Warning Inappropriate

Sorry guys for no updating, but I had to do research. Guys guess what? Okay, I said in the beginning that this will not be a sexual story, but man you need the lemon. Today's chapter will be a lemon. If you are new to lemons then I will explain. Lemons are basically about detailed sex. Soooo if you don't want your inocent little self to be crushed then do not read this chapter.   WARNING INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN! WARNING INAPPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN!

    Mahiru yawned, and said "I'm-". He was cut off by Kuro kissing him. They broke the kiss off a few seconds later while Mahiru said "Not now Kuro". "Aw, but I am a kitty in heat" Kuro said pouting. "Okay" Mahiru said with a smirk on his face, "So if your in heat then I'll top".

     "Hm fine" Kuro said childishly to his lover. (Damn Kuro never let's Mahiru top) "But if you-" Kuro was cut off by Mahiru whispering into his ear "So what is the magic word". "Uh what" said clueless Kuro..

       "Say the magic word" Mahiru said seductive like. "Just fuck me already" said a very impatient Kuro. (You guys need Jesus) "Okaay you're so boring" Mahiru said as Kuro laughed. Mahiru then seductively grabbed Kuro by the hip, and led him to their room.

         Once they were in front of the bed Mahiru pushed Kuro onto the bed, and slowly made his way to Kuro. Mahiru put his hand to prop him up on top of the male below him. He began to tease Kuro with slowly pulling of his shirt then Kuro's shirt. "Hurry up" Kuro whined . Mahiru pulled Kuro's pants off.

      Once Mahiru got to his lower region he started to rub it through Kuro's boxers. "Hurry up please" said Kuro. but Mahiru ignored him. Mahiru slowly pulled Kuro's boxers off, and threw them to the floor while you could clearly see Kuro's big erection. Just by looking at it made Mahiru hard.

      Mahiru slowly started to suck the tip of Kuro's hard member some pre cum came on his tongue. It tasted of salt. (Why did I pick salt) Kuro moaned, but then covered his mouth. "Aw, but I wanna hear you moan some more" said Mahiru.

     Mahiru started to suck harshly on Kuro's erupting member. as cum flew into Mahiru's mouth as he gulped it in. (What am I even writing) "Woah I haven't even started anything yet".

     But when he looked at Kuro he was asleep!?!?! "Well then" 'Damn I was that boring' Mahiru thought. 'Hehe I made him think I was asleep' Kuro thought. Mahiru crawled up to kro, and snuggled into his neck, and said " know your not sleeping". "But I am going to bed" Mahiru said madish. 


Thanks Mahiru you just got me out of writing anymore. Thanks any way thanks for reading sorry for not updating their will be a schedule I will post later. Sorry!!!
