Day 24 - Colorful Deku

Midoriya was bright red. 

Wait, no, bright blue.

Okay then, he's green.

And now he's silver.

Midoriya sat up in bed at the alarm. Rubbing his eyes, he looked at his nails. They were still painted from when he was a female. Chipping, the paint was now a duller color.

He actually liked the nail art and was pretty upset. 

That's when the color-changing started.

The colors on his nails got brighter and brighter. Midoriya stared as the colors returned to bright colors they once were. Looking around, he grabbed a piece of paper and turned it blue. And then green. And then purple.

He then looked at his hand and changed it to red, silver, yellow, and then black before turning it back to its normal color.

That confirmed it.

Midoriya was officially a human chameleon. 


By the time Midoriya brushed his teeth, changed clothes, and went downstairs, everyone was already there.

"Hello, Midoriya!" Sato greeted him as Midoriya washed an apple. 

"Hey, Sato, how are you today?" Midoriya smiled as he bit into the apple.

"Oh, good, thanks for asking. What about you? How's your quirk?" Sato asked.

Midoriya held up his apple and changed it to gold. "I've got a color changing quirk this time."

Sato nodded. "That would be pretty useful, since you wouldn't need food coloring."

"Yeah, food coloring can be pretty annoying."

Midoriya walked over to his friends by the couch, where Todoroki was debating with Hitoshi and Iida. 

"But Iida! The facts are perfect!"

"Todoroki, you should not pry into other people's business!"

"Hitoshi, are you sure?"

"Midoriya looks nothing like me and neither does Aizawa-sensei."

"You both have the eyebags and the hair!"

"My hair is purple! Besides, wouldn't Aizawa have to marry? My parents are dead."

"So? That's the purpose of a secret love child!"

"Um, what's going on?" Midoriya whispered to Uraraka, who was also watching the three argue.

"I don't know," she whispered back. The two watched Hitoshi deny that he was anyone's secret love child. At one point, Midoriya had thrown away his apple core. After a few more moments of debate, Midoriya pointed out, "Todoroki, you need to figure out how Hitoshi got his quirk before you can find the father."

That got Todoroki's attention. "You're right, thank you, Midoriya!" He rushed upstairs. Hitoshi let out a sigh of relief before turning to Midoriya.

"Thanks, Midoriya."

"You're welcome, Hitoshi."

Just then, Sato got everyone's attention by clapping his hands. "Everyone, can I have your attention?"

The class turned to Sato. "Thank you," he said before continuing, "As you know, Midoriya made many apples twelve days ago. If we don't finish them within the next few days, they are most likely going to start to rot. So, I will be trying to make some more apple treats. Right now, we still have 52 apples left."

"I'll help you bake!" Midoriya volunteered.

"Yeah, so will I!" Uraraka raised her hand.

Kirishima thought out loud, "It sounds fun."

Mina twirled and said, "I want to make some candy apples!"

"Me too!"

Soon, the entire class was somehow involved with the plan. (They managed to rope Bakugou in by promising to help him make a chamoy apple.)


They divided the class of twenty into four teams.

Team 1 would make the candy apples and one chamoy apple.

Team 2 would make mini apple tarts.

Team 3 would make apple sauce.

Finally, Team 4 would make apple cider. 

Each team would have a total of 13 apples each.

Team 1: Bakugou, Ojirou, Uraraka, Sero, and Momo

"Hey, pass the cinnamon," Sero asked Ojirou, who was heating up some sugar. He grabbed the bottle on his left to Sero on the right. Bakugou who was nearby, shouted, "Where the fuck is the chili?!?"

Momo and Uraraka sighed. Momo created the sticks and put them into the apples. She then passed it to Uraraka, who she dipped the apples into the candy mixture in the bowl she was holding. She then placed it onto the wax paper on the counter. 

"This actually might not take so long," Uraraka hummed as she swirled an apple in the mixture.

"That is, if the boys can get along." Momo and Uraraka looked at the fuming Bakugou and sighed.

Team 2: Sato, Midoriya, Hitoshi, Todoroki, and Asui

"Hey, Midoriya, what if we changed the colors of the tarts?" Todoroki asked as he heated his hand and placed it underneath one of the small pastries.

"I don't know, hey Sato, do you think we should change the colors?" Midoriya turned to Sato, who was cutting the apples with Hitoshi.

"If you want, maybe something like red or orange or something."

Midoriya nodded and turned the apples into several fall colors, such as red, orange, and yellow.

"Kero, how much dough do you think we need?" Asui asked as she made some dough. 

Sato shrugged. "We'll figure out what else to make later."

Asui keroed and went back to making her dough.

Team 3: Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Shouji, and Jirou

"Yeah!" Mina cheered as she cut the apples into slices. Jirou then took them and peeled each slice. She dropped them into a pot and Shouji simmered them. Kirishima and Kaminari sat to the side, waiting for them to finish.

"When is it our turn?" Kaminari whined as he leaned against Kirishima.

"Don't worry, it'll be our turn soon!" Kirishima activated his quirk and punched his fists together.

"I hope so," Kaminari said, watching the three work, "I'm bored and Jirou won't let me near the knives."

Kirishima looked at Kaminari while thinking, 'Good thing she didn't let him'.

Team 4: Koda, Hagakure, Aoyama, Tokoyami, and Iida

"How long did it say to wait?" Hagakure turned to Iida, who looked at the recipe on his phone. 

"According to this website, we must wait for the apples, spices, and oranges to simmer for two hours."

"Then what are we supposed to be doing?" Tokoyami questioned and Aoyama spun, releasing more of his sparkles. 

"We can enjoy my beautiful glitter!" 

"Or we can go help the other teams?" Hagakure said. 

Iida nodded, "That is a good idea! Let's go see if they need any help."

It turned out that no one needed help.


A few hours later, everything was done. The apples were finally used up. 

"Jeez, we made a lot," Midoriya said as he poured some cider into his cup. Todoroki passed his cup to Midoriya, who also filled it and passed it back to Todoroki.

"At least we won't have to worry about it anymore!" Hagakure pointed out.

"Yeah, that's true."

Midoriya took a sip of his cider and grabbed a mini apple tart as well. "I hope that we won't have to worry about anything like this."

Hitoshi stared at Midoriya, "You better not've jinxed us."

Midoriya shuddered. "I hope not."

