Chapter Seven

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"Colton...." I trailed off, "Think about what you're about to do---and then don't do it!" I continued to back away from Colton Knight's towering body. He was shivering a bit due to the lack of warmth in his body. His lips weren't their normal plump pink but a cracked purple. His clothes were drenched, sticking to his muscular body. "Don't be stupid Colton!" He laughed humorlessly. Probably thinking how dumb I sounded begging.

"Stop backing away," He growled, showing off his full set of perfect teeth, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

Yeah, and pigs fly! Colton wasn't going to hurt me: he was going to kill me!

"Are you scared?"

Yes! But I'll never admit that.

"O-Of course not," I stammered. Clearly showing my fear and that made him smile even harder. "It's just chilly out t-tonight." And it was. We were further into fall and the weather was turning from its warm summer heat to the crispy, chill air of autumn. Just imagine being in Colton's wet attire right now with this cold breeze outside.

I'm such a bitch!



"Girl's night has officially started," Serena cheered, giving me a big fist pump. I plopped down on my living room couch beside her and curled myself up into my Scary Movie Comforting Blanket. Serena and I are a but different from other teenage girls: instead of crying our eyes out to romantic comedies, we'd rather have our socks knocked off by a terrifying horror movie. It makes girls' night much more enjoyable.

I picked up the remote and pressed play on The Exorcist. It was the original 1973 version. That meant I wouldn't be thinking straight for months! Serena was giggling, thinking my fear was absolutely hilarious. You wait and see, we'll both be crying ourselves to sleep tonight.

The movie started playing and I was cringing into my blanket at all the creepy parts. Why is this girl so freaking freaky? Why were these people so freaky?! I had been using the extra buttered popcorn as comfort food but when the part came where I would need it the most, it was all gone.

"You're such a little wuss," Serena chuckled and put the empty bowl of popcorn up on the table, right when the music made a sharp sound; making us jump to our deaths.

"We're," Serena spoke muffled into the couch pillows. "We're wusses!" Yeah, now she wants to admit it!

The little girl was strapped down to her bed and her face was turned from a normal one into a demonic one. She was acting crazy because a demon was inside of her and I was just trying to keep my boldness showing because I wanted to finish the movie.

Serena was hiding her face in the pillow a majority of the time but peeking up from it to look at the TV for a few seconds. Then she would cower back into its comfort. At least we're being brave and watching the movie. Unlike some girls who needed a boy just to get through the opening credits.

"Did you hear that?" Serena asked suddenly when the little girl was going on a murderous rampage. I looked over at Serena who had fear in her eyes. "Seriously I hea--"

She wasn't able to finish because that's when we heard a thump coming from what sounded like the back of my house. "Normally I would say you're crazy but I heard it too," I whispered. Serena snatched the remote from the middle of us and paused the movie quickly.

A bit to quickly for my liking because it was paused on the demonic girl's face. Now I'll be able to un-see it.

Serena and I sat very still, just looking at each other waiting for the next sound but it didn't come. After five minutes of staring at each other there was no other thump.

"M-Maybe it was just the wind?" I said hopeful. Serena shook her head and I knew she was right. That shit wasn't caused by the wind.



This time the lights flickered twice before turning off completely.

"It's not the wind!" Serena screamed and jumped off the couch to run around the living room, "It's not the wind! We're gonna die!"

I jumped off the couch and screamed along with her, "Someone's in the house!" Serena ran into another room screaming and I crawled around the floor.

Good thing my parents decided to go to a midnight movie or else we all would've been doomed to die. Some Pikes have to live!

If only I was an actress in a scary movie right now. I could totally win an academy award for this. I ran around, following the sound of Serena's high-pitched screams and bumped right into her.

"What room are we in?" I whispered to her so whoever was in the house wouldn't be able to hear us. This wasn't the time to be brave. Serena and I had to hide.

"The dining room," She whispered back. Digging her nails into my forearm. I led us quietly into the hallway and right into a coat closet that my family rarely uses. The only things stored in there were random boxes, coats, hats and umbrellas. "Are we going to die?"


"Are you crazy?" I whisper-yelled to her. Probably not one of the best ideas while we were in this situation. "Of course not." I brought my whisper down a lot lower and snuggled into Serena's tight grasp.

Just the thought of us possibly dying and that being our last best friend embrace had my heart beating a mile a minute. But we had lived good lives. Dying would be okay.

"I'm sorry I broke your princess night-light when we were five," Serena admitted with her voice shaking a bit. "And then for blaming it on Scott.... And I'm sorry I'm admitting to doing it now."

"I'm sorry that I stole a new pair of your Vicky Secret underwear," I spoke. "I'm also sorry that I'm wearing them right now."

"Normally I would be upset but since we're going to die tonight I'm just glad they fit you well."

We sat holding onto each other for another five minutes or so and that's when we heard the slow, deep footsteps coming up the hallway towards us.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door to the closet. Serena let out a little whimper and I clasped my hand over her mouth. The doorknob turned slowly.

I clenched my eyes shut in fear and did the first thing I could think of to give Serena and I a chance at living. Standing up with this burst of adrenaline I didn't bother to see if it was a male or female because regardless it would hurt them anyways and I kneed them right in the no no's.

"Run!" I screamed. Serena clambered out of the closet quickly while the killer was clenching his balls. It clearly had to be a male just by looking at him. "The backyard!"

We slipped through the rooms that led us to the backdoor of the house. Once in the backyard, I realized it was fenced and there was nowhere to go. How dumb of me! I should've stayed in the front yard.

I realized Serena was no longer by my side -- she was gone, into thin air! Vanished!

"Serena!" I screamed.

Right when I was about to scream at the top of my lungs in fear I felt the presence of someone close behind me. Don't turn around, Adrian. Stay put. Just let him take you.

I saw the killer's shadow lean closer and closer to me. Until I could see the outline from his face in the corner of my eye.

"Boo!" He whispered into my ear. It sent tingles down my body, giving me goosebumps.

 I know that voice!

"Colton!" I screeched and turned around so quickly that I pushed him into the pool that was behind us.

He wrestled with the water, that I'm pretty sure was freezing cold, and then came up to the surface to take a big gasp of air.

"That wasn't funny you jackass!" I screamed, "Serena and I thought we were going to die!"

He laughed as he pulled himself out of the pool and stalked over to me. I turned away from him to face the pool and he looked like he was ready for revenge. Oh great!


"Colton..." I trailed off, "Think about what you're about to do---and then don't do it!" I continued to back away from Colton Knight's towering body. He was shivering a bit due to the lack of warmth in his body. His lips weren't their normal plump pink but cracked purple. His clothes drenched, sticking to his muscular body. "Don't be stupid Colton!"

He laughed humorlessly. Probably thinking how dumb I sounded begging.

"Stop backing away," He growled, showing off his full set of perfect teeth, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

Yeah and Heaven's just a place. Colton wasn't going to hurt me; he was going to kill me!

"Are you scared?"

"O-Of course not," I stammered. Clearly showing my fear and that made him smile even harder. "It's just chilly out t-tonight." And it was. We were further into fall and the weather was turning from it's warm summer heat to the crisp, chill air of autumn. Just imagine being in Colton's wet attire right now with this light breeze outside.

I'm such a bitch!

He stepped close to me so quickly that I barely even saw him make a move, but I felt it, the pressure on my shoulders. My arms went flying everywhere, trying to balance on the edge of the pool.

I knew this was going to be the end of me.

So I latched onto the one thing that I could and took him into the pool with me.


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Thanks everyone reading my book and this note!

Love all <3

