We're Being Punked, Pedro

Kenner: (voiceover) "Previously on Legacies . . ."

The Salvatore School was shown.

Kenner, in his wolf form, growled as he leapt towards Landon in the woods.

Hope: (voiceover) "My name is Hope Mikaelson."

Kenner: (voiceover) "And my name is Kenner Mikaelson."

Hope was in the library, looking at Landon. "We're hybrids of three different creatures. Tribrids."

Alaric was sitting in his office, looking at Landon. "We are a school for the supernatural."

Rafael looked up, growling as his eyes glowed gold.

Landon looked at the Saltzman twins.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School," Lizzie said.

"I'm Josie," Josie introduced herself.

"I'm Lizzie," Lizzie added. "Sisters."

Penelope looked at MG. "Lizzie's nemesis, Dana, liking you?"

On the field, Dana looked at MG, smiling. MG smiled back while Lizzie looked annoyed.

Penelope: (voiceover) "Is the puzzle piece you need to crack Lizzie's candy shell."

Lizzie punched Dana in the face, looking angry.

An all-out brawl broke out on the field.

"Stop!" Dorian told them.

"No!" Lizzie cried.

Lizzie was sitting on her bed, looking at Josie. "I'll forgive you if you promise not to keep secrets."

"I promise," Josie told her.

In the cellar, Hope and Landon kissed.

Kenner: (voiceover) "Landon was inside the walls of this school because of me and Hope."

Landon was riding on a bus, he took out the supernatural knife and saw the blade was glowing red.

Kenner was sitting in Emma's office. "He had access to the knife he stole because of me."

Alaric was in the woods off Route 29, talking to Dorian on the phone. He turned, finding a dragon behind him.

Dorian: (voiceover) "She's a dragon."

Alaric, Hope, Kenner, Rafael and Landon looked up at the dragon.

Dorian: (voiceover) "To take down a dragon, all you need . . . you need a buttload of courage."

The dragon flapped its wings, starting to fly and breathed fire.

Dorian: (voiceover) "And a sword."

Kenner raised the supernatural knife, chanting the death spell with Hope.

Alaric: (voiceover) "This is a death spell. We don't allow black magic."

Alaric looked at Kenner. "It gets inside your heart and it poisons your mind."

Kenner looked at Alaric.

Hope: (voiceover) "Where are they?"

Landon and Rafael were walking down a road, hitchhiking.

Alaric: (voiceover) "They're gone."

Hope was reading the letter Landon wrote to her.

Landon: (voiceover) "I lied to protect myself, but in doing so, I hurt you. And for that, I will be forever sorry."

Kenner was in Hope's room. "Do you hate me?"

Hope hugged Kenner.

Hope: (voiceover) "I could never hate you. You're my brother and I love you."

Still hugging Hope, Kenner looked at a photograph of their family with tears in his eyes.

Alaric and Dorian were standing by the gate of the school at night.

"I built this school to protect these kids," Alaric said. "How am I supposed to protect them from stuff that's not supposed to exist."

A statue of a gargoyle came to life, opening its eyes and snarling.


Flashback – 14th Century, France

Two witches walked into the woods, wearing robes and carrying torches. They came across the supernatural knife. They pulled back their hoods and approached it.

Witch 1 looked at Witch 2, speaking French. "And you wanted to turn back."

"Wait," Witch 2 said, raising his torch. The gargoyle was standing in front of them. "The Guardian. We must leave this place at once."

"Fairy tales for children," Witch 1 told him.

"As was the knife," Witch 2 replied.

Witch 1 raised his hand, silencing him and reached for the knife.

The gargoyle growled.

The witches looked up.

"He has awoken," Witch 2 said, nervously.

Witch 2 turned to leave, only to be stabbed by the gargoyle in the stomach with its sword. Then the gargoyle clawed at him, repeatedly, making him scream before falling to the ground dead.

The gargoyle started to approach Witch 1. Witch 1 waved his hands, magically throwing fire at the gargoyle. But the gargoyle was unharmed and continued to walk closer.

"Mercy," Witch 1 pleaded. "I beg you, mercy."

Ignoring his pleas, the gargoyle slashed Witch 1 with its sword, killing him and screeched.




Alaric was in his office, researching the supernatural knife. He flipped through a book, seeing it was written in an ancient language.

"Gaulish," Alaric said. "Why does it always have to be Gaulish?"

Alaric heard a sound outside and looked outside the window, but saw nothing.

The gargoyle was watching him through the window, staying hidden and seemed to be fixated on the supernatural knife.


The next morning, Dorian was in a classroom. Lizzie, Josie, Hope and Kenner were sitting in a circle with many others and held hands.

"All right, gather together," Dorian said. "Chain spells are about fluid movement of energy from witch-to-witch. Where's Penelope Park?"

"Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams," Lizzie told him.

"Sorry I asked," Dorian replied. "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow." All the girls except Hope chuckled. "Okay."

A note magically appeared, floating above Dorian.

"Uh-oh, who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie asked.

Dorian grabbed the note.

"Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school," Kenner answered.

Lizzie gave him a look.

"Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman," Dorian read. "Hope Mikaelson and baby makes four. Off you go."

Lizzie, Josie, Hope and Kenner looked at each other.


Lizzie, Josie, Kenner and Hope were now in the library with Alaric.

"This makes no sense, Dad," Lizzie told him. "Why are we being punished?"

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here," Alaric replied.

"Well, you weren't mad last night," Lizzie said.

