Chapter 17

After we leave the beach we decide it's probably a good idea to head home. We hop back in the car and start making our way. The new city is beautiful. I can't wait to see more. When we were on the beach there was a big cloud of smoke on the water, looked like it was consuming something. I wonder what that could be. We pull up to the house and look at each other in shock. I know mom and dad wanted a nice house but I hadn't anticipated this. My parents haven't arrived yet so we decide to check out the new house. I unlock the door and step in. The front foyer is massive. There is a giant fountain in the middle! How cool is that? We take our time looking through the house. The best part is the backyard, with a nice big pool and the pool house that Kit will be staying. As part of the deal she got to move with us. I don't think I could handle being away from her. The family pulls up just as we are walking back to grab some stuff from the car, "So what do you think?" My mom asks snuggling Owen, he bursts into a fit of laughter. "I think this is great. The house is beautiful, the island is great. What took you guys so long to get here?" I say grabbing some boxes from my car and hand one to Kit, "Your sister didn't have anything packed in time so we had to help her." I looked over a Scarlett...she's had everything packed for days. With a confused look on my face I hear a honk and turn around as a car pulls into the driveway...
