Chapter Forty-Seven

"Hey boy, I really wanna see if you could go downtown with a girl like me..."

Song: What's My Name

Artist: Rihanna

I apologize for my pure rachetness. Here is the new chapter Forty-Seven.

Happy Reading!



Everyone loves to win. Everyone. I don't ever want to hear someone say that it doesn't matter if you win or lose. That's a load of bull and we all know it. If it didn't matter whether you would win or lose then what were the points of creating competitions in the first place? Championships for that matter? It mattered. Winning completely matter. Everyone wants to win.

When I was on the field today I knew I had to put on a show. All those people didn't drive all the way from town just to watch us lose. Losing wasn't going to be an option for me. Especially, against South Lakeview. The whole season our team had put in endless blood, sweat, and tears into all of our practices. We perform the way we practice. That tells you something there.

Football is my life. I've been playing it, learning about it, and everything since the day I learned to walk. I planned on going pro in the future. It isn't just a hobby for me. Football is literally my key to success. And I bet if you go up to any high school football player that is actually good ... they won't sway you with any other answer.

So you would be able to understand the emotions I was feeling the minute we won the game. Beyond happiness. I was floating on cloud 9. We told ourselves that we were going to win that game. Even though the guys and I had so many distractions leading up to kickoff --- it didn't matter --- because as soon as the first play commenced we weren't thinking about anything else except coming off of that field victorious.

Victorious is exactly what we were.

I guess you could also say that there was something else driving me towards my goal to win. Liam. I was playing against my girlfriends ex-boyfriend. He was the guy that caused a majority of all the problems my friends and I were facing today. He was the reason why Adrian no longer had Serena as a best friend. He was the reason that Serena went completely mental. He was the reason why Adrian fought Serena. He was the reason for a lot of things.

And that pissed me off. Yeah, I wasn't around when Adrian was going out with him obviously but that didn't exactly mean anything. I didn't feel steady knowing that her ex was bringing problems into my relationship with her now. And as her current boyfriend --- the boyfriend that truly loved her --- you would be completely mind-fucked if you thought that I wasn't going to protect.

When we beat South Lakeview and I saw the look on Liam's face after the game ... god, I don't think you understand how riveting it was to see that you crushed your enemies spirits. I sound like a crazy person but everyone has their inner evil, don't they? I loved seeing Liam so put down and I would love to see happen for the rest of my life.

As long as he wasn't trying to come on to Adrian anymore then everything would be okay. I loved her. Adrian. I love her. And as for being the first girl that I truly loved, expressed my feelings for, it scared me. I may not sound very manly when I say what I'm about to say but it doesn't matter to me. A guy in love should be able to have one of these moments --- or multiple moments.

Now, back to being scared. It scared me to think that Liam was trying to come for her still. Trying to get her back. Even when we all told him to back off the look on his face showed pure determination. He was determined to get her back. So, it scared me. No guy wants to worry about ex-boyfriends ever. Just like Adrian shouldn't have to worry about the whores that always tries to get to me.

I'm trying though. I'm trying my best to keep her right beside me. She's my first girlfriend ... literally. You may not believe me but all those other girls were just flings. They were never given the title of being my girlfriend. Those who did claim to be my 'girlfriend' had only given them the label themselves. Nothing was ever official. Mainly because I never expected me, Colton Duke Knight, to be the kind of guy that would ever be tied down to one girl.

That means it was a pretty big deal when I told Adrian that I was in love with her. For one, I never ever, ever, ever said that to a girl before. Two, I didn't truly understand the steps towards being a boyfriend in the first place. A good one at that. And three, it was nice to actually tell a girl that I loved her and for once to actually mean it. The 'I love you' concept completely changes once you say it with pure honesty.

Gosh, I sound just like a girl. No, you don't. I do. It doesn't matter though. As long as I had Adrian and everything else was okay ... nothing else really even mattered.


"Thank you for coming everyone," Nicole spoke to the crowd of football players, and anyone else who wanted to see the dance-off. A few guys whooped in delight or maybe just erotic entertainment since her uniform did resemble the works of a stripper. "We declared this dance-off since a little infraction happened among North Lakeview's dance team and left them ineligible to dance."

I saw Adrianna shift on her feet from the uneasiness. Either she was overthinking her dancing or she was under-minding why she fought Serena in the first place. I on the other hand wished Serena got much more then a bruised face. Even though I was the one that pulled Adrianna off of her, my insides really wanted Adrian to evoke more damage upon Serena.

"The rules are finite." Whoa, that's a big word for her. "Adrianna and I will perform the dance that our team was supposed to showcase at our competition and you all will decide the winner. Is that a deal?" Nobody actually answered Nicole directly. Instead, we just shook our heads. Well, a majority of us did. There was still Josh.

