Samantha First Crush

Andy:I'm Andy and I love your Glasses

Samantha:awe *blushed* hehehe thank you and my name is Samantha

Andy:ooh nice name for a beautiful person like you really think so

Andy:like year who else I'm gonna names you ms Samantha

Samantha: *blushed* yea..

After she look at the clock she see her time that she was late to class

Samantha:ooh dear I'm late to class

Andy:don't worry I walk you there

Samantha:wait really

Andy:well yea sure beside I know my way around the school *as he take my hand* shall we

Samantha:yes *giggle blushed*

They walk and blushed to each other throughout the walk way until they make it to Samantha class room

Andy:well here is your stop miss

Samantha:yea thank a lot

Andy: yea there is one question I'm going to ask you before I leave

Samantha:ooh what is it

Andy:do yow want to go out on a Friday to eat I'm was hoping that you will enjoy if you still want I'm not asking you

Samantha:yes I think yea I will

Andy:ooh cool well I gonna go see you

Samantha:see you (oh my goodness I think I have a crush on him)

To Be Continued

Samantha belong to me
Andy belong to AndyGarcia002072
