Jealousy is at the Max

Mahiru POV
My phone rang out of nowhere I picked it up, and clicked a button which made it so I could talk to whoever it was. Author said Time for one of my OC's. I herd Lilly Flower my oldest best friend say hi am I forgetting someone, how are you doing. Good I replied, how have you been doing I also said. Nothing much, but I would love to hang out with you cause I am bored she said. You can come to my place because I have an extra room I said. That would be great, but do you have any roommates she asked. Yeah I do I said. Is it a girl she asked somewhat hopefully. No it is a boy I said and she became even more happier. Yep it is a fangirl. Well I gatta go, so yeah bye she said then I said bye. I saw Kuro look at me and I looked at him. He was walking down the stairs and plopped he landed on the carpet floor with a boom. I ran over to him and said are you okay. He said I am fine or that is what I herd until I said something like I have good news. He said what with an annoyance. My best friend is coming over to our house. Kuro groaned loud enough for me to hear him. She is nicer than you I said. Kuro walked over to the fridge and then grabbed the milk. He poured the milk in a cup that is beautiful. Then I said something, and he ignored me.
Time skip
Kuro POV
I saw a car pull up and a girl knock at the door Mahi went and opened the door while I went upstairs where mine and Mahiru's bed is and went to lay down, but Mahi said Kuro come downstairs. Fine I said annoyed. I walked down stairs when a girl that had blue eyes, and blonde hair was hugging Mahiru. I got jelouse. She said hi my name is Lilly Flower. Hi Lilly Flower my name a Kuro. Can I believe my eyes Mahi was hugging that girl, and that girl is hugging him. I got jelouse again he hasn't held me like that in awhile. He hasn't noticed that I am jelouse yet wait maybe he wants to break up I thought. I wanted to sink into my lovely bed. I fainted and I was brought to Mahiru's and my room.
What will happen next will Kuro and Mahiru breakup or will they become deeper in love.
