Day 11 - Seer Deku

Midoriya just wanted to get this day over with. And he only woke up five minutes ago. 

So far, he had the urge to grab a crystal ball or something with a reflective surface. Midoriya looked around his room to find nothing. Nothing. 

He walked outside to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth when he looked into the water and saw something.

Midoriya looked again, a little closer. In it, he saw Todoroki trying to convince Shouji that he was Edgeshot's secret love child. 

Midoriya blinked and the weird image thing was gone. Shrugging, he went back to brushing his teeth, still aware of the uneasy feeling from the video-like thing from the water.


He went downstairs to see a rather peculiar sight. Midoriya blinked once, twice, then rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Todoroki was there with his conspiracy theory notebook - 

trying to convince Shouji that he was Edgeshot's secret love child. 

Didn't he see this happen? In the sink?

Midoriya couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes as he went downstairs to get breakfast like his other friends. He'd put away that particular mystery for now.

Making his cereal, Uraraka waved him over, "Deku! Come sit down!"

Midoriya looked over at her, Iida, Momo, Asui, Todoroki, Shouji, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Ojirou, and Hagakure sitting down at the table, eating their breakfast.

He had wanted to say, 'Sure, okay, Uraraka!' and be done with it. But instead, what came out of his mouth was, "No. When thirteen dine together, the first to rise is the first to die."

The twelve at the table and the people in the common room stared at Midoriya. "Isn't that a quote from that book? Harry Potter?" Momo said and Midoriya whipped his head to Momo. 

"You know Harry Potter?"

"Yep. It's one of my favorites, along with Percy Jackson."


"So are you becoming Professor Trelawney or someone?" Momo questioned and Midoriya shrugged his shoulders.

He quickly ate his cereal standing up before tapping on Kaminari's shoulder. "You better hurry up or you'll almost be late."

Kaminari looked up at Midoriya. "Why? Right now it seems like I'm not."

Midoriya opened his mouth, "I don't know why. I just feel like it's going to happen."

Todoroki looked at Midoriya to say something when Midoriya's head fell and his eyes closed before his head slowly rose up. His eyes were murky, as if he were sleeping with his eyes open. 

Todoroki was not the only one who saw this strange sight. Even Bakugou, who was the last one to come down said, "Ah? What the fuck's going on with shitty Deku?"

Asui responded, "We don't know."

Todoroki's POV (Because it's easier)

Just then, a deep voice, unlike Midoriya's, came out of his mouth.

"When the battle has died, two, one of peace and one of evil will be born once more... When the sun has fallen and the bearer has awoken... At the stroke of midnight, the symbol will fall... But one shall fall before it... When the war has charted its course... One will rise and one will fall..."

Midoriya's head slumped down as the others processed this information. Momo had started recording with her phone as soon as Midoriya's mouth had opened. Her face was stunned, just like everyone else's, when Midoriya shot his head back up and rubbed his eyes.

"Jeez, I feel tired," he yawned, with his own voice again.

Todoroki wanted to say something, just something. But his mouth didn't move.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, FUCKING DEKU?!" Bakugou yelled and Midoriya looked at him questioningly.

"A yawn, what else?"


"What? I said I felt tired."


"What deep voice? I said I felt like something would happen with Kaminari, then I fell asleep for a moment before waking up. What do you think I did? Iida can testify for me, right?"

Midoriya's head went to a speechless Iida, who pushed his glasses on his nose before hesitantly saying, "Midoriya, that's not all that happened."

Midoriya looked confused. "Then what happened?"

"Kero, what if Midoriya can't remember it?" Asui's voice ran through their heads.

Todoroki still couldn't figure out what was going on. What son? What bearer? What battle?

What was Midoriya getting into now?

Back to Midoriya's POV

Midoriya still didn't know what happened. According to his friends, he had said something in this really deep voice. 

"What did I say?" he asked and Momo touched something on her phone to play her recording of it.

A deep voice rang out. Midoriya jumped a bit. Was this that deep voice he had used?

"When the battle has died, two, one of peace and one of evil will be born once more... When the sun has fallen and the bearer has awoken... At the stroke of midnight, the symbol will fall... But one shall fall before it... When the war has charted its course... One will rise and one will fall..."

Midoriya's face went pale for a second before going back to normal. This prophecy, was it telling him the battle between him and Shigaraki? 

But what sun?

But what bearer?

But what war, what symbol, what war?

This couldn't be like the Second Wizarding War, right?

Momo then broke him out of his thoughts. "Oh my, we only have ten minutes to get to our class!" 

Iida shot out of his seat. "I shall get my things and go immediately!" He chopped his arms like a robot's as he grabbed his bag and went outside.

Kaminari looked at his barely eaten cereal. "I guess Midoriya's going to be right," Kaminari sighed.


"Aizawa-sensei?" Momo said as she brought her phone up at the beginning of class. 

"Yes, Yaoyorozu?"

"We think that this is important for you to hear."

"What am I listening to?"

"Well, Midoriya said something and we believe that he can see the future."

"You mean like Sir Nighteye?"

"No, as in fortune-telling, like in Harry Potter."


"Just listen to it." Momo played the video of Midoriya's prophecy as Aizawa's frown got deeper and deeper. 

"Do you mind me borrowing this after school?"

"No, Aizawa-sensei."



That wasn't the only strange thing that happened that day. Midoriya kept saying cryptid things left and right all the time.

"Be careful, you might get wet later today."

"Watch out for bats, especially brown ones."

"When you break that one, get a plastic one. We don't want more breaking cups."

"The battle will take a rather astonishing twist at the end," Midoriya said during their hero training, with a fight between Uraraka and Ojirou.

"You are born in the middle of winter, correct?" he had asked Todoroki. When he nodded, Midoriya then murmured, "Mars was under a right angle, very suspectible to burns..." He had walked away, leaving Todoroki stunned and confused in his place.

"A nuisance will come later." Sure enough, Monoma had come to antagonize Class 1a later that day.


"Is anyone else weirded out by Midoriya?" Mina had asked during Midoriya's training and everyone either shrugged or nodded their head.

"He said something about predicting my burn scar."

"And about my fight with Ojirou!"

"And about Aizawa's coffee mug! Did you see the look on his face when coffee splashed on his sleeping bag?"

"And Monoma. You can't forget that." The ten that were there and at the 'meeting' chuckled at the memory.

Asui pointed out, "He'll come back to normal later."

Kirishima nodded. "Hopefully without any more predic - "

"Midoriya!" Iida yelled from outside and the people inside glanced at each other for a split second before rushing outside, just in time to see Midoriya in that trance-like state. Momo pulled out her phone just in time.

"When the cord has snapped by the flame of fire... It shall destroy all that is known and shall give birth to someone greater... With scars as his trophies and shames... With another of his kind... The tragedies of the past with the blue replacing the red... Shall haunt the memories of a burning achievement... And shall dance in the flames of hell for eternity..."

Todoroki's eyes widened as Hagakure asked, "What does that mean?"

He didn't know. He didn't know.

But it sounded like he should.