He raised his hand almost like an eager preschooler. Just by the way he acted you would wonder how he even passed elementary school anyways. "Uh, yeah?" Nicole said. Looking impatient.

"Yeah, are we getting paid for this?" Laughter erupted into the auditorium. I'm not even gonna lie, I laughed right along with them. "Are we at least getting food?" Nicole just stood there looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Judging from here static expression this girl wasn't amused at the slightest bit. That's what made it even more funny. "Am I that sexy that you can't answer me?"

Coming up beside Nicole, Brooke clapped her hands together quickly. "Alright, Josh enough. Can we move on please? I'm getting bored by the second." Nicole and Brooke walked their separate ways to their teams and huddled everyone together. 

I could see Adrian arguing with Brooke about something quietly but it didn't last long. The final gesture given was the roll of Adrian's eyes where she then walked off to stand beside Sophia and whisper something to her. Sophia laughed quietly but was then shushed to be quiet by Nicole.

"The best goes first," Nicole smirked. She took her spot in the center stage and the expression on her face showed that she didn't have a care in the world.

Sophia coughed out, "I thought it was save the best for last?" Nicole sent her a parting glare that only lasted for a few seconds because soon What's My Name began blasting through the speakers of the auditorium. Would it make me a pansy if I said that I actually liked this song.

Nicole began dancing as soon as the music started playing, rolling her hips in a un-classy way and just making the dance a bit more provocative then I think it was originally made to be. I wasn't exactly a fan her at the moment. Which is good since my girlfriends face looked so red that it looked like she was about to bust a cap on Nicole's ass anyways.

Wait ... Adrianna's mad? I then looked at the rest of North Lakeview dance teams facial expressions and some girls carried a look of pure shock, while a good number of others were fuming. The music kept going, and Nicole kept dancing. Completely unaware of the animosity that just crept into the room.

Just then Adrian jumped into doing the same dance that Nicole was doing. Her body moving with the music just like any dancers body was supposed too. Except, it was better? More natural. Like she was born to dance. That gained my interest almost immediately. Nicole didn't stop the dancing though. She kept on going like their was no problem in the world. Does she not realize that she is embarrassing herself?

"Umm," Brayden trailed off. He looked at Scott, who was sitting right beside and said, "I knew you said Adrian could dance but I didn't know that she could dance this good."

Scott shrugged it off completely. "She tends to keep it under wraps."

"I love that Food Network show!" Josh suddenly blurted out of nowhere. We looked at him confused. A thing that we do daily to him. "You said Unwrapped, right? That show is great! They show how all the great candies are made. And is Adrian supposed to be doing the same dance as Nicole? I'm confuzzled."

"So are we, Josh." I sighed. Then, turned my attention back to the stage where Nicole and Adrian were finishing the last of the dance. Nicole hit the ending pose but not Adrian. She kept going, finishing up the entire dance. That must've been the part South Lakeview forget to steal. Some of the boys began cheering for Adrian, all the while, her team kept cheering her on.

With one last turn, she finished the dance. But a smile wasn't plastered on her face when the whole auditorium began cheering for her. Instead, her happiness was replaced with a scowl.

North Lakeview then walked up behind Adrian to meet her at center stage, with Serena and Megan lagging off to the sides. Something tells me that this had to be the works of one of those two. They always had it out for Adrian. So I wouldn't be surprised that would try to mess up the dance the first chance that they got.

"Are you happy with yourself, Nicole?" Adrian asked her. Nicole just kept her arms crossed in front of her chest. revealing everything she packed under her shirt to the entire audience. The applause had died down about a minute or two ago. Allowing everyone to watch the true show. "You stole our dance, you bitch!" The sharp tone of Adrian's voice practically made everyone wince through their teeth. I now know one thing. When it comes to dancing and Adrianna, that's not something you mess with because it's where she is the most happiest.

Nicole rolled her eyes. Trying to come off unaffected by Adrian's crucial word choice. She wasn't very good at hiding her embarrassment. The blood rushing to her face gave her away.

"I didn't steal you all dance." Nicole snarled. "It was given to me and I just so happened to make it better!"

Sophia then let out a dry laugh. Not amused at all. "Better? You need to take that shit to the strip club and work with it. Hun, let's be real here. We actually came to compete. Now, how in the world would it be a fair competition if you all can't work with what you have?" That's true. "By you stealing our dance, then using it against us ...? Come on now, who's the real winners here?"

"I think I'm love." I heard Josh mutter under his breath low enough for nobody around to hear. Luckily, I was sitting right beside him and was able to here it. Just the thought of Josh even getting a girlfriend deserved to go in the Guinness Book of World Records. It would be a miracle in the making, for sure.

