Ch. 5~ Crimson Red

{Asuna POV}

Kirito and I login, but the world looked different. It was more detailed and lively. We looked around and were surprised when we found out the game just updated. We got to our house and Yui greeted us. "Hi mommy, hi daddy. You haven't logged in for 2 days, what happened." I look at Kirito and he looks at me. We nod with eyes locked.

"Well, my aunt passed away and Asuna was having family issues..." Kirito tells Yui.

"Oh..." Yui says and pauses... "Are you guys ok?"

I smile and Kirito does too. "Of course, we're with you now!"

"Ok, let's get ready, the raid is in an hour!" Yui tells us. She then reads our minds, "There was an update yesterday"

{Kirito POV}

We all go and sit on the couch. Asuna lays on me and Yui on her. Its a nice family couch cuddle. Asuna ends up resting her head on my chest and I realize how exhausted she is even in this game. I allow her to asleep on me for the 30 minutes we have until they come.

"Daddy?" Yui asks me.

"Yeah Yui, What's up?" I respond to her.

"You and Momma seem to be very stressed even in here, are you sure your okay?" I feel bad for her.

"We're okay Yui, but Asu is moving in with me right now and it is stressful." I smile at her.

"No mother!" Asuna pleads as tears begin rolling down her face. This isn't even real sleep..

I hold her and begin whispering to her, "Asuna.. It's okay Asuna. I'm here for you. Now and until the end. I wipe her virtual tears that seem just as real except the consistency. I feel my expression dropping and Yui's eyes worry.

"Papa?" She says as a question.

"Yeah Yui?" I respond as per usual.

"I wish you and Momma were never sad." She looks to the floor. "I promise to do whatever I can to make you guys always smile." Then I see her expression soften.

"That sounds great Yui." I say happily. And give her that smile you probably see your parents give to a cute baby.

I start to feel moving on my chest. Asuna is waking up.

She groans, "I'm so happy I have you." She buries her face in my chest after that.

" No Asu, I'm happy to have you." I pause and realize we're in VR so I continue, "I love you"

She looks up at me. Did I mess up?

"Well I love you more" She mumbles under her breath. Mainly because Her face is already a nice shade of crimson red. I guess I took her by surprise. So, of course, I smirk. I don't think she knows I heard her so pretend I didn't.

I realize Yui is looking at us and so I start a convo. "Oh my goshhhhhhh!!! The raid starts in 20 and its a minute walk, We're gonna be late. Let's go."

Asuna perks up and checks the time. She is only a light blush pink. That's good.

We arrive to the site and the only person who hasn't arrived is Klein. We wait around quite a while for him. He finally shows 30 secs before the raid starts. I laugh and we leave. Sinon rolls her eyes at his arrival. They'd be cute together...

We finish the raid after a few casualties. I look at Asuna and announce our leave. I figure we should log out. It's been a crazy past few days and we should get back to reality. We log out and I remember she is next to me. I smile. I put my gear aside and focus on her. She does the same. We lock eyes for a good minute. Then I slide next to her and put my arm around her. I pull her in closer and then she moves herself until her body is against mine. I can feel her breathing. My head is above hers; she's against my chest. I move my head down and she kisses me. I smile into, I just find it funny. She's adorable. We stay like this for ten minutes and I just think about how much I love her..

Hehehehehehehe ๐Ÿ˜‡ im back. after all this time of not knowing my username i remembered it watching yuri on ice. im currently on my school chromebook doing this ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Anyways im SOOOOOOOO sorry ab forgetting ab this acc...... And im also sry ab the short chapter...... Anyways if u want me to continue vote and comment plsssss. it also sends an email when u do which reminds me this acc exists.... Anyways, lots of love and stay safe peepsโœŒ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜โคโ™ฅ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š
