-Chapter 17: The Choice-

Heya. Let's do this.

-Disclaimer:- I don't UT's characters & that video/picture (^^^), but I do own this story!

(This chapter took hella long to write!)

Warning: Final & Longest chapter O_O (not counting the separate endings)



In a swift movement (and with a smile on his face), Chara strikes down Mettaton with only one attack. Mettaton falls to his knees with a loud CLANK. You can't express through words how surprised you are. With only one hit..

"Gh... Guess you don't wanna join my Fan Club?"

And with that, Mettaton explodes into a million pieces, his robotic parts falling from the sky like rain. Chara speedily runs over to you and grabs your hand.

"Come on, let's go!"

He says, pulling you up and running with him. You can only look at the falling parts in shock as you leave the room.


After exiting The Core, you and Chara come across another elevator at the end of a long hallway. When you two immediately step inside, the elevator rumbles and starts moving, as if knowing where you want to go. After a minute or so of waiting, the elevator finally stops shaking and its doors open. You and Chara step out into a monochrome hallway. The walls are made of bricks and the path below your feet is smooth. 

Everything looks so..dull.


Nonetheless, you and Chara move along the path until Chara finds another Save Point. He saves, and you both continue along the path, without saying a word. You and Chara walk around a corner and are greeted by the scene of an everlasting landscape of grey-scale buildings. While you are walking, you look at all the buildings in awe. There are more Monsters living in the Underground than you thought at first.

"Sheesh. This hallway always took forever."

Chara says, sighing.


Took? Has Chara done this before?

"Have you walked through this hallway before?"

You ask, running (and catching up) to Chara. He blinks for a few seconds before responding quickly.

"D-Did I say 'took'? I'm sorry! I meant to say: This hallway looks like it goes forever..!"

Chara chuckles nervously while you roll your eyes.

"Uh, right."

What Chara said seems true, though. The bleak path before you is devoid of plants or Monsters. It looks (and feels) like an endless hallway. After another turn and yet another hallway, you've come across New Home. A house that looks exactly like Toriel's, except deprived of color. When you and Chara approach the house, a colorful box is in some leaves nearby. As you check out the [ITEMS] box, Chara saves at the Save Point.

"Hmm.. This box is empty. I was hoping there'd be something in here! Hm.. I am really..card-bored!"

You say, trying to 'lighten' up the mood. You turn towards Chara, only to see that he is busy staring at the house before him. You stand up, dawdle over to Chara, and wave a hand in front of his face. He shakes his head and focuses on you.

"Sorry, I was spaced out. This place,"New Home", reminds me of someone.. Yet I can't quite put my finger on it."

Chara says, scratching his chin. You shrug in response.

"Come on, let's go inside."

You nod, and you both travel inside. Everything is still in monotone, except for the occasional golden flowers. They are littered around the house in pots and vases. While you turn left, Chara turns right. You investigate New Home's living room while Chara explores the corridor. He enters through the first door he sees, and is greeted by two colorful presents laying on the ground. The presents are white with cute, little red ribbons. Chara plunks himself on the ground and pulls the presents closer to him. He opens the first present, which has a heart-shaped golden locket. For some reason, this locket makes Chara feel uneasy, as if he has forgotten someone (or something) important. During the time that Chara is inspecting the locket, you are looking around the kitchen for something to eat. You find Butterscotch Pie recipes in a nearby garbage-can, but that isn't going to help you much. Thankfully, there is a chocolate bar in the fridge.

"Well this is a peculiar place to save chocolate.."

You say, grabbing a hold the chocolate bar. Its wrapper has a thin layer of ice covering it.

"Sheesh, this thing's been in here for a while!"

You set the chocolate on the counter, for the wrapper was burning your fingers with how cold it is! Meanwhile, Chara has just finished placing the heart-shaped golden locket around his neck. He pulls the second present closer, and carefully unwraps the ribbons. Chara opens the top of the present and finds a 'real' knife. Not a knife made of Determination..

A real kitchen knife.

The knife looks pretty sharp and well preserved. Cautiously, Chara reaches down to pick up the knife. Upon touching the knife's hilt, the whole knife turns pitch black. Chara remains still for a few seconds before picking it up.

"Huh.. That's pretty cool."

Chara says to himself while scanning the knife. Then, you come into the room with the bar of chocolate.

"Hey--woah! That's frightening."

Chara looks over at you and notices the chocolate immediately.

"Is that..chocolate?!"

He asks vehemently, and you nod.

"Mhm! Here, you can have some."

You break the chocolate bar in half, handing one half to Chara. He takes the chocolate and forcefully stuffs all of it in his mouth. You giggle and take a small bite out of your half of the chocolate. It's surprisingly delicious. You take another bite.

"Wow. Chocolate tastes better if you freeze it.."

You comment, and Chara nods. He feels like someone important used to do this...

"Well, it's time to go. You'll--no.. WE'LL be free soon."

Chara says while standing up. The blackened knife is held tightly in his right hand.


You say, thinking about your house, your family, and the cherry blossom tree you grew up with...


You and Chara find two golden keys in New Home. One in the hallway, and one in the kitchen. Using them both at the same time, you and Chara were able to unlock the chains blocking your way (from going downstairs). You and Chara head downstairs, only to travel through more gray-scale hallways. After only a few minutes, Flowey appears in front of you and Chara. He has an angry look on his 'face'.

"Chara! I thought we would be working together?!"

Flowey yells, growling at Chara afterwards. Chara looks at Flowey suspiciously.

"What? I don't even know you. All I know is that you tried to kill Y/N a while back--and that was a huge mistake on your part."

Chara points his knife at Flowey. Flowey begins to shake slightly. His mood has changed entirely.

