Chapter Five

Do whaaaaaa, do whaaaaaaattttt?

Another update! Say whaaaaaaa, say whaaaaatttttt!

Crazy girl that's what I am but anyways here's a new update and I hope you guys like it ( :

Good Readings!! ( :



It was finally lunchtime and I'd been avoiding all the venomous stares of girls all day!

Somehow, word had gotten around school that Colton and I were now neighbors, even though we weren't, but girls were now thinking that I was going to push up on their "future husband." That was literally what an angry sophomore told me this morning in the hallway.

The last thing they have to do is worry about me pushing up on Colton. It's that sex-bunny they need to keep their eyes pilled out for. And do they really think that they're going to be able to make Colton Knight husband material? No girl will ever tie that boy down and make him un-douche

That's not even a word but it works for me.

"Tell me that I'll survive," I whispered to Serena as soon as I sat down at our lunch table that was also occupied by Scott, Brayden, Josh, Colton and a few random boy and girl groupies.

"AWOL Amy has been glaring at me since I stepped out of my car."

Serena pulled her lips into her mouth and started messing around with her milk straw.

"All this because he became my unwanted neighbor! Not even my neighbor. He lives two doors down. Girls need to chill the hell out," I screeched in a whisper.

Since today was Tuna Tuesday, I didn't even bother with getting lunch. I swear the last time I ordered the tuna it blinked at me and crawled an inch off my plate. Scott just said I was hallucinating, until he saw it breath with his own eyes.

He never doubted my inquiry to school food ever again.

"Adrian," Josh spoke suddenly. I turned toward the brown-headed boy and he spoke on. "How's it like living in walking distance of Colton?" Oh great! Thanks Josh. Now everyone at our lunch table is looking at me awaiting an answer.

"Umm... it's only been a day?" I questioned, hesitantly, "He's just a neighbor it's not like we're friends."

"Yet," Colton chimed in with his stupid two cents. "We aren't friends...yet."

What was he trying to say? That eventually we would become friends? I never wanted to be Colton's friend---ever! I just wanted to go back in time and be invisible to him and live my life normally, the way it was before I bumped into his whore in the freaking hallway.

This is all Mr. Boggs's fault! If it wasn't for him giving out a rare hallway pass, I wouldn't have been so eager to take it. Then I wouldn't have taken a walk around school, bumped into a crying girl and had a stupid conversation with Colton Whatever-His-Middle-Name-Is Knight. My stupid history teacher and his divorced ass.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I never want to be your friend. Sorry," I spoke.

The table quieted down from their chatter and now it was just Colton and I with the banter.

"I don't even want to talk to you!"

"Then why are you talking to me?" He answered quickly, as if his life depended on it, "if you don't want to talk to me then why are you talking to me?"

I scoffed, "because you keep talking to me saying stupid shit and that makes me counter back causing me to talk to you when I don't even want to talk to you!"

Somehow I managed to get all of that out in one breath. While everyone but Colton looked stunned. I'm pretty sure no girl has ever stood up for herself to Colton---ever! So I was probably a God's gift of womanpower sent from heaven above!

"Then stop talking to me when I'm talking to you and then we just won't talk to eachother, okay?"

"Then why talk to me when I'm not even going to talk back stupid?" I asked him. Everyone looked at Colton like he was a foreign object but he wasn't he was just stupid.

"Just leave me alone! You know what?" I stopped my sentence there and stood up to stand on top of the lunch table. I put my fingers in my mouth to whistle. When I finally had everyone's attention, it took thirty seconds or so until I took a deep breath and spoke.

"I, Adrianna Pike, do not like Colton Knight!"

You could hear all the girls gasp in shock and people look at me all bug-eyed crazy. Regardless I had to get this out,

"Girls! He is all yours! I don't want anything to do with him so don't worry about me! We're just neighbors! Neighbors that live two doors down from each other. So just shut up about this stupid crap, okay?"

Serena helped me step off the table and get back into my seat. Everyone was still staring at me. Even Colton. He wasn't even paying attention to the black haired girl running a hand through his hair. "What the hell is everyone staring at?" I yelled to the cafeteria. Instantly, it went back to its usual noise. The room was acting like my outburst never even happened.

"Why is my best friend so badass?" Scott asked sitting across from me.

"Thank you," Serena spoke. Scott and I turned our heads to look at her and then tried to hold in our laughter. Serena was being 100% serious. Of course Serena and I had our badass ways with drinking and partying but we tried to keep that on the down low.

"Serena he was ta---you know what? You are a badass! Yay Serena ... ?" My voice wavered at the end since I was so unsure of myself. "Next topic, next topic! Please!"


Just like yesterday, I walked into Biology and sat in my seat right when the bell rang.

Maybe I should cut the side conversations with Serena and Scott much shorter.

Colton was already in his seat beside me, twirling a mechanical pencil in his hands. It looked like we weren't going to say a word to each other because of our spat at lunch today. It didn't bother me at all though. That's what I asked for and it's what I got.

Our Biology teacher told us to pass up our blood samples that we had our parents fill out. It was funny because my Mom was freaking my Dad out about giving his blood for some odd reason, we just told her to let him suck it up like I did. We won that argument.

"You will receive your blood samples in the next few weeks," Our teacher announced to the class. "For all you sports people, you will have it before you leave for the Lakeview Bash." That's right! The annual Lakeview Bash was in a month.