"Oh, I was mad last night," Alaric told her. "My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time."

"Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense?" Lizzie asked. Alaric looked at her. "If it pleases the court." Alaric gestured for her to continue. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure." Hope chuckled, softly. "And secondly . . . if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie."

Josie looked at her sister in disbelief. "What?"

"I'm sorry," Lizzie said. "I totally cracked under cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball—"

Josie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay."

"You'd still be in trouble," Alaric told her.

Kenner looked at Lizzie. "But nice job throwing your sister under the bus."

Lizzie gave him a look.

"Thank you, Kenner," Josie said.

"Speaking of, the bus leaves in 10 minutes and I expect all four of you to be on it, working together today," Alaric told them. "Harmoniously and without drama. End of debate."

"Hope and I weren't even at the game," Kenner told him. "Why are we being punished?"

Alaric looked at him. "You know what you did." Lizzie glanced at them, smirking. "All right, now go. All of you. Come on."

The twins walked away, leaving.

Hope looked at Alaric. "Seriously?"

"What part of what I said needs translating?" Alaric asked.

"I wanna help you with research," Hope answered,

"Dorian has a master's degree in library science," Alaric said. "I think the adults have it covered."

"That's not fair," Hope told him, stepping closer. "You only play by the grown-up rules when you don't need something from us."

"I am spinning right now, Hope," Alaric replied, "And I can't drag you or anyone else any further into this until I figure out what's going on, okay? So, right now, I need you guys to be kids." Kenner scoffed, looking away. "Keeping a dragon-sized secret today until I get some answers. Understood?"

Hope and Kenner looked at Alaric, not at all happy.


[Song: Loser – Jagwar Twin]

The Salvatore School bus arrived in the town square of Mystic Falls.

Lizzie looked at Hope and Kenner. "So, what did you do? My dad never gets mad at you. You're the prodigal son and daughter. Must have been juicy."

"Sorry," Kenner said as they climbed off the bus. "No time for talk. Public service awaits."

"All right, listen up," Dorian said, giving a student some trash bags. "Beautiful day. You got options. Litter, weeds, graffiti. Your choice."

Dorian held the trash pick towards Kaleb. Kaleb grabbed it, annoyed and Dorian walked away.

"It's bad enough we get punished while the humans get a pass," Kaleb said. "But there ain't no way in hell I'm picking up their garbage."

Kaleb offered the trash pick to Lizzie.

Lizzie raised her hands. "Uh, I don't do trash either."

"I love trash," Hope said, taking the trash pick. "As of this moment."

Perf," Lizzie replied. "It suits you. Looks like we're scrubbing paint today."

"Dad told us to work together, okay?" Josie told her. "Harmoniously."

"Yeah, and he also said without drama," Lizzie told her. "And I am feeling a rage attack coming on, so I will be remaining drama-free over by that wall of graffiti. Are you coming or not?"

"I don't know, Lizzie," Josie said. "Is there another bus you wanna throw me under?"

Josie walked towards Hope and Kenner, standing next to them.

Lizzie looked at them. "Fine. Daddy's girls. Anyone else." Most of the students started to walk away towards the graffiti. "Get the lead out, MG."

MG looked at Josie, apologetically before following after Lizzie.

Hope, Kenner and Josie were the only ones stuck on litter duty.

Josie sighed.

Hope stabbed the trash pick into the ground, starting to pick up litter.

[Song ends]



Landon and Rafael were sitting on logs, roasting a rabbit to eat.

"Uh, I think it's done," Rafael said, taking a piece off. "Next time, we gotta catch like a deer or something. You know, more meaty, less . . . rabbity."

"It's food, man," Landon told him. "I'm good." Rafael handed him the stick the roasted rabbit was on and he ripped off a piece. "Thanks for sticking with me."

"Nowhere else I'd rather be, bro," Rafael replied.

"I don't know," Landon said. "That school was good for you."

Landon handed Rafael the roasted rabbit.

"Man, you run, I run," Rafael told him. "Period."

Landon nodding, holding up the rabbit meat. Rafael did the same. Then they started eating, the taste was not flavorable for either of them.

"She hates me, doesn't she?" Landon asked.

"Hope? Probably," Rafael answered. "Kenner obviously does. You wanna explain why you kept lying to them? Why you lied to me?"

"That's the problem," Landon told him, shrugging. "I can't. Everytime I try to put it into words, all I can say is, it's like the knife wanted me to steal it. And then it wanted me to lie."

"Knives don't have conscious thoughts, brother," Rafael told him.

"I know," Landon replied. "But knives don't usually attract dragons either."

"Uh, well, what's done is done," Rafael said. "It's not like you're ever gonna see her again, anyway. Hey, hey, it's just the two of us. Living off the land. Nothing better."

"A burger," Landon stated. "A burger would be better."

"A burger would be better," Rafael agreed.

They laughed.

"Hey, I got an idea to make some money," Landon said. Rafael looked at him. "Put your new werewolf skills to work. You in?"

Rafael raised, his brows, slightly, considering.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Lizzie, Kaleb and MG were standing in front of a shop window that had been spray-painted with graffiti. 'SALVATORE IS 4 LOOSERS'.

MG was the only one cleaning the window.

"Come on, MG," Lizzie complained. "Any slower and you'd be going in reverse."

MG looked at her. "I'm doing the best I can without vamping in public."

Kaleb overturned a bucket.. "It's plain pitiful, bruh."

Kaleb sat down on the bucket.

