chapter 9

Kovu is doing well with December this past few weeks and and I finally have my cast off which means I get the pleasure of carrying my baby from place to place instead of one of the others doing it while I just sit around
Like a bum all the time...

Octavia and zoella haven't seen the baby or me since we we're in the hospital so I invited them over with there boy friends so vincent has people to talk to other than his brother damon who we have been around for a while lately he's actually the reason me and vincent met

Me and damon we're in second grade when we met he was my best friend I didn't know he had a brother until a few years later (he's actually half brother)  because he stayed with his mom for a few years before his dad got custody of him... When me and damon we're getting picked up by my mom because we car pooled most days vincent got in the car after me and damon I was confused but soon damon explained and me and vincent became very close...

I heard a knock on the door I was holding a sleeping December but I stood up and opened the door with the hand I wasnt supporting her body with. I looked at the doorway where my swollen stomached cousin Octavia and her sister zoella stood with their boyfriends Mason and sam I invited them in and put December In her swing and hugged zoella first then octavia. She is starting to show a good amount and people at school are beginning to accept the pregnancy and I'm not judged for my daughter anymore and vincent isn't either we didn't get our friends back but for the main part we aren't bullied about the Baby

Its December 20th so Christmas is literally so close and I am shopping with hunnie and December. I got bunnies presents a weeks ago so now it's vincent and his family and then my family and my baby girl. First we go to a baby store for December and I pick out a few things I got her a few new outfits a few new toys and some other little things she would enjoy and then Octavia got a few things for her to. Once we paid we whent to get some things for the guys on our family I got Damon a worlds greatest uncle t-shirt that I was going to say December got him and then I got him a few other things that I knew he liked. After that I got my family then Vincent's and then I got Vincent's gifts (secret. 😛). After shopping we got some food and I took Octavia home and then I went home to wrap the gifts.

That night

I put December to sleep and when to my room where Vincent said he was going then got in a pair of shorts and a comfortable T-shirt then later in bed . I turned off the lights and pulled myself under the covers then i felt something rubbing the upper part of my leg. I unexpectedly moaned and turned to him. He then put his lips on mine and started kissing me and soon he was taking my shorts and panties off and I started doing the same to him we continued to make out until we we're fully makes only relaxing the kiss when one of us had to breath and when we finally released he was on top of me and this time he remembered the protection. Once it was secure he inserted it inside me making me moan again this time saying his name he smiled and kissed me again I rubbed my hands on his chest and started kissing he chest...
