chapter 10

Christmas morning

When everyone in the house is awake we go downstairs and sit around the tree everyone gives me Decembers presents first and I attempt to show her and help her open them. She has mainly clothes and a few toys. I thank everyone for what they got her. Then Bella opens hers she got normal Christmas presents like clothes and jewelry then she opened the one from everyone. It was a key with a key chain necklace. She smiled bright realizing this was her invitation to move in with us "thank you guys" she said and huged us. Then it was hunnies turn. She got pretty much the same thing that Bella got and then from me I had a surprise for her later.
Then it was my turn I handed December to hunnie and opened up a few presents it was mostly mommy stuff then I got Vincents present I opened it and it was a ring he helped me stand up ad took the ring and got on one knee "Bentley will you marry me" she said while the girls smiled from ear to ear I looked at hunnie and she shook her head yes signaling me to answer him "yes" I said smiling and jumping up and down he stood up and kissed me and I kissed back "yay" the girls said in at the same time and Vincent sat back down after I took December back. Now it was his turn he got manly dady things and then he opened my present it was a scrapbook on the front it said "our love story" he opened it and on the first page it was a picture of me him and Damon, then he flipped the page and it was me and him coloring pictures for each other, he flipped the pages until he reached a picture of him holding December "this is our daughter " it said and then the next page was a note "this is for the adventure that awaits us... By the time he closed the book he was in tears he kissed my forehead then kissed Decembers.

After breakfast vincent and I had to go to my aunts for my family Christmas then his family. We finally got done at 10:30 and whent home. Hunnie and Bella we're home to we talked about what everyone had gotten then had cookies and watched a cristmass movie before bed.

Author note

Hey everyone I know it short I wasnt sure what to write I'm going to take a few days to post another chapter that way I have time to think please if you have any ideas on what should happen let me know.  😍Thanks loves