"Well, at least he's trying," Lizzie said, looking at Kaleb. "I don't see you pitching in."

"'Cause this whole thing's whack," Kaleb replied. "What, we get punished for wanting to win a game fair and square?"

Kaleb rolled his eyes as he shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"It wasn't fair and square," MG told him. "We're supernatural, they're human."

"And LeBron's maybe the best player ever," Kaleb said. "Should he quit scoring? 'Cause no one on the court can check him. We're faster, we're stronger. We're better. And we're ain't got nothing to apologize for." Lizzie and MG exchanged a look. "Nothing."

Connor, Dana and some of their friends walked closer, laughing.

"Hypothetical question," Connor said.

"Great," Kaleb said, sarcastically.

"How bad would it suck if whoever did this graffiti just came back tonight and put it right back up again?" Connor asked.

Lizzie looked at him. "Well, whoever it is, I hope he improves his spelling."

Kaleb snorted.

Dana turned to face MG. "Hey, MG."

"Dana, what's good?" MG greeted her.

"Uh, he's busy, Dana," Lizzie told her.

Dana looked at her. "Uh, he can speak for himself, Saltzman."

"You know what, I was just getting ready to grab a break," MG said.

Dana tilted her head, smiling. "Mm."

Lizzie looked incredulous. "MG!"

Connor pretended to slip, pouring his milkshake all over Lizzie, making her gasp. "Oh, that's my bad. My bad."

Connor sipped his almost empty milkshake while his friends laughed at Lizzie's expense.


Lizzie returned to the Salvatore School, marching across the field where the elementary school kids were looking at the flowers in the garden.

A boy named Pedro looked at her. "Hey, Lizzie, you, uh . . ."

"Choose your next words very carefully, Pedro," Lizzie told him.

Pedro watched her leave before returning to looking at the flowers.

Lizzie walked up some steps, passing the gargoyle. The gargoyle moved its head and its glowing red eyes were seen.


Alaric was in his office, looking at an illustration of a gargoyle in a book through a magnifying glass. He put it down and picked up the apple on his desk, biting into it. The supernatural knife was also on the desk, sitting in a jar of liquid.

There was a knock on the door.

"Now's not a good time," Alaric said, looking at the knife.

Emma walked in. "When I was brought on, I was told counseling was mandatory for everyone at school. By you."

"I've got things to do," Alaric told her. "I'm going to have to, uh, rain-check therapy."

"Hm," Emma murmured, looking at the knife. "Is that the knife the dragon was chasing?" Alaric looked at her, shocked. "Dorian never misses his appointments."

Alaric hesitated. "Yes. And if my translations are correct, whoever wields it has the power to save the world or end all life as we know it. It's hard to say." He chuckled. "Fourth century Gaulish is tricky."

"Well, in that case, stop clening it and destroy the damn thing," Emma told him.

"Hm," Alaric picked up the apple he was eating and dropped it into the jar. It disintegrated upon contact with the liquid. "Hydrochloric acid. I've tried explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw. I've even run over it with my truck. And according to legend, it's indestructable and I'm starting to agree."

"So, in addition to father, teacher, mentor, you've also added linguist, slayer of mythical creatures, and demolitions expert to your resume," Emma said. Alaric looked down, smiling. "That's a lot to take on. Especially all by yourself."

"Emma, when I say I'm fine, I am--" Alaric started.

"A jerk," Lizzie finished, walking in. "You are a total jerk."

Alaric stood. "What happened to you?"

"A Neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake," Lizzie told him. "This stupid girl Dana was being . . . You know what? I can't even talk about it. But now, Hope, Kenner and Josie are all siblings in solidarity." She looked at Emma. "But as I was walking home, I did the work and I dug deep. And I realized that this is all his fault."

Lizzie looked at her father.

"How is this my fault?" Alaric asked.

"Because if you had just been at that game," Lizzie answered, crying. "Instead of running around with Hope and Kenner, then everything would have gone differently." Alaric looked down. "And it is not fair that they get to know secrets your own daughters don't."

"She has a point," Emma told him.

"Not helping," Alaric said.

"I am not going back there," Lizzie told him.

"Okay, that's fine," Alaric replied. "Um . . . why don't you go help the primary school students out in the garden?"

Lizzie looked at Emma. "At least now you know why I am so screwed up."

Lizzie walked out, leaving.

Emma looked at Alaric.

Alaric pressed his lips together into a tight, awkward smile.


After getting cleaned up, Lizzie laid down on a rock outside in the garden, covering her eyes with her arms.

Pedro walked closer. "Aren't you supposed to help?"

Lizzie moved her arms, glancing at him. "Consider this a life lesson, Pedro." She sat up. "People disappoint."

Pedro looked at the gargoyle behind Lizzie, startled. "That statue just moved."

Lizzie turned to look at the gargoyle. "Good one." She looked back at Pedro. "I mean, I deserve to know what's happening just as much as Hope and Kenner. I'm his freaking daughter."

"It's doing it again," Pedro said, pointing at the gargoyle.

Lizzie turned, seeing the gargoyle was now closer than before. "We're being punked, Pedro. The six-grade witches are learning illusion spells this semester."

The gargoyle could be heard growling.

"It's . . ." Pedro trailed off. "It's . . . it's . . ."

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. It's right behind me."

Lizzie turned, but was surprised to see the gargoyle was nowhere in sight.

Pedro turned around.

The gargoyle stood in front of Pedro, snarling.

