Ultimatum Issue 5 Part 1

I don't own. This belongs to their respective owners. I make no money off of this.

"So this is it. Magneto finally pays for his crimes," Thor, who seemed to loathe Magneto more than anyone else, stated.

"Seems like it," Tony said.

"Oh great," Loki sarcastically said. "Another person willing to die so that the enemy can be stopped."

"If that is required, then so be it," Thor countered. "Magneto is far to powerful and his crimes to great to let him live."

"I am not saying to not kill him. I am saying that it should not come at the cost of anymore death than necessary," Loki replied.

"He is right about that," Steve said. "Magneto is not God."

"No," Fury agreed. "He is nothing more than a terrorist. And he should be killed for his crimes."

"Xavier was right, he is no better than the dictators of the past," Thor entered into the conversation. "He is merely one who has superpowers."

"And he seems to think that having these powers makes him better than those without," Tony said. 

"Damn it," Tony practically screamed. "Why did I not think of that?"

"You rushed to help stop a psychopath," Pepper pointed out. "You probably weren't worrying about what  he might do."

"And that is the problem," Tony countered. "I should have thought of that."

"No matter how smart you are, you're still human," Pepper responded. "No one is perfect."

"Tony," Pepper screamed.

"Relax," Tony assured. "I made my armors so that they can absorb any electricity. I added it after Whiplash attacked me. If this me is as smart as me, he would have added that simple feature."

"Even through everything that has happened to him, he fights on. He is a proper warrior," Thor declared about Wolverine. "One that I would be happy to fight side by side."

"How is he not dead," Bruce asked.

"Remember what Uatu said earlier, he has one of the greatest healing factors of all time. It is even capable of even rivaling Hulk's and Thor's regeneration factors," Shuri reminded.

"NO," Thor roared out.

"He truly was a great fighter," Loki said. "Fighting until the end."

"But he has a healing factor that rivals the Hulk's" Ned pointed out. "Can he not heal from this?"

"I doubt it," T'Challa said. "For him to heal, there has to be something to heal from. From the looks of it, Not enough is left. There is also the fact that he has to be alive to heal. However it is possible, after all this is all just theory."

After a moment of silence for the fallen man, Thor said: "A true warrior until the end. Valhalla would be proud to have him."

They remembered what he had said earlier, about how now he was willing to die. In the end, he held true to that statement, fighting until all that remained of him was a chard skeleton.

"He shall feast among the gods," Loki agreed. It was rare for people to earn his respect, and even rarer for that person to be mortal, Wolverine had done it. Looking around the room, he saw that everyone else seemed to have come to the same conclusion: Wolverine was a hero.

"Good," Thor commented. "Knock his fortress out of the sky."

"They should wait until everyone gets off," Tony added. "That way nobody besides Magneto dies."

"Damn it," Thor roared.

"Those two got may have gotten away, but Magneto hasn't," Clint pointed out. "We can still kill him."

"They supported Magneto throughout his entire plan. Not once did they raise questions about what they were doing. If killing every single person on a planet was the right thing to do," Thor growled out. "They are just as guilty as Magneto. For that, they should suffer the same fate."

"I am Groot," Groot commented.

"I agree," Thor declared. "I do not care what she does to him. As long as it ends in his death."

"Wait so we created Mutants," Tony asked.

"In that universe," Uatu said. "In the majority of the universes they were created by the Celestials."

They all frowned at the mention of the Celestials.

"That is another group we have to make plans for should they attack," Nick Fury said.

"He deserves no help," Thor growled. "He deserves death."

"We get it, you hate him," Loki said.

They all stared silently at the screen. Magneto finally payed for his crimes, and it was brutal.

"Why didn't they get his arm," Steve asked. "At least then they could have given him a proper burial."

"Eventually SHIELD takes his hand to attempt to clone him," Uatu told them. "However they couldn't because there was nothing left of him. Not even a single cell. Kitty Pryde broke into the Triskelion and stole his arm back. She returned to the X-Mansion and gave him a proper burial."

"Eight days? Its been eight days since they killed Magneto and nothing worth showing happened," Steve commented.

"Just negotiations and politics," Uatu told him. "I doubt any of you would want to see that so I am only showing the aftermath and the ultimate effects on the population and the way they feel about Mutants."

"They are no better than Magneto," Steve somberly said. "He believed that Mutants were meant to replace humans. They believe themselves superior to Mutants and want to commit genocide against Mutants because of the actions of a single one."

"They blame Mutants for the crime of one just as Killmonger blamed the crimes of few on many," T'Challa replied.

An) Not done. I split this chapter into 15 pages and the next into 6 so I don't create an entire chapter for 1 page. Also for anyone wondering why Thor hates Magneto so much, it is because Magneto stole Mjölnir. 
