Mombie Dearest

Lizzie: (voiceover) "Previously on Legacies . . ."

Alaric and Dorian were talking by the Salvatore School gate.

"I opened this school to protect these kids," Alaric said.

Alaric: (voiceover) "How am I supposed to protect them from stuff that's not supposed to exist?"

The Gargoyle screeched.

Alaric, Hope and Kenner looked up at the Dragon.

The Dryad pulled back her hood.

Dorian: (voiceover) "The monsters come one at a time."

Dorian and Alaric were in Dorian's cabin, talking to the Dryad. Dorian was sitting in a chair while Alaric and the Dryad stood opposite each other, Alaric was holding the supernatural knife.

"I found myself not far from here with an urge to possess that knife," the Dryad told them.

"And who told you to do this?" Alaric asked.

"A voice in my mind," the Dryad answered.

Lizzie and Rafael were sitting in the stands on the Salvatore School field, watching a game of Wickery.

MG: (voiceover) "You think he'll go for her?"

Josie looked at them. "Probably."

Rafael laid Lizzie down on the floor of the gym as they kissed each other, proceeding to have sex.

Josie: (voiceover) "They usually do."

Lizzie looked at Rafael, longingly.

Josie: (voiceover) "Lizzie has dibs."

Hope, Kenner and Josie were walking through the Town Square.

"On Rafael?" Hope asked. "She always calls dibs. When's it gonna be your turn?"

While they were trapped in the Arachne's web in the abandoned house in the woods, Josie kissed Rafael, siphoning magic.

Emma looked at the Honor Council. "We're here to discuss if Landon should be allowed to stay at the school."

Hope placed her vote. "Landon has to go."

Rafael stood, angrily.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

A woman wearing a wedding dress was inside the Salvatore School, approaching Alaric's office.

Inside, there was a book of symbols on Alaric's desk and he was currently talking to Caroline Forbes on the phone.

"I know what you're doing is important, Caroline," Alaric told her, dropping another book on his desk. "But how do I tell the girls their mom isn't gonna be there for their 16th birthday? I can't exactly tell them what you're really involved in."

The woman was now outside the office, she reached for the door and turned the handle.

"No, I-I am nowhere near cracking this case," Alaric said. "I have a knife, I have the symbol. I have a place, sort of, but I don't know what any of it means and I don't know what's connecting it. And I don't know what monster is coming next."

The woman walked in. "Ric?"

Alaric turned around, surprised to see Jo Laughlin - the dead biological mother of his daughters. She appeared the same as the day she died, in her wedding dress with blood soaking her abdomen from where her twin brother Kai Parker had stabbed her.

"I've got to call you back," Alaric said, hanging up.


Dorian was walking in the hallway, talking to a student.

"Dorian!" Alaric called out.

Upon hearing Alaric's voice, Dorian started to run towards the office.


Alaric aimed his crossbow at Jo.

Startled, Jo raised her hands.

Dorian ran in. "Are you okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Ric, if you could just put down the crossbow, my freak out level is about 11 right now," Jo told him.

"You know her?" Dorian asked.

"I know who she's supposed to be," Alaric answered.

"Who?" Dorian inquired.

"The love of my life," Alaric told him.



Jo looked at Alaric, trying to calm him down. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."

Dorian walked closer. "Hold up. Hold up, Ric."

"Listen to Dorian," Jo told him. "Are you Dorian?"

"Yeah," Dorian said.

Jo introduced himself. "I'm Jo."

Dorian looked at her, shocked. "You're his dead wife? I-I mean, fiancée, I mean, you don't think she's actually--"

"No, I don't," Alaric told him.

"Did you see how she got here?" Dorian asked.

"I was sort of, um, yanked awake," Jo told them. "And then I was just here."

"There's nothing suspicious about that," Alaric said, sarcastically.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Dorian asked.

"Kill her now before she attacks?" Alaric replied,

"Wait, what?" Jo asked.

"I-I-I was more 'let's interrogate her' because if she's the next monster, then-then maybe she'll know more than the Dryad did."

Alaric looked at Jo for a moment before relenting, somewhat reluctantly.

Jo sighed in relief.

"Okay, but no one sees her," Alaric stated. "Especially today."