"Lizzie?" Pedro asked.

Lizzie looked up at the gargoyle.

The gargoyle moved towards them,

"Pedro . . ." Lizzie trailed off. The gargoyle screeched. "Run!"

Lizzie and Pedro ran away.

The gargoyle growled, following them.

"Get inside, Pedro," Lizzie told him.

They ran into the school and Lizzie knelt down on the floor.

"I need you to give me your hand," Lizzie told him. She held Pedro's hands and siphoned magic from him, her hands glowing red. The gargoyle walked closer. "Now, find my dad. Go!"

Pedro ran away to find Alaric.

Lizzie faced the gargoyle, standing.

The gargoyle screeched, spreading its wings.

"Imperium monstrum!" Lizzie chanted, extending her hands in front of her as she cast a spell.

The gargoyle growled and raised its arm to attack her.

Lizzie screamed.


Lizzie was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Students had gathered around her.

Alaric and Pedro ran closer.

"Lizzie?" Alaric asked, worriedly. Lizzie opened her eyes, whimpering. "Oh, my God, Lizzie. Oh, what happened? What happened? Can you--?"

Lizzie tried to speak, but was unable to.

"She isn't moving," Alaric said. "Why-why isn't she moving?"

"That statue hurt her," Pedro told him.

Alaric looked down at Lizzie's torn shirt where the gargoyle had slashed her and saw her stomach was covered with large scratch marks and was turning gray like stone.

Lizzie continued to whimper, unable to move any part of her body except her eyes.


Alaric was talking to Dorian on the phone. "Tell me what you know about gargoyles?"

"Did you say gargoyles?" Dorian asked.

"Okay, uh, search medieval French folklore," Alaric told him. "Look for 'The legend of the gargoyle Petrotho'. If I'm right, I think he's poisoned Lizzie with some sort of actual grayscale. She's paralyzed. What if it spreads to her heart?"

Dorian nodded. "I'm on it."

Alaric hung up, looking at his daughter in concern.


Hope, Kenner and Josie were picking up trash.

Hope looked at Josie. "You have a future in waste management."

"Cleaning up mess is kind of my thing," Josie told her.

"Well, your sister is kind of a dumpster fire," Hope replied.

"Why do you always pick fights?" Josie asked. Hope looked at her. "We've known each other a decade and any time you have the chance, you poke."

Hope shrugged. "You guys do your fair share of poking."

"Yeah, in retaliation to your pokes," Josie said. "And with you guys spending so much time with my dad and keeping secrets."

"We're not keeping secrets," Kenner told her.

"Oh yeah?" Josie asked, walking closer. "What happened when you went to go find Landon Kirby?"

"Nothing happened," Kenner answered.

"Something clearly did happen," Josie told him. "Rafael never showed up at school, my dad was rattled, so why won't you just tell me?"

"Because there's nothing to tell!" Kenner said, accidentally stabbing himself in the foot with the trash pick. "Ah!"

Hope and Josie looked at him in shock.

"Oh, my God," Hope said.

"Ah!" Kenner groaned in pain, looking at them. "Ow!"

Josie crouched down in front of him. "Are you okay? I mean, what do I do?"

"Help me pull it out," Kenner told her.

"What?" Josie asked.

"I can heal myself," Kenner answered. "Pull it out."

Josie and Hope grabbed the trash pick, removing it from Kenner's foot.

"Ow!" Kenner said, stepping back.

Josie fell back on the ground.

Hope looked at Kenner, smiling. "You poked yourself."

The three of them laughed.

"Shut up," Kenner told them.


[Song: Lazarus - Fictionist]

Landon and Rafael were now in a town, standing on the street with a girl.

"To the roof and back in 20 seconds?" The girl asked.

"Or we double your money," Landon answered.

"You're on," the girl told them. "Ten bucks."

Landon patted Rafael's shoulder. "Yes."

Landon stood next to the girl and she grabbed out her phone, starting to time Rafael.

"20 . . ." The girl counted as Rafael ran down the alleyway.. "19 . . ."

More people had gather to watch.

Rafael climbed up onto the rail of some steps before launching himself up towards the ladder above him, using his werewolf agility. He jumped up higher, moving himself to the top of the ladder and climbed onto the roof.

"He's not gonna make it," the girl said, skeptical.

Rafael jumped off the roof, landing on the ground in front of the girl and Landon.

Everyone gasped in shock.

The girl's phone counted down to zero and she looked at Landon in disbelief.

Everyone clapped and murmured in astonishment.

"Whoo!" Rafael cheered.

The girl handed Landon the money.

"Yes!" Landon said as he and Rafael hugged, excitedly.

The girl looked up at the roof, still processing what she just saw.

Landon took money from the rest of the people they made bets with. "What can I say? My boy's on fire."

Rafael and Landon slapped their hands as they smiled.

A man wearing a Fedora looked at them. "Triple or nothing."

"Sir, we've already taken your money twice," Landon told him.

"How about a hundred?" Fedora asked, holding up the money. "But I want him to do it in 10 seconds."

Landon took Fedora's money, standing next to him. "Start the clock."

Rafael looked at them with raised brows.

Everyone got out their phones.

A man wearing a hoodie got out his phone and sent a text.

They're here.

[Song ends]


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Alaric, Emma, Lizzie and the Salvatore students were gathered in a room.

"We are on lockdown," Alaric told them. "No one goes outside. Period. I want you all in your rooms. Upper class, you're on the buddy system. Lower class, I want you to go with Emma to the Grand Hall, okay? Everyone, let's go."

