breaking in the house

Raven was calling her BFF and tell them to come over because they gonna have a plan to bring Samantha out of the house

Raven:so you see girls I'm been trying to be friend with her but she keep blocking out like she want to be in the shadow forever

Dark:I know what you mean but I don't blame her if she wanna stay in her house

Kawaii: is your new friend really nice raven

Raven:yes but she pretty shy

Heartsound: oh how about we just go knock on her door and ask her to hangout with us

Raven:will I try but she won't answer

Justine:or maybe we just let her have time to think about u after all she is new in the neighborhood

Victoria: well I'm guess your right Justine

Justine your welcome (smiles)

Heartsound:will how about we go sneak inside of her house instead we be the ninja girls

The girls gasp and look at heartsound of what she say


Kawaii: Are you crazy heartsound we will get in trouble of doing that

Victoria:yea remember the other day we were all trap at the mall because you can't receiving buying clothing

Kawaii: hey at least she buy the most beautiful dress there

Raven:yea and remember during chirstmas eve  we were all trap from the mall together

Justine: yea I'm gonna amint at least we were a family when we get into the most serious situation

Dark:yea and I bet this one is not the worst then any of it

Heartsound: OK now who in

Dark:I'm am will since I can get her to placer e sport

Kawaii:will this is wrong but I can be friend with her I'm in too

Justine: me..... (shy)

Victoria: well I'm am before heartsound plan will go haywire

Heartsound:what about you raven

Raven:  huh.....well......

Raven doesn't want to get in trouble but her friends are in but she have no choice but to help them after all she is curious about Samantha lately

Raven well OK

So the girls hug  and cheers for raven

So later that evening the girls sneaking in to Samantha house

Even know it wrong to sneak in someone house but they wanna meet Samantha so badly

Heartsound:wow so this is where she live I love her place

Kawaii:yea like I say to myself her place look KAWAII ^-^

dark:yea *look at the pictures of Samantha of her as a baby and a little kid*

Justine: awe Samantha is so cute in pink shirt

Raven:wow (grab a picture of Samantha her little sister and her siblings)
But where are her parents ??????

But she noticed the dark shadow that shape like a wing like midnight Queen and then she gasp


The girls quickly runs and tell them something odd about the picture

Kawaii: wow are you serious

Dark:no way that probably be a painting

Raven:yea I think it was but there another picture of that but their still another shadow

Justine: you don't think that.... (shy and getting scared)

Raven hug justine for comfort

Raven: don't worry she gone for now thank for the magic of friendship

Victoria: raven I hate to stay it but you and your sister Lora are  not the only one  D,........

Before victoria about to finish her sentence Samantha come jump down stair and start using her martial arts karate style to kick those who are trying to break in the house to hurt her and her little sister

Raven: ow,
Justine:ow..*tear up*
Heartsound: ow my hat
Victoria: ow
Kawaii: ow my hair

???? Now like I say it before your not gonna take my little sister just because I'm one of you???????

Before Samantha was about to end the fight she gasp and see her new friend raven from school was the one who were breaking in her house and she bring her friend with her

And them Samantha was shocked and gasp of her

Raven:....oh....hey... Samantha how going......

Heartsound: ow were busted........

To Be Conutied

Samantha belong to me
Dark belong to Google plus
Kawaii belong to Google plus
Heartsound belong to Google plus
Victoria belong to kiana1506
