Chapter 20

When Severus and Tom arrived at the Riddle Mansion, it was nearly daybreak. They entered to find a nervous Hadrian and an equally concerned Draco. Hadrian dashed towards them the moment he noticed them. He tightly hugged both of his parents.

"I thought I'd lost you," he sobbed openly, unconcerned about anything.

When he saw his son's condition, Tom felt terrible. He should not have left in that manner.

"It's ok...Dad is here..."I'm fine."

Tom returned the embrace. Severus smiled as he saw the father and son duo. He nodded and gazed at his godson. Draco walked forward to his Godfather and hugged him. Severus looked around him and took a deep breath, filled with a long cherished optimism.... 'Family'.

Severus stroked Draco's head, who was lying in bed with a pale countenance. The incident affected Draco more than anyone expected. Being connected to Hadrian, sharing his sentiments and pain, and having a fragile health were all too much for the young blonde.

"How is he...?" Tom enquired of his mate.

"He'll be fine after a good sleep...Don't be concerned."

Severus responded to both his partner and his son, who appeared to be very much worried about his mate.

"I feel like I've got two kids now," Severus groaned.

"Well, Draco is your godson and future it's normal...". Hadrian blushed slightly as Tom grinned.

"I need to get him a sleeping potion," Severus stated.

"I'll come with you," Tom said as he exited the room with his companion.

"I'm fine now," Draco said faintly, smiling, attempting to reassure his partner, who sighed and sat down in the bed next to him.

"I had a question for you," Draco said to the raven head.

"Anything, my dear dragon," Hadrian said, taking his mate's hand in his and carefully massaging it.

"Should I change my surname?...after we mate." Draco asked, which caught Hadrian off guard for a moment.

"Hm...if you want to," Hadrian said, scratching his nape.

"Oh...I like your name, but I'm going to miss 'Malfoy' with my name," said Draco.

" don't have to remove 'Malfoy' from your can add mine without changing your name," Hadrian responded.

Draco inquired, "Like your parents did..."

"Yes...Pa put Dad's name in his...tying their names they tied their lives together," Hadrian said with a smile.

"Sounds...romantic...So... 'Draco Lucious Malfoy Riddle' How does it sound?" Draco smirked.

"Perfect," Hadrian exclaimed.

"But I've always wondered about your name... what's your full name...why is it hidden?" Draco inquired, and the other's face sank.

"It wasn't done on purpose, dragon.... no one knew I was born...I never had a naming ceremony...that's why....I don't even know if I have a proper full name or not," he chuckled dryly.

"Hadrian Severus Salazar Riddle nèe prince" is your full name."

As he stood near the entrance, Severus spoke. He returned to get his potion book, which he had left in the room, and overheard them.

"Your father is the one who named you by combining our legacies, and he insisted on adding my first name as your middle name instead of his to acknowledge and respect our bond and love. He had always wanted a family and started making plans for it from the beginning... he loved you more than everything. Before the beging of those dreadful days happened, I knew once we had a child he'd love and adore his child with everything he had..." Severus elaborated.

"So the next time someone asks you about your name, tell them it was given to you by Lord Voldemort himself...the one and only Dark prince."

Hadrian and Draco both cried a little as Severus kissed his son's forehead with love.
Days went peacefully as the mansion is filled with love and laughter. Hadrian and Draco had only one week till they departed for Hogwarts. Draco and Hadrian were creating a list of school supplies when they heard a knock on the door. They look over to see the dark lord standing there nervously.

"What happened dad...?" Hadrian asked as he became alert.

"I need you two to divert Sev's attention," Tom said.

"Ah...why...?" Draco asked, confused.

"Hmm... I'm thinking about proposing to him," Tom said hurriedly.

"What.." screamed Hadrian.

"Queit...." Tom whisper yelled.

"Um... sorry... oh so tonight..." Hadrian cleared his throat.

"Yes tonight" Tom confirmed.

"Congratulations uncle" Draco smiled.

"Thank you son..." Tom returned the smile.

"So when are we planning the wedding..." Hadrian spoke.

"If he says yes, I'll organize the wedding for the day after tomorrow."

"Of course, uncle Severus will definitely say doubt about it," Draco stated firmly.

"Day after tomorrow... isn't it too short? We have a lot to plan... it's your wedding, my parents' wedding..." Hadrian was still stunned.

"Calm down, Raven...we have wands and magic for a reason," Draco said, laughing.

"Don't worry, son... I have everything under control but I still need you both to distract Severus for a little while... he's already suspicious that I'm hiding something from him..... He's sharp." Tom signed.

"Yeah Pa is definitely sharp" Hadrian agreed.

"You both can take him to Dragon alley you both need to buy school supplies anyway"

"Nope no way.... he can definitely see right through me" Hadrian shook his head immediately.

"You're the prince... Hadrian" Tom responded.

"Well, Dad Pa was a prince long before me...The legendary 'Half Blood Prince' and now he's the queen, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm very much scared of him."

"There's no doubt about it..."Tom sighed and turned to face Draco.

"No...I can't... but i know who can help us"


"My mother" Draco grinned.

"I knew you were better than him," Tom said, causing Hadrian to roll his eyes.

"I'll contact can assist me with arrangements," Tom continued, leading the others to smile and nod..

Tom was nervously waiting in the great hall, clutching a ring in his pocket. Hadrian and Draco were ready with their wands to shower flowers when Severus would say yes. To say Tom was nervous would be an understatement. He's never felt so tense in his life. He knew Severus loved him unreservedly, but he was scared of the other's reaction. What if Severus no longer wanted a wedding? Given the history...Tom shook his head, clearing his mind of all bad ideas.

Severus, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. Suddenly, Narcissa brought him to Dragon Alley for some shopping, and Lucious was smiling at the door of the Slytherin mansion. He just told him to go inside, which Severus found really odd.

When Severus opened the door, everything was dark...

"Tom..." "Hadrian..." Severus called, perplexed.

Severus' eyes widened as a yellow light blossomed in the center, revealing his mate in the midst of candle lights and rose petals on the floor.

" love," Tom exhaled deeply.

"I know we promised each other with love...same love i once failed...I caused you pain when you deserved to be cared for with love and love only.... Even though I know I wasn't a perfect match, please believe me when I say  that I have loved you unconditionally since the first moment I laid eyes on you. I want to keep the very first promise I made to you".

Tom knelt on the ground and held a ring in his hands.

"Love, will you marry me?"

Severus remained motionless, unable to respond, which caused Tom to become slightly alarmed.

"Why isn't he saying anything?" Draco inquired of his mate, who was also becoming tense.


Tom rose up and carefully called out to his mate. His thoughts were racing through all the options. Tom took a deep breath, bracing himself for the worst...he will accept his mate's decision...whatever it is...and others glanced at him sympathetically.

"I...." Everyone's attention was drawn to Severus' words.

"I.... I'm pregnant"

"What....." Draco and Hadrian yelled together and Tom stumbled back in shock.

"I'm pregnant...."

Severus stated it again, glancing at his mate, who appeared as if his soul just left his body.