Everyone started to leave.

A teacher looked at the primary school students. "You're coming with me."

Emma walked towards Alaric. "All right, take Lizzie and the kids. Keep an eye on that infection. I'm gonna try and draw it away from the school."

"How do you know it will follow you?" Emma asked.

"Because I think I have what it wants," Alaric answered.

Emma towards some primary school kids. "Don't fret. We'll be fine."


Alaric walked into his office and grabbed a key off his desk, unlocking the drawer and taking out the knife. He closed the drawer and left his office.


Alaric walked out into the hallway, holding the knife and slowly walked as he looked around for the gargoyle. Turning around, Alaric found the gargoyle standing against a wall and approached it. He raised the knife and the gargoyle grabbed his arm, screeching.



Josie put another full trash bag on the pile before gasping, leaning forward in discomfort.

Kenner and Hope looked at her.

"Everything okay?" Kenner asked.

"Yeah, I just think that that's making me a little bit nauseous," Josie asked.

Hope and Kenner followed her gaze, seeing MG and Dana standing by a tree, making out.

"Huh," Kenner said. "Didn't see that coming."

"It's simple math," Josie told them. "MG has the hormones of a teenager and the impulse control of a pre-schooler." Hope laughed. "He also always goes for the wrong kinds of girls."

Hope looked at her. "Given my last crush, I can't judge."

They started to walk.

"Well, my last crush was actually Satan incarnate," Josie said. Kenner chuckled. "That is, I guess, unless you count . . ."

"Who?" Hope asked.

"Never mind," Josie answered. "It doesn't really matter anymore. Lizzie has dibs."

"Dibs?" Hope repeated, looking at her. "On Rafael? She always calls dibs. When's it going to be your turn?"

"It just is what it is," Josie stated.

"Right, well, that doesn't really make it right," Hope told her.

They stopped walking.

Kenner looked at Josie. "Your dad knows I used black magic. That's why I'm in trouble. Don't worry, I didn't tell him that you helped me with the spell."

"Thank you," Josie said.

Hope looked between you. "You did black magic with Kenner too?" Josie looked at Hope int confusion. "In my case, I didn't know until after the fact. And Landon and Rafael took off together. Landon told me he didn't know why he stole the knife, but then he lied about having it, so I don't know what to believe. Then he wrote me this letter that was, i don't know, sweet."

"Lizzie's sensitive," Josie told them. "Our mom is going on these really long recruitment missions recently. That's why she's extra testy. She just really misses her."

"We know the feeling," Kenner replied.

They started to walk again.

"I remember how your mom used to come by the school," Josie said. "Where is she now?"

"Traveling the world with our dad," Kenner told her. "Trying to find a way to break the curse binding her werewolf side."

"Every time she visits, we all say how beautiful she is," Josie told them.

"She is," Kenner agreed.

Josie looked at Hope and Kenner. "We really should've sent you flowers or something when she died."

"You did," Kenner said, looking at her. "Your dad signed your names. It was obvious."

Josie nodded. "Okay. We definitely deserve a little bit of poking." Hope and Kenner chuckled. "I wonder where the boys are right now."

Hope came to a stop, turning to face Josie. "There's this spell that my Aunt Freya taught me. It's kind of like a full-immersion video chat."

"Okay, but don't we need something of Landon's to--" Josie started. Hope took Landon's letter out of her pocket. "Is that the letter?"

"You can't tell your dad," Hope told her. "They don't teach this at school."

Josie smiled, nodding. "This is the kind of secret I can get behind."

Hope smiled.



Landon and Rafael were back in the woods. Rafael was eating one of the burger they bought while Landon counted the money they made through their bets.

"Oh, this is more like it," Rafael said.

"Get used to it," Landon told him.

Rafael chuckled.

Landon found a note written on a five-dollar bill.


Landon looked around, nervous and alert.

"Everything cool?" Rafael asked.

Landon looked at him. "Yeah. All good." He looked up, seeing Hope in the distance. "Hope?"

Landon stood.

Hope looked at Landon for a moment before vanishing.

Rafael looked at Landon, curiously.

Landon put the money in his jacket. "We should get out of here."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Kenner watched Hope and Josie hold hands as they did to spell. Their hands glowed red due to Josie siphoning magic. Josie pulled her hands away and gasped, leaning forward as if she was in pain.

"Why'd you stop?" Hope asked.

"This is twin pain," Josie answered. "Something's wrong. I think Lizzie's in trouble."

Kenner looked at Josie, concerned.


The gargoyle was walking towards the gate of the school and tried to leave, but hit an invisible barrier. It growled and remembered the spell Lizzie had cast.


Lizzie extended her hands in front of her. "Imperium monstrum!"


The gargoyle turned around and let out a screeching roar, realizing it was trapped.



Hope, Kenner and Josie were standing in front of the Mystic Grill, looking at Dorian.

"I'm sorry," Dorian told them. "I can't let you leave."

"No, I need to go home to see my sister," Josie said.

"Your dad is with your sister and I'm under strict orders to keep you here," Dorian replied.

"What?" Josie asked. "Why?"

Kenner looked at the book Dorian was reading. "Why are you researching that?"

Dorian quickly closed the book.

Hope, Kenner and Josie looked at him, suspiciously.

Dorian sighed.


MG and Dana were still making out.

"This is tight," MG told her. "You're hot, like, mad hot."

"Hotter than Lizzie?" Dana asked.

