards Moose--- the crowd letting out a groan as he does so.

"C'mon Robin! Fuck him up!" Marilyn yells and Robin sends her a smile before resuming the fight.

She notices Finney shake his head before leaving.

Deciding to follow him, she jogs behind. "Hey, where you going?"

Finney turns towards the girl, shrugging his shoulders lightly. His face held a small hint of disgust which Marilyn could understand. Finney didn't like violence all that much.

"Couldn't watch."

Marilyn nods, stepping forward to wrap her arm around the boys shoulders. But before she could reach him, two hands push her from the back causing her to stumble forward, luckily catching herself before she ended up eating concrete.

"Oops." An all too familiar voice says and the girl smirks.


Finneys eyes widen as his pupils shrunk in fear.

Vance Hopper was the toughest guy in school, and Finney was terrified of him.

Turning around, Marilyn sends him a mock glare. "Wow Vance, so mature of you."

Vance only shrugs before sending her a sarcastic smile and walking past her, not noticing that she stuck her leg out.

Tripping over her foot, Vance also catches himself before eating concrete.

"Oops." Marilyn mocks, chuckling lightly before nodding Finney over.

Finney happily jogs over to her, knowing she'd probably stick up for him if needed. They make their way down the street and towards Gwen who was standing on the path, impatiently tapping her foot.

"Jesus christ you bozos are slow."

Vance glares at Finney's and Marilyns  backs as they walk away, turning to see a few people staring at him in shock for not moving to beat Marilyns ass.

"What are you pansies looking at? Mind your own fucking business! Fuck!" The other kids flinch at his anger before scurrying away to a safe distance.

God, she made him so fucking mad sometimes.


Vance Hopper did what he did most days after school. Went right to the local Grab 'n Go to play pinball.

Walking through the door, a familiar cherry old voice sounded through the air.

"Good afternoon Vance."

"Good afternoon Ms. Beckett."

Ms. Beckett has owned the Grab 'n Go for many years and worked there for more years before. She remembers the boy walking into the shop for the first time to play on the pinball machine. That was years ago, and he must've liked it because he keeps coming back.

Vance and the lady had grown a good relationship. She looks after him after he gets into nasty fights. Cleaning up his wounds and making sure he's alright.

She was like his non-related Grandma.

Ms. Beckett is one of the very few people Vance actually likes. Probably the only person he's genuinely nice too. He'd basically grown up with the old woman.

"Ready to beat your high score dear?" Vance looked over at the woman with a smile before nodding and watching as her wrinkled eyes scrunched in delight.

He makes his way to the pinball machine and starts the game, all focus moving to the small metal ball infront of him.

"So how's things with Marilyn?"

Stopping, Vance's face scrunched in disgust as he turned to the old woman.

"I hope she gets hit by a car."

Ms. Beckett smirked lightly. She'd watched Vance and Marilyn fight for years. The two would always get into some little rumble in her store every now and then.

But she didn't mind their bickering. It only reminded Ms. Beckett of the relationship between herself and her husband.

"You don't hope that."

The woman's voice his calm. She was one hundred percent positive that there was more than hatred between the two teenagers. But, Vance never listens to a word she says whenever she tries to explain that to him.

Vance sends the woman a sarcastic smile before going back to his game, deciding to ignore the woman once again.

Ms. Beckett shakes her head at the boys antics before looking towards the glass window when she sees a figure moving out of the corner of her eye. "Oh would you look at that. Perfect timing."

The bell above the store door rings once again as a new customer walks in with a smile.

"Hey Ms. Beckett."

Vance stops at the sound of her voice. Mentally groaning at the fact she was here while he was trying to play his game.

"Hello dear, what do you need?"

Marilyn shrugs. "My necklace. The chain broke, do you think you could fix it?" The girl says, holding out the small silver necklace with a little butterfly at the end. A gift from her brother when she turned ten.


Marilyn nods.

Ms. Beckett smiled. Marilyn often broke the chain on the necklace. The woman is honestly surprised Marilyn hasn't lost it yet.

"Of course dear. Leave it here with me and I'll have it fixed by tomorrow."

Marilyn smiled, placing the broken necklace on the counter. "Thank you so much."

Ms. Beckett nodded. 

Marilyn turned around to see Vance staring at her with a glare while his arms folded over his chest.

Ms. Beckett shakes her head at the two before opening her mouth. "Say hello to your brother for me."

Marilyn nods. "Will do."

If only she knew what had happened to her brother while she was at the store.

Marilyn sarcastically smiles before she flips Vance the bird, making her way out the door as the bell rings once again on her exit.

Vance rolls his eyes before turning back to his game, starting from the beginning as he had lost when Marilyn came into the shop.

Ms. Beckett, who had just watched the whole thing, had a small smile on her face. She knew something the two teens didn't but kept her mouth zipped as she knew that the two would find it out soon enough.
