Chapter 12

After all of us help clean up the house my parents ask if Kit and I want to go grab something to eat. "Oh my god yesssss!" Kit groans holding her stomach. That girls appetite never ceases to amaze me. I don't really want to go but I know it's three against one, no use in putting up a fight. We all pile into the car and drive to a small fast food joint not too far from home. The air outside is warm. It feels nice to be out, I guess. I just can't stop thinking about Adrien. The food here has always been so good. It has home cooked meals, the hearty motherly ones that just make you feel great inside. We eat outside, the sound of waves crashing on the shore is melodic and beautiful. It lulls me into a haze and for a moment, I forget about my worries. I am abruptly interrupted by Kit snapping her finger in front of my face and laughing. "Earth to Alex? You in there?" I smile and nod, "Yeah sorry, I zoned out there for a minute. What's up?" My mom pushes her chair in and takes my hand in hers, "We are all really worried about you Alex." I go to interrupt my my dad shakes his head, "Hear us out, what could it hurt?" I look out at the water, "Fine, go on," what could it hurt, I suppose.