MG looked at her, hesitating as stepped back. He then laid his hand on Dana's shoulder, starting to compel her. "Tell me the truth. Are you actually feeling me?"

"You're a good guy," Dana said. "Prety cute. Great hair. But I'm secretly in love with my best friend Sasha's boyfriend, Connor."

"Why are we doing this, then?" MG asked.

"To make Connor jealous," Dana answered. "Which, let's be honest, is totally what you're doing with Lizzie Saltzman."

"Uh . . ." MG trailed off. "So rather than make out with you like any other guy would, I had to ask the honorable yet supremely stupid question and now, if I keep going, I'm taking advantage of you. My mama didn't raise me like that." He compelled Dana again. "Forget we made out. But also remember I'm a really cool dude with super dope football skills and i crush it all day, every day. Go."

Dana walked away, leaving.



Landon started to pack up their things. "Come on, Raf. Let's go."

"Why?" Rafael asked, standing. "This is a perfectly good spot, bro."

"We should keep moving," Landon answered, starting to walk away.

Rafael ran to follow and stopped him. "Mm. Nah. No, no, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's up."

Landon looked around and someone shot a tranq dart into his neck, making him gasp and fall unconscious.

"Lan?" Rafael asked, kneeling next to him. "Lan?"

Rafael looked up and another tranq dart was shot into his neck, making him fall unconscious as well.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

The gargoyle was inside the school, scratching the wall as it walked down the hallway.

Emma was in the Grand Hall with Lizzie and the other students. She turned her head when she heard the gargoyle screech.

Emma stood. "It's in the hallway."

Lizzie was lying on a table, still paralyzed.

Emma walked towards the door.

The gargoyle continued to scratch its claws along the wall and held the knife it stole from Alaric.

Lizzie whimpered, trying to speak.

"Everyone, stay very quiet," Emma whispered. She waved her arms, casting a spell. "Nullum visilaris."

Emma approached the door.

The gargoyle looked around, growling.

Emma looked out into the hallway, cautiously.

The gargoyle appeared in front of her, growling. But the room appeared empty due to the illusion spell Emma had cast.

Emma stared at the gargoyle, frightened.

The gargoyle snarled and after a moment, walked away.

Emma breathed heavily and leaned back against the wall, panicking.




Landon woke up and found himself chained to a tree. Rafael was also chained to a tree and struggled to break free.

Landon looked at him. "Raf?"

"Lan, you okay?" Rafael asked.

"I don't think either of us are," Landon answered.

"Better off than him," Rafael replied, looking at Fedora.

Landon followed his gaze and saw Fedora had been shot and killed with an arrow.

They heard a twig snap and the man in the hoodie walked closer.

Thinking they were still in danger, Rafael tried to free himself.

"Relax," the man told him. "Both of you." He pulled back his head, revealing himself to be Jeremy Gilbert. "I'm not here to hurt you."

"Who are you?" Landon asked.

"Your new best friend," Jeremy answered.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

MG walked onto a bus, finding Kaleb with a girl.

MG chuckled. "Unbelievable. I told you to go, not make out with some other dude."

Kaleb pulled away from the girl to look at MG, revealing the girl was Dana and that he had been feeding on her.

"Kaleb," MG said, shocked. "What are you doing?"

"What's it look like?" Kaleb replied, wiping the blood from his mouth. "Eating." He chuckled. "Oh, my bad. Where's my manners?"

Kaleb sat Dana up, offering her to MG.

"We're not supposed to--" MG started.

"Suppose to what?" Kaleb asked. "Supposed to be following Lizzie around, like she zapped our asses with some level 10 sad puppy spell, right? Come on. Do your thing."

"I said, I'm good," MG told him.

Kaleb made Dana look at him, so she could be compelled. "That's a nasty hickey you got. Go home, find a scarf and forget all about today."

Dana stood, starting to leave. "Laters, cutie."

Kaleb walked towards MG, sighing. "Look, we's homies, right? And I ain't hurting anybody. So . . ." He raised his hand for MG to take. "Secret's ours?"

MG hesitated for a long moment before clapping Kaleb's hand. "Yeah, man. Yeah, sure."

"Vamps before tramps," Kaleb said, walking off the bus."

MG was still uncomfortable about the whole thing.


Hope, Kenner and Josie walked into the Salvatore School, looking around.

"Lizzie?" Josie called.

"We'll check the library," Hope told her, walking away.

Hope and Kenner walked down a hallway.

Alaric walked closer. "What are you doing here?"

Hope and Kenner jumped.

"Oh, my God," Hope said. They turned around. "You scared me."

"Dorian was supposed to keep you away," Alaric said.

"He tried, he lost," Kenner told him, handing him a book. "But here. Killing gargoyles 101. He thought you could translate it."

Alaric opened the book. "Gaulish. Son of a . . ."

Hope and Kenner looked at him, waiting.

"So, are we on our own?" Kenner asked, impatiently. "Or did the Gauls provide clear instructions?"

Alaric closed the book. "In a nutshell. It says hit it hard, repeat as needed."

They heard the gargoyle roaring.

"Is that . . .?" Kenner trailed off.

"Yeah," Alaric told them. "Listen, it poisoned Lizzie, I'm guessing, to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the knife."

"The knife?" Hope repeated. "The dragon knife? And you're still breathing?"

"Oh, I have a theory about that," Alaric said.

"Well, save it because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school," Hope told him. "Meaning our monster can get out."

