Chapter 8

I get into the car and roll my window down. The silence is so awkward so I turn the radio on. Adrien shuts it off. Now that I'm in the car with him I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "You've been drinking. Stop the car!" I yell at him. He presses down on the gas a little more. "You know what Alex I'm sick of you telling people what to do. You tell Sarah to come find me, you're telling me to pull over, how about you worry about yourself for once?" I wasn't sure where this was coming from, "Adrien, what's gotten into you? Pull over the car and let me out if you're going to act like this!" I could feel the speed of the car increase further. "I'm just tired of the way you have treated me. You know how I feel about you and yet you try to push other people towards me. Stop trying to do me the favour!" He wasn't slowing down around turns and he was blowing stop signs without a care. I was really starting to get worried. "You say it's because you're going away but I know that's a complete lie. You don't want to be with me even if you weren't travelling. There's nothing keeping you here unless I do!" He was talking complete nonsense, he was more drunk than I had thought. I needed to get out of the car but he wasn't slowing down. There was no one on the road and I could see the end of a bend in the road that lines the lake. "Adrien, you're acting like a lunatic! Will you slow the car down please, the lake is straight ahead!" He must not have realized where we were in his drunken state as he swerved. I saw a grassy area on my side of the road and timed my escape. I unbuckled and hoped for the best. I can't remember how the next few minutes occurred but everything went black...
