Chapter 21

I'm pregnant...."

Severus stated it again, glancing at his mate, who appeared as if his soul just left his body.
Hadrian was the first to recover from his shock. He hurried up to his papa and hugged him.

"Merlin... I'm going to be a brother...isn't that a dream?"... This is fantastic...Dad, you did it!"

Severus was tense since Tom was still standing there contemplating information. Despite the fact that they both desired another addition to the family, but considering the age and health of Severus, they abandoned the idea, believing that now that Hadrian had Draco, he would ultimately forget the idea of having a sibling. Severus only found out he was pregnant yesterday and was thinking how to inform his mate. When Tom proposed, Severus truly wanted to answer Yes, but these words slipped out of his mouth instead of that.

Why are you all still silent...we should celebrate...I'm going to have a sibling," Hadrian exclaimed joyfully which brought everyone else back to their senses.

"Sev, congratulations... "I'm so happy for you."

Narcissa hugged his friend, and Severus returned the hug with a slight smile. Sev was also congratulated by Draco and his father. Tom was about to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. Draco looked at them and realized the mates needed some alone time.

"We'll be back in a guys talk"

Draco dragged a jumping Hadrian out of the hall, and Narcissa realized his son's intentions and left the room with her husband after saying farewell.

"Tom..." Severus called cautiously.

"Say something...I know this is unexpected, but we can figure something out."

Severus took a deep breath and took a step forward towards his lover.

"I understand if... you don't want...

Tom unexpectedly hugged the other man while murmuring the words.

"I love you"

Severus twisted his lips into a smile.

"Are you happy...?" He inquired slowly.

" feel like I'm on cloud nine....Thank you for the present, my beloved!" Tom let go of his mate and kissed him on the cheek. Severus leaned in close and whispered into his mate's ear.



"I said Yes....Yes, my love, I'll marry you." Severus laughed through his newly formed tears. "I apologize for destroying the proposal."

"No...thank you for accepting...and giving me this precious gift" With teary eyes, Tom patted Severus' stomach. "You've just made me the happiest person on the planet," he added softly.

"My ring?" Severus inquired, his tone playful.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Tom said as he removed the ring from his pocket and placed it on his beloved's delicate finger.

"This is beautiful...." Severus wiped his tears away.

"I'm pleased you like it". Tom responded.

"Thank's perfect" Severus hugged his mate, who returned the hug with the same feelings.
Tom tenderly nestled Severus in the bed, who appeared irritated by all the attention.

"I'm not sick, Tom... I'm just pregnant," Severus tried to explain.

" require special attention... we're not taking any chances, love," Tom replied.

"Dad is right... you're not going to walk around swinging your cloak like a supermodel," Hadrian said and Severus glared at his son.

"This is not my first time..." Severus whispered.

"Yes...but things are different now, love...your health is our number one priority," Tom reasoned.

"Oh, come on...with Hadrian, I pretty much did everything alone in a rotten house..."

Soon after the words left his mouth, a flood of guilt rushed over Severus, and he looked at his mate, who forged a smile.

"I mean, I"

"Uncle Sev, I made you soup"

Draco stormed through the door, clutching a hot bowl.

"Dragon, be careful."

Hadrian rushed over to take the bowl from his mate's grasp and lay it on the table.

"I'm all right Raven..., Uncle Sev... What about the wedding...are we going to postpone it?"

Draco inquired of the potion master.

"No...I don't want to push it any further," Severus responded.

"OK..then we'll go and take care of the arrangements," Draco beamed.

"I've a few things on my mind Uncle Sev Uncle Tom.... take rest we'll take care of everything".He added.

Hadrian smiled as he exited the room with his mate who looked really excited for the wedding.

Tom knelt down next to his mate and began feeding him.

"We can reschedule the wedding..."

"I don't want to.." Severus answered strongly.


"It was my dream, a dream I thought I'd given up on...I want to marry you as much as you want to marry me Tom..."