"A containment spell?" Alaric repeated, realizing. "Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world. Good girl." Alaric put the book down and picked up a shield off the wall. "All right, well, I guess we better find it before it makes the evening news." He also took down an axe. "So, how'd you take down the containment spell?"

Josie walked closer. "They didn't. I did." She took the axe from her father. "And have questions."



Jeremy used bolt cutters to free Landon and Rafael.

"Who is that?" Landon asked, looking at Fedora.

"A werewolf hunter," Jeremy answered.

"Is that really a thing?" Rafael asked.

Jeremy looked at him. "You're new to this. You probably think that being supernatural gives you the upper hand, it doesn't. This world is a scary place for someone like you, especially when you're dumb enough to use your powers in public."

"So, what, you go around saving new werewolves or what?" Landon asked.

"Name's Jeremy," Jeremy told them. "I've known Alaric since I was a kid and now I work for him sometimes. He told me to track you and make sure that you stay out of trouble, which apparently you suck at. And that note? That was supposed to scare you to safety."

Note?" Rafael repeated, confused.

Landon pulled the money with the note written on it out of his pocket and gave it to Rafael.

Rafael took the money, reading the note and looked at Landon in disbelief.

"I'm gonna go grab the shovels," Jeremy said. "Once we bury the bodies, I'll bring you both back to school."

Jeremy walked away.

Rafael walked towards Landon, looking angry. "What happened to 'no more lies'?"

"You gave up a lot coming out here with me," Landon told him. "We were having fun today. The kind of fun you haven't let yourself have since Cassie died. When I saw the note and knew it was all gonna go to hell, I just--I just froze. I'm sorry, Rafael. I'm sorry. You should go with him." Rafael turned to look towards Jeremy. "Honestly, you're probably better off without me, anyway."

Landon tapped Rafael's shoulder and walked away.

Rafael closed his eyes, sighing. "I never thanked you for that." Landon stopped and they turned around to face each other. "After Cassie . . . you were there. Like, all in. It might not have seemed like I appreciated it. I did. So, let's do what we gotta do here." Rafael walked closer. "Then let's go back to school."

"They don't want me there," Landon said.

"I am not going without you," Rafael told him. "All in. All in."

[Song: Break the Barrier - Miss Li]

Rafael and Landon clapped their hands, hugging.

Rafael patted Landon's back as they embraced.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope, Kenner, Josie and Alaric walked down the hallway, getting ready to battle the gargoyle.


Lizzie, Emma and the other students were still in the Grand Hall.

Lizzie was now lying on the floor while everyone else surrounded her. She looked up, hearing a door open.

Hope, Kenner, Josie and Alaric walked closer.

"Emma?" Alaric called out. "Emma."

Lizzie whimpered.

Emma stood and opened the doors, raising her finger to her lips to tell them to keep quiet.

[Song pauses]

The gargoyle was standing on the steps behind them.

Hope, Kenner, Josie and Alaric turned around.

Emma closed the doors, going back inside the Grand Hall.

The gargoyle screeched, spreading its wings and flew towards them. It tried to attack Hope and Kenner, making them fall to the ground.

"No!" Alaric said, jumping in front of the gargoyle.

"Dad!" Josie cried.

"No!" Alaric repeated.

The gargoyle halted before it could stab Alaric with the knife.

Hope and Kenner stood, watching in shock with wide eyes.

Alaric and the gargoyle stared at each other.

[Song continues]

Josie went behind the gargoyle and swung the axe in her hands, slicing its back and making it screech in pain. The gargoyle turned to attack Josie, and Alaric slashed it with his own axe to protect his daughter.

Kenner raised his arms. "Fluctus inpulsa."

The gargoyle arched its back in pain, screeching and dropped the knife.

"Josie, Hope, help me," Kenner told them.

"How?" Josie asked.

"Just repeat after me," Kenner answered. Josie stood between Hope and Kenner, holding their hands, which glowed as she siphoned magic. "Fluctus impulsa."

Hope, Kenner and Josie chanted in unison. "Fluctus impulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa."

The gargoyle was repeatedly attacked with magic until it exploded.

[Song ends]

Hope, Kenner and Josie let go of each other's hands.

Kenner looked at Josie. "Nice job."

Josie looked at Alaric with tears in her eyes. "How could you jump in front of them like that? You could have died, Dad."

"Honey, I knew it wouldn't kill me because my research said so," Alaric told her.

Josie walked away, extremely upset.

Alaric, Hope and Kenner looked at each other.



Alaric, Hope and Kenner were in his office.

"How's Lizzie?" Kenner asked.

"Recovering quickly, thanks to her sister," Alaric answered.

"So, how did you know the gargoyle wouldn't kill you?" Kenner inquired.

"Gargoyles are protectors," Alaric told them. "And folklore tells a tale of a gargoyle who once protected a small settlement in France whose villagers revered a powerful relic. A knife."

"Our knife?" Hope asked.

"As the story goes, the gargoyle loved the humans he protected so much he vowed never to harm humanity. Instead he chose to fight evil on their behalf," Alaric answered.

"Me and Kenner being the evil ones in this scenario," Hope said. "Josie. Lizzie."

"In its mind, yes," Alaric replied. "I realized when it didn't hurt me before, it saw me as the one who needed protection."

"I'm not sure that knowing that will make them feel any better," Hope told him.

"I should get back to the girls," Alaric said, starting to walk away.

