Chapter 15

Snape was doing everything he could to help his son, but Hadrian's condition was getting worse by the hour. Draco appeared broken as he stood trapped in a corner. Tom spoke with every great magician in search of a cure. In the Wizarding world, the Mark of Death was a legend. Nobody had ever seen it in person. They only knew that it couldn't be removed or relocated because it was placed by death itself.

Hermione barged through the door in panic.

"This can't be happening....not right now," she mumbled.

"You know about it....He told you right," Snape said, his voice tinged with rage.

"I...He made a promise"

"Hermione... please tell us." We're sure Hadrian told you something. Narcissa said to Hermione.


"Tell me damn son is here fighting for his life." I don't give a damn about your witty promise...Don't force me to use the potion, Hermione." Snape shouted.

"He made a deal with the death"

Hermione said with a deep breath and everyone else gasped in horror.

"What...?" The dark lord asked in disbelief.

"Hadrian lived a life as Harry Potter before this... that's how he learned the was tragic. So he made a deal with the Death to make him time travel here. In return he sold his lifespan"

"It can't possibly be..." Snape stumbled back. Even at the last minute, he had hopes of breaking the curse, but hearing about Hermione makes him feel like his world is ending.

" I told him to talk with you guys but he said he doesn't want you guys spending his last living moments in pain.But he had more time...much more, I swear....." Hermione was in tears.

"The killing curse..Tom said in a grave voice.

"Possible...." Lucius agreed.

"My child....."Snape hugged Tom and started crying.

"Summon the death..."Draco spoke in a grave tone.

"What... Draco?" Narcissa asked, her eyes wide. It's not easy to summon death. It means surrendering your life into the hands of death.

Draco turned away from his mother's voice and turned to face the dark lord.

Now that you're the king, all witches and wizards are at your mercy. Use their magic or whatever to summon death.

"That's not going to be easy." Lucius attempted to reason.

"I'm not asking for anything mate is dying." Draco screamed.

"Lucius... arrange the death Eaters" the dark lord told the blonde.

"But my lord"

"Do it NOW !!" The dark lord screamed and others in the room flinched apart from Snape and Draco.
The ritual was dangerous. Only Snape and the Malfoys remained in the room.

A light appeared in front of them, gradually changing into the image of death.

"Asking for death....I'm not sure if you're brave or foolish children of magic," Death said chillingly.

"I'm sorry for distributing you, great one," the dark lord apologized.

"I warned your son about the future...he was aware of the cost of the bargain, Dark Lord," Death said.

"I can't live without him... please tell me how I can save him."
Draco wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Mate bond....never fails to amuse me." Death made his voice heard. "The mark cannot be removed or altered."

"There has to be a way." Snape inquired, his voice broken.

After a few seconds of stillness, Death said, "There is."

"What is it?" Tom and Draco questioned at the same time.

"If a relative with blood is willing to give Hadrian his may be possible to extend the mark to a certain time."

"I will do it" Tom and Snape said in unison.

"The spell will fail because your soul was split and reconnected, Dark Lord."

Tom lowered his head in defeat.

"Then I's not gonna be a problem, right?" Snape inquired, hopeful.

"I'm sorry, Dark just can't..."


"I'm not allowed to explain why," Death said softly.

"So, there's no way..." While glancing at her son, Narcissa spoke. She can't believe her son's fate has turned out this way.

"Mate connection is the lone exception...a mate might share his lifespan with his marked mate."

"You should've started there."

Draco yelled to the death, and everyone gazed at him with wide eyes. He even caught death himself by surprise. Death cleared his throat and continued,

"But it's not like sharing in the traditional sense... you'll be dividing your total lifespan to give him...binding your lives together. His sufferings will be yours, as will his pain.You can't break it... if you do, both of you will die."

"Agreed," Draco stated emphatically.

"Let me speak.... Son of Malfoy" Death let out a sigh. Draco rolled his eyes, and Lucius shook his head.

"To do this, you must mark your mate as your permanent partner, and your creature inheritance has yet to occur, therefore you must force it.... I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you, Draco Lucius Malfoy... you'll be in pain, and it'll only get worse." Death concluded his words.

"And my response is the same. I'll go to any length to save him." Draco stated.

"Draco think again it's about your life." The dark lord spoke. Tom loved his son with his everything but he doesn't want to harm Draco either.

"My life is lying there hanging on a thread of life My Lord....and if anything happens to him, I'll be gone as well." Draco replied solemnly, his eyes locked on his companion's face.

Narcissa sighed, knowing this was what his son would do. She was terrified for his life, but she understood her son's emotions so did others in the room. Snape's eyes welled up as he looked at his godson.

"Death Blessings don't come often, child...but your dedication and love are so inspiring that I'm ready to give it a shot.....Only Hadrian and Draco can stay," stated The Death.

Narcissa hugged her son, and Lucian flashed a rare smile. Snape examined his son's face. Tom gave his companion a confident nod. Tom knew they were about to endanger Draco, and he also recognized the connection between them, so he grasped his mate's hand and left the room.

"So are you ready...?" Death asked.

(Picture credit to the rightful owner)

"Wait, who are you?" Draco's eyes were wide open. A Dementor form existed a split second earlier, and that position is now occupied by an enchanting man dressed in black.

Death responded, "I'm Death...this is my human form."

"Then why are you going around" Draco asked, his face disgusted.

"That form is for work, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't judge my personal matters." Death grumbled annoyingly, and Draco nodded.

"So, Draco Lucius Malfoy, first I'm going to bring out your creature's going to cause pain. Because your creature is still juvenile and frail, you need to apply extreme caution in the not do anything to cause harm...."

"Would you mind doing me a favor?" Draco inquired?


"Create a sound barrier so that no one can hear anything."

Death nodded and formed a barrier with his hands. Then he began to use his powers and Draco began to yell in pure agony, It lasted for almost 3 hours while his eyes turned fully black , revealing the creature's nature.

"Now mark your mate," Death stated quickly.

Draco wobbled and placed his canies around Hadrian's neck. As a dark green light began to fill the room, he bit his mate.

"The ritual is completed....It's all over" Death declared and Draco collapsed over his mate.

Hadrian blinked open his eyes. His head was throbbing in pain, he remembered sensing the presence of his mate and hearing his mate's faded cries of suffering when he was unconscious , and he could sense the strengthening of the mating bond. Then he noticed his mate's body against his....the other person's pale face had turned nearly deadly pale, which frightened Hadrian.He turned around in terror as he noticed an unknown person in the room.

"It'll take some time for him to recover.....Keep him safe and cherish him...I'll be keeping an eye on you." Death talked to Hadrian before leaving the room.

The door was thrown open. The dark lord and others dashed into the room, only to discover an unconscious Draco in Hadrian's arms, his gaze focused on his lover. Snape and Narcissa ran towards their kids, but stumbled back when they saw Hadrian's flaming crimson eyes and boiling aura.

"Stay away from my mate..."

Hadrian growled and clutched his lover protectively.