"L-Listen..pal! I had n-no idea that this other Human was w-working with you..! No hard feelings, r-right?"

Flowey flashes a fake smile at Chara. Chara frowns and takes a step closer towards Flowey.

"Listen, freak. After what you did, I don't think I can trust you. So, you can either move out of my way or get cut into a million pieces."

Flowey morphs his face to look like..Toriel?

"B-But Chara..it's me, your best fr--"


Chara shouts, raising his knife. Flowey whimpers and disappears into the ground. Once you know that Flowey is gone for good, you take a few steps toward where he once was. You kneel down and see a small hole in the ground.

'How does that flower get around, anyway?'

You wonder. Chara lets out a 'Hmph!' and continues walking along the grey path. You quickly jump up and follow him.

Soon enough, you find yourself in yet..another..hallway.. But there's something different about this one. There are enormous pillars on each side (of the walls) and massive stained-windows with delta runes in the center. Rays of yellow light seep through the stained-glass, lighting up the whole hallway. This makes the entire room look canary-colored. Additionally, the floor has a checker-pattern in the same color. In the distance, a shadow can be seen. It seems to wait patiently. While Chara is saving and checking his [ITEMS], you walk towards the shadow. As you get closer and closer, the shadow gets lighter and lighter. Soon enough, the light reveals a figure.

"Huh? It's you again.."

You say. Sans is staring at the ground, avoiding your gaze. His pupils are darkened; he looks like he hasn't been sleeping well.

"Yeah. It's..knife to see you again."

Instead of laughing, you look away from Sans in guilt.

"I remember you. You were with me when that fish Monster...."

You pause, noticing him flinch at your words. Sans turns his skull, refusing to look at you. Suddenly, Chara appears behind you and grabs your hand, pulling you away from Sans.

"Y/N don't get too close!"

Chara says, standing in front of you protectively. Sans' pupils appear to light-up, and he jerks his skull towards Chara.

"..You. I've got a bone to pick with YOU."

Sans' left eye burns with fury and hope. Sans is filled with DETERMINATIONChara smiles evilly, clenching his knife.

"If you think you can take Y/N away, you're wrong!!"

Chara says, dashing towards Sans. You want to yell and tell them to stop..but nothing comes out of your mouth. You scramble away from Chara and Sans.

"Same, kiddo. Same."

Sans says with a grin as he dodges Chara's attack easily.

"What the--?!"

Chara manages to grumble before his Soul turns blue. Sans begins to throw Chara's Soul left and right. Bones and Gaster Blasters are appearing out of nowhere. Yet, Chara still dodges them all. Sans throws Chara into the air, and he lands on a bone. Then, Chara jumps down using various bones as a platform, until he's reached the ground. You can hear Sans breathing hard. This must be getting difficult for him. Chara sprints towards Sans and attacks again. A miss. Sans throws Chara against a pillar, but Chara quickly recovers and dodges the bones being thrown at him. Chara runs towards Sans and attacks yet again. Another miss.

And so, Chara and Sans continue to fight. Neither one of them being able to hurt the other. After what seems like forever, Chara falls to his knees in exhaustion and Sans stands still.

"I can't..........out of..breath..."

Chara barely says, breathing hard. He throws his knife towards you and you catch it. The knife goes from pitch-black to its normal colors.

"Y/N! You've got to finish this!"

Chara coughs while holding his stomach, and Sans begins to approach him.

"I-I don't want to.."

You whisper, looking at the knife in your hand. You know you must. You have to. Chara is in danger. You have to protect him like he's protected you! You dash towards Chara and stand in front of him. Sans stops moving.

"I-I...won't l-let you...k-kill Chara..."

You hold the knife with both hands and point it at Sans while shaking.

"I..I-I'll protect h-him...l-like...like he's protected m-me!"

You say with fear. Sans' pupils disappear and he sighs.

"I've got a question for ya."

Sans begins,

"Do you think even the worst person can change?"


"That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?"

Chara is weakly saying something behind you, but you can't hear him. You're focused on the skeleton in front of you.

"Well, yeah. Everyone can be a better person if they just try.."

Sans' smile seems to get bigger, knowing that you haven't become a demon like Chara.

"Listen.. Somewhere in there, I can feel it. There's a glimmer of hope inside you. The memory of someone who once wanted to [SAVE] everyone. Someone who, in another time, might have even been...everyone's friend? My beloved? C'mon, Y/N. Do you remember me? Please, if you can remember.. Let's forget about all of this and get rid of that demon, ok? Just lay down that weapon, and..well.. Let's take care of that freak together. For good."




You remember.

The first time falling down.. Saving everyone... Toriel... Chara's betrayals... The DT Extractor... Everyone's friendship... Sans kissing you... The [TRUE RESET]...

It's all coming back now.


Just then, Chara reaches towards you to take his knife, but you step out of the way. He falls on his face in front of Sans. Sans teleports a few feet away.

"Y/N?! What are you doing?! Do you want to die?!"

Chara screams angrily.


You mumble, unable to finish your sentence.

You must make a decision.

Chara, or Sans?

It is entirely up to you.




Sans is sparing you.

(A familiar set of buttons appear before you.)

[FIGHT]     [ACT]     [ITEMS]     [MERCY]


[vv !!! PLEASE READ !!! vv]


There is going to be two endings for this book. And yes, you do get to choose your own ending. Chara's Ending or Sans' ending.

(Chara's Ending: You choose Chara over Sans.)

(Sans' Ending: You choose Sans over Chara.)

If you arrive at this chapter early and do not see the next Chapters yet, do not worry! They'll be up VERY soon!

[Tell me if there grammatical errors! Yayah!]
