-Chapter 10: Are you really a Murderer?-

Heya. I'm back, baby. ;) Let's do this. (Literally.)


-Disclaimer:- I down't own that video up there (^^^), I don't own Undertale's characters, but I do own this story!

(I'm a proud mom)


[Warning: The Author is pumped-full of DETERMINATION.]

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[ ♥Continue]                                                                                            [RESET]



"We should dolphinitely scale back on the fish puns!"

You wonder how Sans could possibly know about all these different kinds of fish, but that thought is quickly lost in a fit of laughter.

And so, you continue to make fish puns with Sans as the day goes on.

Carelessly, endlessly, multitudinously, inattentively, and continuously.


How amusing.


A figure sits in front of a ginormous T.V. screen. On the screen, you are in the Skelebro's house watching Mettaton's show with Sans and Papyrus.

The figure seems to watch the screen attentively.


You had A LOT of fun yesterday--more fun than you have ever had in the Underground. Hanging out with the Skelebros can really make your day fantastic!


Hey, don't smile, though.. For as soon as you do, you'll remember the HELL you have brought into the Underground. You still don't know where Chara is.


It would appear that you had taken the couch in the Skelebro's house as your bed for the night. Your eyes open slowly, and the light from a nearby window almost blinds you. You cover your eyes, shielding yourself from the bright light. As you lean forward, a blanket slips off your shoulders and into your lap. The blanket is soft, warm, and decorated with cartoon bones. Your eyes finally adjust to the brightness of the room, and you smile, seeing the cute blanket. You hold the blanket close to your chest. This blanket reminds you of the blanket your mother gave to you...

"That's cute."

You blink. No one was in the living room with you. It's almost as if you thought that.. 


Then, you realize..there's only one way someone can read your thoughts. If someone is in your mind and body

(A/N:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )

Your heart begins to beat fast, and sweat begins to form on your forehead.. Was it you who tossed all of Papyrus' spaghetti? Did you do that when you were supposed to be SLEEPING?

...So, it's..


He was always quite the sneaky one..but you never suspected this. After the dream you had with him in it, you thought that maybe Chara simply disappeared from existence.. That maybe if you just denied that Chara ever was real that he would finally disappear for good.


It's never that easy.

"It was me, Y/N. Heh. Hey, don't start freaking out though. I didn't kill anyone. I have only killed one monster, remember? You did-in the rest of the monsters. I'm just trying to help you get to the surface."

You can almost feel Chara's dark presence in the room. You grimace at the reminder of your wrongdoing.




You pull the blanket off your lap and throw it aside. You swing your feet over the couch and onto the ground...? Something cold presses against your feet. You lift your feet slightly to see a shining red knife. It's edges are black, worn, and covered in dust.

That's the knife you used to...?

As if it was instinct, you lean down over your knees and quickly push the knife under the couch. Letting out a sigh, you stand up and stretch.

"Y/N. Cross my heart, hope to die.. I'm not lying. Heh, I'll admit..I did lie before.. But I won't do it anymore! You can trust an ol' partner like me, right?"

As soon as Chara finishes his last sentence, Sans appears upstairs. He seems to have not slept well, for dark circles are under his eye-sockets. However, when seeing you, his face lights up, and he waves to you.

"Good morning, Y/N."

He says. You give him a fake smile, a poor attempt to look like nothing just happened. However, the master of fake smiling can recognize a fake smile anytime. Sans teleports next to you and falls onto the cozy couch.

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

Your back is to Sans, so he can't see the face you started making. Your eyebrows are furrowed deeply and you are intensely frowning.


Sans says.

You were thinking about your own death. If you could end it, then you could pull Chara with you into the abyss of darkness and nothingness... The people of Snowdin--no, the people of the Underground--could be safe once more. You're a threat, you're a monster, you're--

"Y/N! What happened? Seriously, are you okay..!?"

Sans is worried now. You've been standing still for so long it's almost as if you are a statue.


Why are you having these dark thoughts? Sans' smile should have erased these thoughts..

You want to protect the Underground from yourself.. If you're not gonna end your life, you've got to at least leave, forever. Leave Sans and leave Papyrus.. Let Chara [RESET] so that Toriel and the monsters of The Ruins can return.. Hopefully that [RESET] would wipe everyone's memor---

"Ugh.. Snap out of it! This isn't you! YOU AREN'T A MONSTER!"

A familiar voice echoes through your mind.. A feminine voice you don't recognize.. It doesn't belong to anyone in the Underground, so who..? Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear Toriel's voice.

"My child.."

You yelp as you are standing in darkness with Toriel standing before you.

"My child..!"

She repeats. Toriel pulls you into a warm hug. Your arms remain at your side.

"It's not your fault, my child. Please, let it go... I know it wasn't you... You've been good, my child.. I've seen that through all the Timelines we have been through together. So, please.. Forget about this--I'll be back soon, my dear Y/N."

Toriel fades away as you return into reality. You are sitting down in the middle of the living room (of the Skelebro's house) with tears streaming down your face. Sans is sitting in front of you, waiting for you to return. The REAL you. The happy, cute, generous, and kind you.

You blink a few tears away as you stare at Sans. He seems to notice you're back out of the abyss of your dark thoughts. Before he can say anything..

"Sans, Toriel.. I'm so sorry! I-I won't think of killing myself ever again! I..I'm not sure what came over me!"

You yell as loud as you can. Sans' eye-sockets widen and he lunges forward, pulling you into a hug. You wrap your arms around his small body, pulling him closer. You're so glad you have Sans to protect you and to comfort you... He understands your pain..

Why didn't you notice this loving aura from him before..? Why had you been so ignorant in all the past Timelines..?

Sans pulls away a little and presses his teeth against your lips. You accept Sans' affection by leaning deeper into the kiss.




Chara is turned away from the colossal T.V. in your mind. He doesn't want to watch, er, that. The scowl on Chara's face explains the emotions he is feeling. Jealousy and hate.. Hate of that comedic freak. However, Chara knows that what he has done in the past probably didn't help build a relationship with you..but he will do better. He MUST do better. Chara won't let Sans take you away.. You're his only hope after all..

Somehow he'll get rid of that skeleton, for sure..


Hey, Y/N! Don't let CHARA manipulate your thoughts! You MUST stay Determined!

Why would Chara want you to..?



Hey.     ;)

Yeshhhhhhhiff        I'm       BACKOOOO

As promised, there is going to be ANOTHER chapter tomorrow for the one I missed last week. ;)

I hope I am doing well with the story o.O

I've kind of got an idea where this is going.. Hope this is a good enough story for you (picky) Readers! (Jk dont kill me O.O nope nope nope) JK you CANT kill me im invincible lelelelelel 

*im too hyper for some damn reason ...oh ouch... cursing...*

*here, have a root-beer*

(that Rhymed !) 

Enough of that J.....AZZ

What? You thought I was gonna write J---*COUGH* *COUGH* LOL NOPE

*one hour later*


This is AWESOME GUIZE!! ;) ;)


You guys really like this sinful book, huh?  ;)

*so much wink*

Thank you so much for your votes and follows!

I've got 6 followers now *~*

I feel so special...


See you next Chapter!    ;)

[Tell me if there are grammatical errors, as usual!]

BTW I hid a secret message from Chara in this message A/N     ;)

See if you can try to figure it out! :D (You probably can, Reader. You ish smart.)
