-Chapter 11: LoveSICK-

Heya. Let's do this.

-Disclaimer:- I actually made that picture up there (^^^)!   O_O    Yeah I used a reference to make Chara, and I don't own that snow forest/T.V images. Just mashing things together for a SPICY image. ^-^ (The image is a representation of what it's like when Chara possesses you. He's not controlling you, just watching what's going on from your perspective/eyes.)

Hey, I DON'T own Undertale's characters--but I own this story! \(^-^\)


(P.S. Shoutout to usagi-chwan for being the first to get the secret message in the previous Chapter's A/N!!! For the rest of you.. Come on, I literally UNDERLINED it for you...)



Sans pulls away a little and presses his teeth against your lips. You accept Sans' affection by leaning deeper into the kiss.




Chara is turned away from the colossal T.V. in your mind. He doesn't want to watch, er, that. The scowl on Chara's face explains the emotions he is feeling. Jealousy and hate.. Hate of that comedic freak. However, Chara knows that what he has done in the past probably didn't help build a relationship with you..but he will do better. He MUST do better. Chara won't let Sans take you away.. You're his only hope after all..

Somehow he'll get rid of that skeleton, for sure..


All that you've been through and all you have experienced with Chara has only taught him one thing.. You HATE betrayal and you LOVE kindness... Oddly enough, Chara is the same way. Even though he was the one betraying you all along, he did it for the best. Yes, even Chara has a little bit of light in his blackened SOUL...


You know, Chara has been watching you all this time. From the time you first fell, to when he was finally risen.. He was in the Void, watching your every move. You woke him up from his slumber with your Determination, but he was unable to return to life... Chara vaguely remembers when he was last alive; he slightly remembers a betrayal and a best friend...


When Chara first woke up, he was by your side. You were both laying down on a patch of golden flowers--as if you have just fallen down. Looking up, Chara could barely see the light of day seeping through a small hole in the craggy ceiling. Chara could tell he was in a cave from the jagged edges and rock formations around him...

Yet, he still could not remember what happened to him..

Chara remained silent as he saw the difference between you and him. He was clearly a ghost and you were clearly not. Chara tried to reach out to you; he wanted to ask questions, but his hand would slip through you like water. Chara concluded he was dead and you were alive. He knew this because you didn't feel nor see him, to Chara's shame. For some reason, as soon as you walked away from the beautiful patch of flowers, Chara was teleported into the Void. He spent most of his time there watching you on one of many, many T.V. screens. These strange T.V. screens are owned by someone named Gaster.  From time to time, Gaster would appear next to Chara and disturbingly stare at a screen with either Sans or Alphys in it.

Occasionally, Chara would be able to teleport into the Underground for a couple of days or so. He would immediately float by your side while studying your actions and emotions. Chara thought that if he watched you long enough, he could remember his past, or who his mysterious best friend was..

Just as Sans began to like you more and more over time, Chara became lovesick over you.

Being lovesick is different than being in love.

Chara would act differently than he normally would.. He would become jealous and hateful of Monsters who were good friends of yours. Chara especially hates Sans. Sans was the one always getting to ask what foods you like, or what your favorite color is... Chara wanted to be able to do this, but he THOUGHT he was unable.

He had no idea he could still talk to you.

After the last [RESET] you were forced to go through, Gaster appeared to Chara in the Void. Gaster told Chara of many things.. It seems Gaster is very knowledgeable about the [RESETS], Souls, and how to talk with someone even when you are in the Void(, and many other secrets..). Gaster taught the Chara the art of CONNECTION. By connecting two Souls together, they would be able to influence/interact with each other for good or for bad.. When Chara asked why Gaster told him all of this, well.. He only smiled creepily and disappeared. There was no time for Chara to ask anything else. What a shame.

This is when Chara decided the only way to be with you was to kill all Monsters.

If he could convince you to bring him back to life, then maybe he could influence you to betray all Monsters.. Thus, you would be hated and feared, which would cause you to turn to Chara for help... However, you both know how 'well' that ended. Being in the Void for so long doesn't really help one with.."Human-like" interactions/making the right decisions. Again, what a shame. All this time, all this planning.. It doesn't matter anymore now. You probably won't even talk to Chara anymore..

Still, Chara is Determined.


Chara turns back toward the giant T.V. in your mind. You, Sans, and Papyrus are all talking happily outside in the snow. This place is unrecognizable, perhaps they've gone deeper into the snow forests..?

"Heh. Time to set the final plan into motion.."

Chara says resolutely.

An everlasting loop is ending, whilst a new beginning approaches.



I wonder what Chara is talking about! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


On a serious note, this Chapter was more about Chara's backstory.. Yes, some things are changed about Chara and Gaster---don't fret about it ~ And yeah I know this Chapter was a little short ~With a story comes new ideas and new things to be tried out.. (That sounded---) 


Guize 'n' Grils. I have important and shocking news that will rock your World SOO much..


YES, WE FINALLY HIT 1K READS!! (we're actually at 1.1k but---) WE DID IT!!!! YESHHHHHHH WE ALSO HAVE 40+ VOTES!!! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU ;) I feel like I've won a ticket to paradise (or something)!!!




~"Leave Wattpad now and rest. You've earned it."~

You should take a BEAUTIFUL and RELAXING nap for what you've done! (Because people don't often take naps and they're amazing you need to take a nap also because i said so uh*cough*someone please get the reference*cough*---)

Anyways, see you next week!

[Tell me if there are grammatical/story errors! Thankies ^_^]


Lovesick: in love, or missing the person one loves, so much that one is unable to act normally.
