Spider-Geddon #5 Part 1

I don't own this. This belongs to their respective owners. I make no money off of this.

"Who the hell are they," Tony demanded.

"That is Morlun, the man trying to destroy the Web of Life and Destiny," Uatu explained.

"And the other guy," Tony asked.

"That is Miles Morales with the power of the Enigma Force."

"Annoying people seems to be a universal constant among you Spiders," MJ jested. 

"It is a useful power," Peter replied. 'Especially since this is a full blown war for the multiverse.'

"Well now Miles has pissed off the god of light," Stephen commented.

"Otto," Peter asked. "He became Spider-Man in that universe?"

"Not exactly," Uatu said. "In that universe, Peter Parker did become Spider-Man, but Otto Octavius took over his body."

"Wait, what," Peter exclaimed. "How? For that to-"

"Later," Uatu promised.

Peter clearly didn't like it, but didn't say anything.

"If they kill him," Peter said darkly.

"They better not," Rocket growled. Of all the other people he watched, he liked Peter's clones the most. He related to them the most. Torn apart and put together over and over again. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked them because he truly knew what they went through.

"Rocket, are you okay," Peter Quill asked.

"I'm fine," Rocket replied, not looking away from the screen.

"Rocket, you have always been a good liar," Gamora told him. "But this is not one of those times."

Rocket knew that eventually, he would have to tell them, but he had avoided it for so long. He hadn't even told the original Groot. "Later."

Knowing that was the best they were going to get, the Guardians left it alone... for now.

"Damn it," Peter said.

MJ grabbed his hand. While Ned put a comforting hand on his shoulder.


"What is going on," Peter asked.

"He died 27 times," Uatu told him. "He and Superior Spider-Man had a plan."

"Food poisoning," Peter joked. "His deaths... they made him bad, for lack of a better word, for them to eat."

"Correct," Uatu said.

"It's a smart plan," Tony admitted. "But he still has to die. Again."

"New rule," Tony announced: "You have to tell everyone the full plan. Otherwise, it will fall apart somehow."

Several people turned to look at Nick Fury.

"Didn't we already make that a rule," he asked.

"Maybe," Steve answered. "But just in case we didn't already state it, it is a rule now."

"Looks like backup has arrived," Quill smirked.

"Time to even the odds," Shuri said.

"Nah. Now it's time to turn them in their favor," Ned corrected.

"Yeah, now he has a Spider-Army for back up," Peter paused. "Which is a terrifying sentence and one I never thought I'd say."

"Honestly, I don't know if the context of you meaning Spider-heroes and not regular spiders makes it better or worse," Tony joked.

"He is an impressive foe," Thor commented. 

"If he can take the power of the Enigma Force..." Wong trailed off.

"They'll be fine," Peter assured. 'At least, I hope they will be.'

"So they do have a weapon that can kill them," Natasha said.

"Which means they're going to do everything they can to prevent the Spiders from using it," T'Challa replied.

"Which means hurry up," Bucky added.

"A Spider-Robot," Ned asked. "That is cool as heck."

"It is hard to get more badass than that,"Rhodey agreed.

"Ben," Peter said. 'Thank God he is back.'

"He is not back yet," Uatu told him. "That is his body but he still needs to be revived."

"He fails to understand the most important part of being a Spider," Peter said. "We do not kill."

"There are ti-"

"Whatever you say, it will not convince me to kill," Peter snapped.

"Wait, Peter and I have a kid," MJ asked in disbelief.

"Kids," Uatu corrected.

Peter and MJ had matching blushes and were looking anywhere but at each other.

Ned decided to annoy them: "Do I get to be the Godfather?"

"Ned," MJ growled out. "Shut up."

Peter and MJ just stared at the screen.

"Is that..."

"Yes, that is your daughter," Uatu answered.

"Peter, your daughter is a badass," Tony said.

"Good," MJ said.

"She is definitely going to need to be if she is going to be a hero,"  Peter said.

"Already acting like a dad," Tony teased.

"Wha- you- I'M 17," Peter said.

"Relax, it was a joke," Tony held his hands in surrender.

"Wait, do you have any training," Bruce asked.

"Nope," Peter answered.

"Yet you want her trained when you aren't," Tony pointed out.

"I was already Spider-Man for six months before you found me. I have experience," Peter countered.

"I am going to drop the argument for now, but just know you are technically being a hypocrite," Tony told him.

"Multiversal fight. Fun for the whole family," Loki joked.

"Remember when we were like that? fighting together," Thor asked him. "You, Frigga, Odin and I."

"I do miss it," Loki admitted. "It was... fun."

"At least we are going to battle side by side, one more time," Thor replied.

Loki didn't reply but couldn't help but think that it may be their last time fighting at all, let alone side by side.

"Even more Spiders have joined the fight," Drax said.

"But is it enough," Valkyrie asked. "The Spiders are all clearly willing to die to win, but that is what they want And even with your massive number and even power advantage, they are still winning."

"It will have to be," Peter said. "If not, then all Spiders, including myself, will die."

"That is a lot of Spiders," Tony commented.

"Including me," Peter said, looking stunned. Sure he was told he would be in this one but still. "Why am I in my old suit?"

Tony choked "Old?"

"In my timeline, yeah."

Tony just shook his head.

"It isn't that suit," Uatu told him. "It is a suit you haven't made yet but will in the future that you based off of the suit Stark made."

"Wait, I just realized something. Now we have to worry about our Peter actually dying in this event,"  Ned announced.

That statement did nothing to help the tension in the room.

"Well he is right about him doing some science-y stuff," Rocket commented.

"Yeah, hopefully bringing Ben back to life," Peter replied. "Even if I don't trust him, he can still help us."

An) Not done.
