chapter 4

After about a week me and Vincent had been together pretty much 24/7 because he refuses to leave me knowing that I'm carrying his baby he has been at my house staying over my mom trusts him because I have been his friend for so long. Tomarrow is my appointment to find out what I'm having im going to be exactly 4 months and 28 days.

"Goodnight bents" Vincent said as he covered me up kissed my for head I smiled back at him "goodnight see you tomorrow" I said happily. He turned off the light and layed on the air mattress. What if he doesn't want to be with me is he only here for the baby he told me he loved me before but does he still???? The questions flooded my head but soon I was asleep  before I fell asleep I promised myself I would ask him how he felt tomorrow.

" daddy please stay here I hate it when you leave" I cryed

" I know you do but I have to go I'll be back as soon as I can" my father answerd

"He promised me he would come back momma he'll be back" I said crying

I woke up breathing heavy tears running down my face. Vincent immediately woke up and sat up what happened are you ok is the baby ok?  "Yes the baby's ok I just had a dream about my dad..." Then he stood up and walked to the bed he put me in his arms and I cryed "if he were here he would be proud of you for who you are and he would be happy that your giving him a grandchild I promise" I looked up and he wiped away my tears "should I tell my mom?" I asked him "that is up to you but if it we're my mom I would tell her she deserves to know but tell her after we find out if it's a girl or a boy ok? " he said smiling "ok I will now let me go so I can get ready" I said tickling him then he let me go. I got to my closet and picked up a shirt and a pair of pants nothing special I took my pajamas off in the middle of my room not paying attention to the fact that he is there he whistles at me and I giggle then I slip into my shose. "You ready to go" I ask him and he shakes his head in agreement. It's 9:27 and the appointment Is at 10:00. We get in my car and he drives me to my doctor appointment .

Once we arrive I here my name called and I walk to the door where the nurse is standing "that's me" I said and she showed me the way to room 3 "you don't have a parent with you today ma'am? " the nurse asked "no" I told her "well you will have to fill put some paperwork then. " she explained "ok thank you" I said and she went to get the paper work. As I waited I lifted my shirt and noticed I was getting bigger by the week I smile as Vincent places his hand on my swollen stomach "I can't wait to see it" he said and I agreed.
"Here are your papers" the nurse said walking in handing me a clipboard and pen. I filled it out and handed it back to her "the doctor will be right in. " she said cheerfully and walked out .

When the doctor walked in she gave me specific instructions "lay on the bed and lift your shirt" she asked while putting on gloves. I did as I was told. "This is going to be a little cold. " I shook my head letting her know I was ready. She ploped the goop on my stomach. She wasn't lieing when she said it would be cold. "Do you want to know the sex of the child? " she asked polity "yes please" I answered swiftly. Vincent took my hand and looked at the doctor. "It's a...  Girl"...
