
*Next Day*

"Elena.......Elena.......EM.....WAKE UP!!!!!" I jumped out of my seat and looked up at Scott. I got up and looked around me at the mess I made.

"What?" I asked looking at the alarm clock. 6:30

"Time to get up, go to school." He said walking out my room and closing my door. I got up and put my clothes on and grabbed my bag. When I got downstairs Stiles was there eating captain crunch and had his mouth full.

"OK what ever reason you're doing here this early. It's got to stop." I said grabbing an apple and walking out the door with Scott and Stiles behind me. In the car they were talking about how to get the Kanima with out getting caught by the cops.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a big fan of Jackson." I said as we pulled up at school.

"Well we need your help." Stiles said has we parked in his parking spot. We got out and walked into the school.

"Hey, you're dating Simon right?" A girl who I didn't know asked me.

"No, I'm not." I said trying to walk past her.

"It's OK to be modest, we all know you are." She said and walked away leaving me, Stiles and Scott speechless.

"OK, what the hell was that?" Allison asked has she walked up to us.

"Yeah, No shit." I said and walked to my locker. I opened it and took my stuff out and then walked to my first period. The rest of the day was boring, till I got detention with Mr.Harris for standing by Stiles.


I was sitting with Erica, Scott was sitting by Stiles and Allison, Jackson, and Matt were sitting by each other. The door was opened and in walked Simon.

"Sorry I was late, I had to talk to one of the teachers about my homework." He said giving Mr.Harris a note and walking over and sitting in front of me. Jackson then ran out of the class room and Mr. Harris followed him.

"Omg, he just doesn't stop."I whispered and Erica looked at me giggling. After our little spat in chemistry we had apologized to each other and we're becoming friends again.

"Ok, what do you know about Jackson?" Stiles asked has he walked over to our table.

"That when he turns eighteen he's going to be a lot richer then he is now." She said causing me to look over at her. Simon then started trying to play kick me to get my attention, I kicked him in the shin.

"Scott McCall to the office." A voice said on the Entercom. Scott then left and Erica pulled something up on her computer.

"His parents died before he was born."I said looking over at Stiles.

"Ok, what the hell are you guys talking about?" Simon said looking over at us.

"Nothing you need to know about." Stiles said making Simon look like he was about to punch him.

"Punch my brother, I kick your ass." I said looking at Simon. He shut up and went back to his, what ever he was doing.

"That could be the reason he couldn't kill the person who was pregnant. His mother died in childbirth." Stiles said causing me to shake my head 'no'

"It can't kill an innocent person. The baby was innocent, which made its host innocent for the time being. Meaning the master crossed the line." I said turning and looking at Simon has Mr. Harris walked in and grabbed his stuff. We started to get our stuff ready to go when Mr.Harris looked up and laughed.

"No, you guys aren't leaving, but I am. You guys are re stacking book's ." He said patting the books on the cart and left. Erica and I started on one side of the room and then Scott walked in.

"What's going on?" He asked Stiles who was on the other row.

"Oh the normal, us getting no were." I heard Stiles say. I laughed at then I heard someone fall. I ran over and saw Matt on the ground and Erica about to ponce on Jackson.

"No, Dont." I said, but she did and she fell to the ground having a seizure. Simon ran over asking if I was ok then saw Erica.

"We have to get her to a hospital." He said picking her up.

"No, we take her to Derek. Scott. Stiles." I yelled and they rushed over. We ran to Stiles car and got in. Simon and I were in the back holding Erica and trying to calm her.

"Derek." I yelled and he ran out worried. He saw Erica and told us to put her in the cart.

"What are you doing?" Simon asked has Derek broke her arm and then squeezed the vemon out.

"Saving her." Derek simple said. After that Scott and him walked out, while Erica healed.

"What the hell just happened?" Simon asked, freaking out.

"What was that green thing and what is she?" He said after that he passed out and we all turned to look at what just happened.

"Hey, guys why is Simon on the floor?" Issac asked has he walked in.

"Long story." I said picking Erica up and putting her on one of the chairs.

"We do this my way." I heard Scott say when I walked out. Derek took a minute then he looked at me and I nodded my head.

"Ok, we do it your way." He said walking away.

"You did your best." I said patting Scott's head. He smiled at me and hugged me. I hugged back and then shook my head at sleeping beauty.

"You should take him home. We'll meet you at Deatons." I said and he walked off. I went over to Derek, who was leaned up against the back wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking over at him.

"Nothing, I promise." He said walking over to me and giving me a hug. But the thing was I heard his heart skip a beat.

We walked out the station and got in Derek's car. Issac ran out and got in and we went to Deatons office. When we got in Scott and Stiles were their waiting for us.

"Why is he here, I don't trust him." Issac said has we walked in. Scott rolled his eyes and I slightly pushed Issac.

"Scott doesn't like you either." Scott said talking in third person.

"Well Derek doesn't care." Derek said turning around and looking at us.

"And I really want to kick all of your asses." I said pushing past them has Deaton walked over to us.

"Are we saving him or killing him?" Deaton asked has he stood at the gate.

"Saving." "Killing." I looked at Derek and shook my head. He sighed and Scott spoke up.

"Saving, we're saving him." Scott said and Deaton let us in.
