Ch. 6~Sugar High

~•Her eyes sparkle like a child during a sugar high•~

"Why are you laughing at meeee" Asuna asks after she kissed me.

"I never though you'd kiss me like that, you know, out of nowhere" I respond.

"Well I did" she tries to pout.

"Your adorable." I tell her and kiss her nose.

She lies her head on my upper chest, just below my chin. I smile and I look at her flyaway. She is adorable, holy crap! I don't know how I have her. I can feel the smile on my face.

"Now someone's quite smiley. What happened to you grumpy?" Asuna smiles and asks.

"How did I get so lucky to have someone like you? Your beautiful, funny, smart, and most of all.. you have always been there for me. You risked your real life in a virtual world for me. I love you so much Asuna."

She turns a shade of red, she smiles. "No Kazuto, I love you." She smiles so brightly. I know what I have to do. I just hope it's the right thing.

_.two hours later._

I just lied in my bed, think about Asuna. I want to marry her. I want to ask her. I want to propose. I will.

I know my love for her is everlasting, she is my everything. I need her to be mine legally. There's no way of her going home and I'm working on an irl Yui. I need her to say yes. Today, I will buy the ring.

"Hey Asu, are you busy on Monday? I want to take you on a date. A fancy one😂 lots of love❤️" That was the text I sent her.

I left the house with my wallet in my comfy clothes. The best jeweler around here was Serena's. It's a very nice place, though it is expensive. I ended up with the perfect ring. It was beautiful! It was silver banded with two diamond hearts. It's glistened beautifully and on the inside it said, 'I will always love you'. Just after I had checked my phone when I noticed Asu texted me. "I'm free, and I can't wait! I love you💗"

Finally Monday came around. It started out just like every Monday, the horrors of school and then laying on the couch, snuggling with Asuna. It was amazing. Then I noticed it was 5:30. "Hey Asu, I gotta get ready, how about you? It's already 5:31."

"Oh my god!! Crap! Alright I'm getting ready!!" She said rushing her words. She was obviously surprised.

I had spent about a half hour getting ready. Doing my hair, brushing my teeth, putting on my tux. It was a long process. But let me tell you, it was all worth it when I saw Asuna. Her typically straight hair was lightly curled at the bottom. She had a light light gloss on and powder and blush. Her dress had a neckline to her collarbone. It was navy blue with navy blur lace blending in at the bottom. She had black heels and she looked more beautiful than usual. I never thought it was possible.

She looked at me and smiled, "Are you ready?"

"Always, Asu" I responded.

We had a nice romantic meal at the restaurant. At the end I had asked if she wanted dessert and she said she did. I knew it was the time. I got out of my seat and stood next to Asuna's chair. "What are you doing Kazuto?" She asked surprised.

Then I dropped down to one knee. Her jaw dropped as I pulled out the box. She smiled and started tearing up before I even started talking. I opened the box and she looked extremely happy. I looked into her heavenly hazel eyes. "Asuna Yuki, I love you. I love you more than the stars in the sky, than the sun and the moon, than myself. I have always loved you. No matter what happens I will always be there for you with open arms. I want you to be so happy in life and I want you to be loved. I want to wake up in the mornings and see you smile. I live for you. You are what makes me happy." I began tearing up "So I ask you.. Will you marry me?"

Her smile widened, as if it was possible and she stared at me. Tears leaking out of her eyes. "Yes" she held my hand and kissed me. I put the ring on her finger and smiled because I was the luckiest guy in the world.

Don't kill me. It's your author btw. This is the last chapter. I had planned on this being a short story from the start and it's over. If i write more, oh well, but for now I'm sorry. If your an anime child follow me because I may be starting another fanfic soon. A longer one. Sorry to let you guys down. Vote/comment for more. Lots of love❤️😭💕