"Like I said," Nicole spoke through clenched teeth. "It wasn't stolen. Megan came to us and taught it to me. You're worried about me? Why don't you worry about the loyalty to your own team." Adrian's jaw clenched so tight I thought it would snap at any given second. Her anger was like it was with Serena. No, it was worse but I could tell she was trying to keep her cool. She didn't need to be in another fight.

Brooke, Adrian, and Sophia then turned on their heels and charged their way to where Megan was standing amongst their dance team and took their stance in front of her. "I'm on a thin wire, Megan. I didn't waste my time teaching these dances in order for them to be used against us. Start talking." Brooke snapped.

Megan's lips curled into a smirk. A smirk that she the least bit ashamed of hiding. She had to have been anticipating this moment. She had to have been.

"You didn't really think that I was the slightest bit interested in actually letting this team win did you?" Adrian and the girls stayed silent and unmoving. "Let's be real here, Serena doesn't like Adrian. Adrian doesn't like Serena. In order to make your life" --- she pointed directly to Adrian --- "here terrible, I was enlisted with the help of killing the competition."

"By Nicole?" Brooke asked. This blonde headed dimwit. I know she isn't this bad at catching on.

Megan shook her head. "No you idiot. Serena." Of course. It all makes sense now. Serena couldn't stand to see Adrian possibly excelling in something so she tainted it.

"Is there anything that this girl can't do?" Brayden asked me. Referring to Serena. I'm a bit surprised that he even commented about her at all. Given the recent circumstances that she made him endure. Judging by what I know, Serena has an easy time plotting any and everything.

"Do you know how immature you really are?" Adrian yelled in Serena's face now.

Serena's posture became stiff. I doubt it was because she was now scared. More like she was trying to stop another fight from breaking out between her and Adrian.

"I didn't really understand how much you truly hated me until now." Adrian continued to spit out. "You already made it known that you hated me the other day ago. Just stop being a jealous, manipulative bitch!"

Sophia pulled Adrian back from getting further into Serena's ass. Making her take a few steps back. Serena coughed awkwardly. Looking at Megan and nodding her head. "Let's go." Just like that, as if nothing even happened, they walked off the stage. There is no way in hell she was backing down that easy. No way in hell.

"You lose," Brooke stated to Nicole. "You cheated. You lose. Now, everybody leave." Instantly, everyone stood up to gather themselves and begin to exit out of the auditorium. They were acting as if nothing had happened which was a good thing. We couldn't cause too much chaos because this was an unauthorized event. If the officials knew that we gathered to have a competition against their orders our ass would be grass.

Sophia and Adrian walked off the stage and made their way to us in the mass of people. The look Adrian carried on her face was nothing of the pleasant kind. Understandable. Not everyone would want to have a vindictive ex-bestfriend out to get them at any moment.

I pulled her into my side, wrapping an arm across her shoulders and gave her kiss on her head. "Cheer up Adrian," Scott exclaimed. "You won!"

"By default, idiot." Brayden added in. "Imagine that was you up there. It's not the same. So what are you gonna do?"

Adrian looked at me. "Don't tell me you're going to go beat the girl for a second time!" I spoke up. She let out a laugh. "Your anger is legit this time. So what are you going to do?"

"Talk to her." Adrian said straight and plain. Right to the point that I almost didn't believe her.

Scott slumped his shoulders. "Did we not just state that she was a bitch? You can't just talk to a ... bitch because you see how the last 'talk' worked out. Must I draw a diagram."

"Not needed." Adrian scowled.

We all then lapsed into a silence. No one talking at all. It wasn't uncomfortable until Josh decided to make moves.

"So ...," He trailed off in his best seductive voice to catch Sophia's attention. Oh no! Don't make your attraction towards her obvious Josh. "Do you watch Unwrapped?"


I hope this chapter is better then the first Chapter Forty-Seven I posted. Also, I'm sorry if the bash is moving so slow. I didn't realize how much it bothered you all until some of you made it known on So, I'll speed up the whole thing and finish this book up quickly so I can get on to the second one.

Also, a few readers said that I was getting lazy because my book has a bunch of reads now but that's not the case. I started this book in the summer. The summer was when I was doing absolutely nothing and I had so much free time. But now, that's not the case due to school being in and me being sick right now. I told you all not to get comfortable with the fast updates. Rest assured though .... here's the update. So Keep Calm and Like Totally Laugh On! --- Korrie <3

P.S. Nicole and Adrian's dance on the side. Also, I'm sorry for my terrible dance descriptions this chapter. Seriously, I'm so sorry.