The Lakeview Bash is a battle between two rival schools, North Lakeview and South Lakeview. The rivalry has been going on since the 80's because South Lakeview can't just be good sports and accept the fact that they suck. The schools drive six hours to reach a university campus that hosts the games for a complete week.

It's a battle between the basketball teams, cheerleading, dance, football, and even band. It's huge in the sports career and North Lakeview has a tradition of winning every year. But this year South Lakeview might have a shot at winning because not only did their dance team get a new captain but their football team gained a new quarterback as well.

Apparently, they're both really good too. Colton's probably already heard about the new quarterback since he plays that position also. He probably also hates his guts and he hasn't even met the guy yet. That's how I feel about the new dance team captain. I hate her.

"Let's focus on the reproduction of cells," begins Ms. Kinner and the class groans, including me. How was the talk of cells fun? Nobody cares about them, just as long as we're here right?

"That's the spirit!"

While class went on for a whole hour I could feel my body dragging from being sleep deprived. I didn't sleep so great last night because the thought of having the school's boytoy less then 4,000 feet away from me creeped the heck out of me. Not only that but I swear I could hear him snoring, even though our houses aren't side by side.

Darn! I can't even go home today because I have freaking dance practice! How can I forget that! Ugh. I just want to be in the comforts of my bed already! Is that to much to ask for?

"And tomorrow you have a paper due ..."

Oh. My. Gosh.



"Do it again! The moves need to flow!"

The team groaned and got back into our first formation. When the beat of My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas began we started on our dance again, hitting all the moves and making it to our formations in time. To me, everything seemed to be going good until the music stopped and our team captain, Brooke Rose, started yelling.

"Girls! Lakeview Bash is in one month! Get it fucking together! I don't want us to look silly there! Step it the fuck up! Katy, do you need ice?" Brooke asked Katy who was on the floor rubbing on her ankle in pain. Katy nodded her head softly and then Brooke snapped her neck to look at me.

"Ice now."

I didn't dare try to go against a pissed off Brooke. Even when the Athletic Coach was all the way down at the football field with the players that needed to be taped up for practice. And I'm in a sports bra and compression shorts! Ugh. Why is Brooke doing this to me.

"Now, Adrian!"

I scampered off the auditorium stage and out the doors. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't back in less then ten minutes, Brooke would have me run laps 'till I died.' So I jogged, and jogged until I reached the football field and just my luck all of the players were walking out of their locker rooms and onto the football field, gear and all.

"Why me?" I mumbled under my breath.

Ignoring the whistles and flirty comments I shoved past them and made it to our school's trainer, Jake. Though Jake was well into his 40s he's a friend to me. We bonded a bit during my sprained ankle last season. Who knew icing an ankle could help you learn so much about a person?

"To what do I owe this pleasure of your presence?" Jake asked me, pulling out some tape from his fanny pack, "are you hurt?"

I rolled my eyes at his urgency. If I was hurt then I would've called him a different name then Jakester ---if you get what I'm saying.

"Never mind, what's up?"

"I need ice for a girl who's got a swollen ankle." He led me over to the ice bag station and started filling a plastic bag up with ice.

"How's the team looking this year, Jake?" I turned my head to look at the football players that were in those weird looking lines stretching the same moves in unison.

"Excellent as usual, how about the dance team,?" He asked, tying up the ice bag. "Is Brooke being pretty authoritative?" I scoffed and took the ice from him.

"Isn't she always? Apparently South Lakeview has a new quarterback and dance team captain. Everyone's freaking out! We just need to take a chill pill and stay focused." I said. "The last thing we need is another one of these," I pointed one of my fingers at the ice bag.

 Back in the day, Jake played football for North Lakeview. So he understood the pressure of the Lakeview Bash and how crazy the people became.

"Just don't stress yourself out, Adrian. I don't wanna spend another season icing your ankle!"

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy my company, Jake!"

I turned to make my way back, only to be blocked by Colton. What is it with him blocking my getaways?

Colton and I had said we weren't going to talk to each other. However, getting him out of the way would require talking.

"Can you, umm, move? Please, or Brooke is going to kill me," I sighed and put a hand up to rub my forehead. He smirked at me with all his football gear on minus the helmet.

Hopefully a football will suddenly come flying over here and knock him out. Life would be so glorious if that happened!

"Seriously Colton, move!"

"Listen, we all know girls can't play football without the fear of breaking their nails. So, I'll move ... when you throw a football and Scott catches it." Oh, so now he's being sexist? Good thing Dad is a huge football fanatic. Whenever its nice outside, we go and throw the football around the yard. I wasn't clueless as to how to throw a football.

"Up for the challenge, Princess?"

I snatched the football from his awaiting hands and turned around towards the field to gets Scott's attention.

"Scotty! Go long!" Scott started running backwards and I threw the ball hard, watched it spin perfectly, and  land straight in his arms.

Now that that's finished...

I spun on my heels to look at an astonished Colton.

"That was very sexist of you. Now move!" I shoved him out of the way and ran back up to the school where Brooke's evil wrath awaited me because Colton freaking Knight held me up!


Sorry if this chapter sucked! Still editing the book and it was a filler chapter to let you all understand some things! But continue reading, voting, commenting, fanning and doing whatever you're doing please!

Love you guys and thanks!

