Lilly why are you doing this?

Kuro's POV
I wonder why I fainted was it because of I was jelouse I thought. I cought myself thinking that as I went downstairs to get a drink of milk. Author-Chan here, anyway when I wrote a drink of milk it auto corrected to bars near me. Mahiru saw me, and said Kuro are you alright. Yeah standoff c Finch googly d to hi ivy OK great guy hence J Merida we uoo Kay hg you by said Kuro. Mahiru's mouth dropped and then said go back to bed, wait who is hence J Merida. You should have seen your face laughed Kuro. Kuro, Mahiru yelled. Lilly Flower blushed in embarrassment about what she was thinking. Mahiru said time to go to bed. Alright said Lilly Flower. Just don't do anything to loud said Lilly Flower. Mahiru's mouth dropped and said wait what. Lilly Flower said I ship you two or should I say cannon you. Mahiru said wait why. Because did you not see that Kuro was jelouse of me hugging you Lilly Flower said. Wait you were said Mahiru dumbfounded. Yeah I was I grabbed a pillow to hide my pink face, but Mahiru took it away the pillow and kissed me. I blushed again as Mahiru kissed me why am I blushing I am the one who dose all the dirty work, but I am blushing why I thought. I looked over and saw Lilly almost screaming in excitement. Then I herd an anime opening that sound so familiar.

Lilly Flower POV
My phone rang I picked it up and it said VHA. Dang it I got to answer this I said. I left into another room and said hello into my phone. Ma'am you have a mission. What is it about I said to the other voice talking. You have to kill a vampire that is named kuro, but he is special he can transform into a cute kitty. You still have to kill him and you also got to kill a guy named Mahiru Shirota. What why who wait what I said. Lilly you have to kill them. Alright Sensei I said. Good girl she said.

Author-Chan here Lily flower is a psycho girl from one of my books that I'm writing.
I have to kill Mahiru, but why i said as Mahiru walked in the room and said is everything okay. Oh yeah I'm fine just another prank call I said. Okay Mahiru said. A tear ran down my face as I called upon my sword named Rose. What is going on with you Mahiru said Kuro ran in and grabbed Mahiru.
What will happen next in the story I don't know you gotta read the story anyway hope you liked what I have done, but it wasn't all me. @Kawaiimoonbunny helped me a lot
