
*Happy Monday ~ So I didn't update twice like I said and I'm sorry. It's just some jackass at school did a prank in the boys bathroom and like no one went to school the next day. But on a good note Walking Dead came back last night and Daryl Dixon kicked ass with that RPG, but it was so sad when Carl got shot. But I hope you like this chapter, if you don't like smut, halfway through the chapter theirs smut, but just look for the ending message of it for some normal, non sexual, togetherness. ~

"On a scale of one to ten how bad is this?" I asked Lydia has I walked out of my closet.

"Well the shirt doesn't go with the shoes, but goes with the skirt and the skirt goes with the shoes, so a 8 and a half." She said has she got up from my bed and walked into my closet and found some black flats.

"I don't think he cares about my shoes." I said has I sat at my desk and looked at the picture of us I took a few days ago at the lookout point.

"Well you ask for my help so I'm helping." She said smirking and walking over to do my hair.

"I was talking about hair not everything else." I said has she started to braid my hair and fix my curls.

"Well he'll love it, he loves anything you wear. Hell you could go with nothing on and he would love it, probably more then." She said making me blush and her bust out laughing.

"No, no, no, not at all. We're not talking about that at all." Scott said walking into my room.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asked shaking her head at him.

"No talking about sex and her and Derek in the same sentence. " He said pointing at me and shaking his hand no.

"We won't do anything bad." I said turning back around and then I smirked and I saw Scott shake his hand

"no, no, don't say what u know you're about to say." He said making me laugh at him.


"You're safe." A voice said from beside me. I looked over and saw Derek sitting by me holding my hand.

"What happened?" I asked looking at my stomach which had an ice pack on it. I tried to remove the pack, but Derek grabbed my hand.

"How bad?" I said laying back on the old bed.

"Someone saved you and it's pretty bad. I need to tell you something Elena, and if you don't want to stay with me I'll go find Scott and bring him back here for to watch you." Derek said making me think about what I wanted to ask him before the fight.

"Is it about the Hybrid thing?" I ask sitting back up and proping myself up on my elbows.

"Yeah, first off hybrids are rare and you're born that way or you're, like your self, are made. You were born a banshee, a banshees power takes longer then a born wolf's power does to develop. When you were bit it set off a trigger for your power." He said basically saying what Stiles paper said.

"What about you?" I said sitting up fully.

"I'm half vampire half Werewolf, though since both of my parents are werewolves, the other side doesn't show that often. But when it does its not that good." He said looking away and getting up. I tried to get up, but since my body still hurts I couldn't move.

"Derek get back over here. You can't leave and I'm not letting you leave."I said making him turn around and look at me confused.

"I love you Derek what ever your middle name is Hale. And I'm not letting you go just because you're both Jacob and Edward. Anyway look at me, I can predict death and I'm a werewolf." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him over to me.

"It's only bad on blood moons. That makes me more powerful then you guys will be. It's also the time when I will probably need to be chained up, I get dangerous during them." He said walking over and sitting by me on the bed.

*Listen to Halo (If I Stay version) during this part
ALSO SEXUAL STUFF RIGHT HERE GUYS, DON'T HAVE TO READ IF U DON'T WANT TO *in Deadpool voice*(it's just a bunch of sexxxxx, nothing important)*
"I'll take care of you, I promise." I said wrapping my arms around him. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and he pulled me into his lap.

He reached down and pulled my shirt off and threw it across the room. I helped him take his jacket off and then I took his shirt off. It landed somewhere near mine I think. We continued kissing, our tongues fighting for dominance. He pushed me back a little and I laid down on the bed.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded my head and his hands went down to my pants and he pulled them off. He came back up and kissed me on my lips has my hands traveled down to his pants and unbuttoned them.

He helped me pull them off of him and then his hands traveled down to my underwear and he slipped his hand in. His lips found mine again while he rub my
cl!t. I moaned into his lips and felt him on my thigh. My hand traveled down his abs and then to his boxers and slipped my hand in. I rubbed my hand up and down his length.

When I did that he slipped a finger into me taking me by surprise. I jumped a little and screamed a little. His lips moved from my lips to my neck and he started to suck till he found my spot. His hands came up and removed my bra and threw it. One hand went back down and he ripped my underwear making me laugh at how inpatient he was and the other rubbed one of my boobs and the other his mouth went to.

"You like that?" He asked has he stuck to fingers in me making my back curve. His fingers went faster while he changed his mouth and other hand.

"Let go for me." He said in his low alpha voice in my ear. I soon felt a burning in my lower stomach area and soon felt me let go. I was panting and moaning from the pleasure. I removed my hand from his pants and he stopped doing all he was doing and pulled his boxers off. His erection sprung free and hit is stomach.

"Damm." I said to my self. I knew he heard me because he smirked and moved back down kissing me. I felt him move himself in position.

"This might hurt a bit. If it hurts to much tell me. Ok" He said and I nodded my hand. He pushed himself in and I threw my head back in pain and a little bit of pleasure. When he moved himself all the way in he waited a minute before moving.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, just keep moving." I said and he started to move. Pain started to turn to pleasure, moaning turned to screaming more and more. My arms wrapped around his back and he wrapped my legs around his hips.

"Faster." I panted out while moaning ever time he hit my spot. I started clawing at his back and I heard him hiss when I did that, which only turned him on more.

"I'm close." I said feeling the same feeling I felt a few minutes ago.

"Then let go." I heard him say and felt him go faster and harder. I let go and then felt him let go soon after me. He pulled out and laid down beside me. I grabbed the blanket by me and pulled it around us.


"Don't worry I'm on a pill, and that was nice. How do you feel?" I said panting and trying to catch my breath.

"How do you think I feel, I've been waiting since I first saw you." He said making me laugh.

"So you knew? About us being mates since you met me, you just didn't know what hybrid breed I was." I asked turning and looking at him.

"Yeah, I wanted to know so I would know how to take care of you. But it looks like you've taught me more then what I knew." He said making me smile at him.

"Is the blood moon making your eyes a darker color?" I asked wanting to know if my theory was right.

"Yeah, they usually turn red when it happens, but since I'm an alpha now, they're going to turn black." He said fixing the blanket around us.

"So you're going to be more powerful, what about us? What happens to the others?" I asked getting scares of what the answer might be.

"Their power decreases, the moons force is so strong their body's tend to stay away from that power. I knew someone who tried to control it and it killed him. That power only makes a hybrid stronger and it's going to make us stronger." He said grabbing hold of my hand and holding it.

"So we need to make sure they don't use their power at all?" I asked. He nodded his hand and I moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest.

"I love you." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you to, and don't ever try to be a hero by yourself again. I can't think about losing you again." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I feel asleep happy and content. I felt like we became a stronger couple.

Not knowing we just created a bond that made us powerful, but also crave eachother. Thanks Derek. But he didn't tell me till after we woke up.
