
If you dislike stories with 'emo' stuff then please, do not read. Or do but I wanted you. Hate on me if you want, but please, if you hate suicide and stuff, don't read! For those of you, who don't care, enjoy.~~

I woke up in pain, but smiled as I noticed I was cuddling with Kiri. Sugo just got up and was making breakfast.

"Ow!" I said as I attepted sitting up.

"You had glass in you stomach, so it's still sore, like everything else, from taking it out." Sugo said, reading my mind.

"You read my mind."

"I can help you up, if you want."

"Yea, I wanna try getting up, and walking around."

"K" Sugo said and then walked in here. She picked up bridal style and gently stood me up; allowing me to use her as a brace. We walked to the table where my crutches were resting.

"Nooo!!!! Asuna!" I heard Kirito scream. I got next to him as fast as I could. He was sobbing. It was horrible.

"Kirito" I said."Kirito" I said again, repeating myself until he woke up.

"Asuna!" He sprung up and gently hugged me. "I.... I wish I could've helped." He said crying into my shoulder.

"You did, if you weren't here I'd probably be dead from suicide right now, or by my mom." I paused. "You're my reason to live, Kirito, don't blame yourself. I love you. Don't push yourself, wrongly, please." I said leaning my head on his.

"I love you too, Asuna, so don't ever do anything stupid, cause I'm worse." He said and began laughing at himself.

"Breakfast is ready! Kazuto, go wake up mom.

"K" Kiri said and went to his Aunt's room.

"Mom!" He said loudly. He banged on the door again. "Mom!" He screamed. The door was locked.

"Oniichan, the door is locked."

"It's never locked!" She said worried and ran to mom's room.

"I'm kicking it down, something might be wrong." Kiri kicked down the door to see his aunt hanging from a rope, dead, with a note next to her. "Dear Kazuto and Sugo,

I'm sorry. Your dad, he's, he's dead. I couldn't take it. I love you guys with all my heart and I'll watch over you guys. Please, as my dying wish, don't blame yourself. Don't let me drive you to something stupid.
Mom ❤" Kazuto read it aloud, sobbing. Asuna came in dropping her crutches and running to Kirito, crying with him. He squeezed her tight, crying into her shoulder, as if there was no tomorrow. Asuna picked up the note and read it. Discovering Kiri's and Sugo' s uncle was dead too. She help him tight a while longer then they parted. Asuna ran to Sugo in pain. It hurt so bad, running on her ankle and moving her cuts and bruises.

"Ahhh!" A muffled painful scream came from Sugo's room. Fuck; she locked the door. This is gonna hurt like hell.

"Hiya!" Asuna screamedas she kicked down the door.

"Stop!" Asuna screamed at Sugo, who was cutting her wrists.

"Why?" Sugo said crying. "If I die, the pain will be over, but I deserve to suffer."

"No! You don't!" I snapped grabbing Sugo's knife and throwing it. "Please, stop..." I said crying harder than before.

"You wouldn't understand!"

"I would." I said. "I, cut myself, I try to hurt myself. On top of my mother's shit, I abuse myself."

"Why would you?"

"Because, when I got trapped in SAO my best friend killed herself. She wrote me a note. It said she couldn't be without me and everyone at school was bullying her more and more. The day I got that note, I took a knife and cut myself so deep. It was in an alley. A stranger came by and rushed me to the ER. Still, I cut my wrists, just for pain, but never, do it. Never take away your life, it doesn't just affect you. Imagine Kazuto without you, or the rest of your family and friends. Please, don't hurt yourself." I paused again almost releasing all my tears. "Please" I said and broke open. I started balling my eyes out.

"I'm sorry." Sugo said

"Its not your fault, just cherish your life." "Let's go eat breakfast." I said wiping my tears, and faking a smile.

"Kiri, come, let's eat." I said trying not to crack my voice.

"Coming" he said, sorrow in his tone.


Heylo! I'm backkkkk! I'm it's been a day. I got inspired fast. Lol, ummm well I hope I didnt lose any of my readers because of this. Well anywho. How are y'all? I hope you are all good, if not and you need to talk to some one, talk to me. I know its weird talking to a stranger about something that's bothering you, but I've done it. I don't trust people, but if it's a stranger, they dont have anyone to tell about your issues. I seriously have trust issues, which means everything is bottled up I side me, which sometimes, is what makes me depressed and other bad stuff but whateva.
