Venom Volume 2 Issue #14

I don't own this. This belongs to their respective owners. I make no money off of this.

"You know you're hated when a group of people who never meet team up to kick your ass," Tony joked.

"That literally describes you guys teaming up to stop me," Loki pointed out.

"My point still stands," Tony replied.

"That also describes us," Quill said about the Guardians.

"What the heck are the Sorcerers doing," Ned asked. "Even if they may not stop it, they could at least attempt to help."

"Not really,"  Wong replied. "Not with an outbreak of this scale."

"Not like he had a choice. If not then they would probably die again," Shuri commented.

"Yeah, but is about to die anyway," Peter pointed out.

"Yeah, that is about as scary as I pictured it," Bruce said.

"They may actually stand a chance," Rocket agreed.

"I still don't like their chances, but yeah, this was the best plan," Gamora admitted.

"Looks like Red Hulk can at the very least hold him at bay but none of that will matter until the device allowing hell through is destroyed," Steve pointed out.

"Shouldn't she be fine," Quill asked. "Since she has regeneration?"

"Not really," Peter answered. "While the healing is amazing it isn't perfect. Even hers is going to take time. And yes, until you are fully healed, then you still feel the pain."

"Well everything just went from worse to shit," Shuri complained. "Laura lost her claws and is defenseless against that demon and Flash was just kidnapped by Alejandra."

"Two things, I doubt Laura is defenseless without her claws, although she is weaker without them," T'Challa told Shuri. "And if Alejandra hadn't kidnapped Flash, then he would have probably died."

"Flash pulling a gun on her is drastic but unfortunately necessary," Nick Fury commented.

"They shouldn't have kept her out of the loop about their plan," Steve argued. "Although it was the best plan and I doubt she would have agreed, she deserved the right to vote."

"Steve is right," Tony admitted. "She had just as much say as everyone else."

"Aren't you the one that created a killer robot because you decided to keep a secret," Fury countered. "As for you, Steve, didn't your secret cause the Avengers to split."

"Yes I was," Tony agreed. "And people suffered because of it. Just as Steve's secret caused us to break apart. It is called learning from your mistakes. Something you seem to have trouble understanding."r

"Something tells me that forcing a demon to relive all its worst acts isn't going to have an effect," Maria said.

"You would be right about that," Wong said. "At best it will have no effect at worst it will give it extra power."

"And in this case, it seems to be the latter," Natasha grumbled.

"Smart," Clint complemented.

"That would definitely hurt it, even if it won't kill it," Stephen agreed.

"Is she okay," Scott asked.

"Yes," Uatu answered.

"Oh for fucks sake," Clint complained.

"Backstabbing bitch," Valkyrie growled out.

"Things just keep getting worse," Carol said.

"I will definitely be paying Hellheart and Mephisto a visit after this," Strange promised.

"And do what," Wong asked. "You are powerful but you don't stand a chance against them especially in Hell."

"What I always do; bargain and make sure that they know better than to attack Earth," Stephen told him.

"And that is why you always secure the kill first," Natasha advised.

"Except it is good she didn't kill in this case," Pepper told her.

"I know, but it is definitely a good practice to at least subdue them," Natasha replied.

"That... is actually a good idea," Loki said.

"Assuming it works," Thor added.

"Things are finally starting to turn around," Steve said.

"Both literally and metaphorically," Tony added.

"Not out of the woods yet, though," Rhodey said, ignoring Tony's joke.

"I'm going to be honest, I expected their plan to fail," Tony admitted.

"I believed they could win but I wasn't too confident," Steve agreed.

"And everything is back to the status quo," Rocket said.

"Well now they have to convince that universe's Steve that Flash should be pardoned," Peter replied.

"That shouldn't be too hard, at least as long as he is reasonable," Nick Fury said.

"He's going to accept the terms," Natasha said.

"Definitely," Tony agreed.

"That is definitely not a problem for another day," Wong said.

"At least we aren't the ones dealing with it," Stephen pointed out.

"Well it is definitely a good punishment, but they need worse," Maria said.

"At least they won't be able to do anything for a while," Tony sighed.

An) Done.
