why do you alway walk away from us

Later raven came to Samantha house to talk to her one on one

Knock on Samantha door

Raven: Samantha

Knocks on Samantha door again

Raven:Samantha please it your BFF friend me raven may I speak with you for a moment

As she know Samantha walk to the door and open and see raven

Samantha:oh hey raven..... I thought you were at school

Raven:yea but it was closed because someone cause fire on te gym room so we got the rest of the week off

Samantha:yea hehehe

Raven:but I came here to talk to you about something

Samantha:what about it (oh no I think she know that I'm the one who burned down sugar corner*)

Raven:why do you walk alway from us like I don't know why but it seen like you don't want us to be around with you anymore

Samantha:What no of course I love being around of you girls but ...

Raven:but what? Please Samantha just let it all out I know me and the girls will help your problem

Samantha:back at my old school I was a lonely nerd girl outcast who I don't have friends and I alway getting bully all the time but I did made up with a new friend she was nice and kind to me until that day that...............

Raven:that what Samantha

When Samantha was about to finish her sentence she start crying and raven hug her

Raven: oh dear Samantha I'm so sorry that and includes your old friends I don't even know why but at least you have us now just forget about the past

Samantha: you really thank so

Raven: I do so

As a result Samantha and Raven hug as little did they know the mystery girl with dark purple hair was watching them from  the window and it give her a smirk

???? That right Samantha hug to your new friends but little did you don't know I'm going to canter lot high as well and when the time we return school I be ready to expose you ONCE AND FOR ALL?????

To Be Continued

the mystery girl with purple hair will be revealed in the next chapter
Samantha belong to me
Raven belong to kiana1506