"Wait, one more thing," Kenner told him. Alaric looked at him. "You're always telling us that we need to work together, to put our own feelings aside for the school, for the community. I know I haven't always listened to you with that kind of stuff, but I'm starting to think that it's actually pretty good advice, so maybe you should take it. Because if you want us and the twins to get along, for them to be happy, for the school to be safe . . ."

[Song: Who Are You - RAIGN]

Alaric looked at Kenner.

"These secrets are gonna tear us all apart," Kenner finished.


Alaric was now addressing both students and teachers, deciding to tell them the truth.

"If you asked me a week ago, I would've told you I knew the difference between myth and fact," Alaric told them. "I would've said that supernaturals were limited to the species under this roof. I would've said that folklore and fairytales were just stories. But I can no longer say that any of that is true. Because just a few days ago, we were confronted by the existence of a dragon." Everyone murmured in shock. "And then today, our campus was terrorized by a gargoyle come to life. Some of us were forced to fight. We won, this time. They were drawn here by a knife that went missing earlier this week. For whatever reason, these creatures consider us to be the enemy."


Alaric and Dorian were in the library. Alaric covered the knife in a cloth.

Alaric: (voiceover) "In their minds, we're the villains because we won't give them what they want. We don't even know why they want it. We're gonna find out."

Alaric handed the knife to Dorian.

"You really trying to kill me, huh?" Dorian asked.

Alaric chuckled, softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "More like you're one of the only people I can trust."

"I'll call if i run into any problems," Dorian told him. "Oh, and I want a raise. With dental."

They chuckled and Dorian stood, walking away.


Alaric was still speaking to everyone.

"I can't say for sure what their true intentions are," Alaric expressed. "I can't say there won't be more attacks. That's why I'm telling you this. To warn you."


MG walked towards the twins, holding a plate of brownies.

Alaric: (voiceover) "To ask you to look out for each other."

"Hey," MG said, Lizzie and Josie looked at him. "I had the kitchen make these. Your favorite. Brownies."

Lizzie smiled, taking the plate. "Thanks, MG."

MG smiled, walking away.

Alaric: (voiceover) "To do what's best for one another."

Josie smiled, watching MG leave. She turned and saw Kenner leaning against a wall, looking her way.

Kenner gave her a smile.

Alaric: (voiceover) "Because we are more than just a school. We're a family."

Josie looked away, still a little upset that Alaric risked his life to save him and Hope from the gargoyle.

Kenner smiled faded as he watched the twins.


Alaric: (voiceover) "And we will stand together, we will fight together. And we will win or lose this battle, no matter what comes next."

Hope stood in the hallway and saw Alaric, Jeremy, Rafael and Landon.

Alaric, Jeremy, and Rafael walked away.

Landon saw Hope and they stared at each other, neither saying a word at their unexpected and tension-filled reunion. After a moment, Hope walked away.

[Song ends]


[Song: Wolf Like Me - TV On The Radio]

Dana and her best friend Sasha were sitting in Dana's car outside the gates of the Salvatore School.

Sasha looked at Dana. "He said he'd be here soon."

"'Soon' was an hour ago," Dana told her. "The Salvatore School isn't going to deface itself. Call Connor and tell him to get his ass here with the spray paint."

"And come off as needy?" Sasha asked. "No, thanks."

Dana looked at her. "You are needy, Sasha. That's why our friendship works."

Sasha sighed and tried to call Connor. "I don't have any service."

Dana grabbed out her phone. "Sorry, I'm on, like, two percent."

Sasha got out of the car and tried to get service on her phone.

Dana stayed in the car.

Sasha could be heard screaming as something attacked her.

[Song ends]

Dana looked outside, turned off the radio and rolled down the window. "Sasha, what are you doing?" There was no reply. "Sash, if you and Conner are boning in the woods, I'm gonna kill you."

Crunching could be heard as if someone had stepped on a branch.

Getting scared, Dana rolled up the window and looked around. There was a bang as something heavy landed on the top of Dana's car, making her scream. A creature growled as it climbed down onto the windshield.

Dana looked in front of her and screamed.



"Hope is Not the Goal" trailer

[Song: White Flag - The Rigs]

Alaric and Matt were in the woods, looking at Dana. She was dead with blood trailing from her neck.

"What is it?" Alaric asked.

"A vampire bite," Matt answered.


Dana was sitting in her car, screaming.

Lizzie looked at Landon. "Girls are missing."

MG looked at Kaleb. "I saw you feed on her."

Kaleb was with a girl who he had feed on.

Kaleb was on the bus with Dana, he turned to look at MG after feeding on her.


Rafael was thrown across the railing of some stairs inside the Salvatore School.

Lizzie, MG and Kenner looked at Kaleb.

"We know you killed Dana," Lizzie told him.

Hope, Kenner, Lizzie, MG, Kaleb and Landon were standing in a parking lot near a van where another girl's body was lying on the ground.

Kaleb pointed at Landon. "None of this happened until you showed up. Are you saying it's a coincidence?"


Rafael was in the abandoned house in the woods, he broke a chair as she slammed it against the floor. "I told you to leave me alone!"

Josie screamed.

"Get away!" Rafael said.

MG was running through the woods.

Kaleb looked at Hope, Kenner, Lizzie, MG and Landon. "Y'all need to get the hell out of my face."

Kaleb rushed away.

Kenner turned around, extending his arm and using magic. "Come on, guys. Let's go."

Alaric was on the phone. "Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't."

"It's hero time," Kenner said, walking forward.

[Song ends]