"You've been through a lot, love, and I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine,... I have a family who loves me more than anything... And now that I have another life inside me, I feel blessed."

Severus gently massaged his stomach.  Severus touched Tom's hair as he leaned in and kissed his beloved's tummy with love.

"I'll look after you and this little life inside you, my love..."I want to relive all the happy moments we missed when you had our first child," Tom remarked, and Severus nodded.

"I still can't believe you're expecting."

"I believe it's the result of your efforts," Severus chuckled.

"Yeah... there's no arguing with that," Tom said, grinning.

They spent the remainder of the night together, living in the moment and planning for the future with their children.
The wedding

Tom was standing next to the aisle, Lucius by his side. Behind the placid expression, the dark lord was extremely nervous. They both wanted a simple wedding with their families and trusted allies. Hadrian and Draco took care of everything. Assume the Prince and Prince consort are no better than the Dark Lord and Queen in terms of rage and perfection.

"My's time"

Lucious murmured into the dark lord's ears, who nodded and gazed at the beautifully paved path lined with flowers.
When he saw his sweetheart, Tom's breath caught in his throat. Severus appeared to be a celestial being walking on Earth. His son Hadrian stood next to him, his smile radiating his inner enjoyment to the world. Severus' sole blood relations are Hadrian and the unborn kid, which is why Hadrian insisted on coming down the aisle with him, which Severus gratefully accepted.

Tom was so engrossed in the breathtaking scenery that he neglected to take a breath or see that Severus was approaching the stunning green emerald themed stage.

Hadrian hugged Severus and held his father's hand, bringing Tom back from the dream land. After a brief hug, he placed Severus' hands in his father's.

"Take care of each other"

He smiled and moved up to the audience, taking a seat beside his mate. The ceremony concluded with a wonderful kiss, which everyone applauded with joy.

"One step closer....
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years.....
I'll love you for a thousand more....."

Everyone was in astonishment as Tom and Severus slowly danced in one other's arms with genuine love. Hadrian brushed away his tears. All of his aspirations of having a family have come true. With joy, everyone soon joined the dance floor. Hadrian grabbed his mate's hand and nearly shattered the dance floor. He remembered how hot Draco was at the Yule ball, and how he was a fool to ignore the attractive blonde, and now he intended to make amends. Hermione and Luna attended the wedding. Hadrian didn't blame the Weasleys for staying away, considering Mrs. Weasley's death and all.
"So you're going to postpone your honeymoon?" Draco inquired, disappointed.

"As an ideal husband, I should prioritize my beloved's health," Tom said, making the other flush. Tom clearly enjoys using the title "husband."

"Don't worry, you guys can still enjoy your newlywed period in your summer vacation's not even that far away, is it?" Narcissa inquired.

"Actually, Hadrian and Draco are going to that place, while me and Tom will remain here." I won't be able to travel or do any activities for at least three months." Severus let out a sigh.

"Me and Draco?" says the narrator. Hadrian arched his brow in surprise.

"You and Draco," Tom confirmed.

"Why..?" Hadrian inquired, perplexed.

"What do you mean by "Why?" Hadrian received a strean gaze from Severus. "You two are mates...but you never got a chance to spend some time together alone with all the things that were going on...and also, the school is about to reopen, so you guys will be busy with studies and everything. We'd want to provide you with a mini-vacation".

"Just say you and uncle Tom want to spend time together by sending us away," Draco said, making everyone laugh, including Tom, and Severus pretend to frown.

"Now that you understand the situation, don't complain; just go with your mate so I can spend some quality time with my husband," Tom grinned, causing Severus to slap him on the shoulder lightly.

"Fine, fine, we'll leave," Hadrian groaned, "but only for three days, take care of each other." Hadrian hugged his parents and went with his mate and Malfoys, leaving the newlywed couple alone to enjoy their night together.