"Good idea," Dorian agreed.

Alaric looked at him. "I need Emma."

Dorian nodded.


Messina, Italy

Nina was in the living room of the villa she and Klaus were staying in, drinking a cup of coffee. She was sitting on the couch with Hope, who had cast an astral projection spell to see her.

"Obviously, nothing's gonna come out of it," Hope said, talking about Landon. "I mean, I may never see him again. And nobody wants a phone thing. Though, I do like the sound of his voice. It's low and smart sounding and kind of soothing." Nina smirked, raising her brows in amusement. "And his eyes. His eyes are like this green-gray color that's not really a color, you know. Like they're green when he wears green and then--Oh, my God, who am I right now?"

Nina chuckled, happily. "A normal teenager? Though I do love hearing you talk about something as simple as having a crush on a boy."

Klaus walked in. "What's this I hear about a boy?"

Hope and Nina looked at him in unison.

"Hi, Dad," Hope greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, sweetheart," Klaus replied. "So, what's this boy's name who's got you such a state? And when do I get to meet him?"

Hope's eyes went wide in worry. "No, you don't get to meet him. Ever."

Klaus raised his brows. "As your father, I have the right to interrogate the boy who has my daughter acting like a giddy school girl."

Hope looked at Nina for help. "Mom."

"Ignore your dad, Hope," Nina told him. "I think it's great that after everything that's happened, you haven't completely closed your heart to love. How's your brother doing?"

Hope sighed. "Well, he's . . . you know, Kenner. But he did apologize to Landon for the way he acted, so I call that progress."

Nina nodded, smiling. "You and Kenner might come from a family of powerful witches and vampires, but at the end of the day, you're still kids. You can't keep people at arm's length forever. Being alone isn't living. You need friends."

Nina and Hope looked at each other for a moment, exchanging smiles.

"Oh, I wish I could hug you right now," Hope said.

"Me too," Nina replied. "Now go back to school before you get into trouble again."

"Okay, I love you," Hope told her parents.

"We love you too," Nina said, blowing her daughter a kiss.

Hope stared at Nina and Klaus for a long moment before disappearing.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope was brought back to her dorm room after the spell ended and thought about what Nina had told her.


Rafael was getting the school ready for the twins birthday party, instructing members of his new pack

"All right, let's get the rest of these tables and chairs and get them out of here," Rafael told them. "All right? Let's go, let's go."

Rafael walked away.

Hope and Kenner walked closer.

"Perks of being an Alpha," Kenner said. Rafael glanced back at them for a second before looking away. "Bunch of people you get to boss around."

"More like a bunch of shadows waiting to be told what to do," Rafael replied.

"Who put you on party duty?" Kenner asked.

"I volunteered," Rafael answered. "What do you want? I'm busy."

"Listen, Raf, I know you're mad at me for sending Landon away, but . . ." Hope told him. Rafael turned to face her. "I promise you, it was for his own good."

Rafael walked closer. "You've known him for two minutes and you know what's good for him?"

"I know that I want him to be safe," Hope said. "I just came here to apologize."

"And I thought maybe if, I don't know, if you needed someone to talk to . . ." Kenner trailed off. "Whatever."

Hope and Kenner started to walk away.

"Actually . . ." Rafael said, stopping them. "Um, I do kind of need help with something. There's no fancy parties in grand ballrooms where I come from. I need to know what's expected for tonight. I don't want to let Lizzie down."

"Who cares what Lizzie Saltzman think?" Hope asked.

"I do," Rafael answered. "I'm her date."

Hope and Kenner looked at him in shock.


Josie sighed before entering the room she shared with Lizzie. "Hey, I didn't see you at breakfast."

"I'm too excited to eat," Lizzie told her, hurrying closer to hug her twin, spinning around. "Happy Birthday to us! Isn't it a beautiful day for a party?"

Josie was startled. "You--you're cheerful."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Lizzie asked. "Mom's coming home, I had sex with Raf, my pores are practically invisible."

"Wait, what?" Josie asked in shock. "You had sex--"

"Last night," Lizzie told her. "You know how Mom always says that things work out in the end the way they're supposed to? She's right. I wouldn't have time to represent the witches now with a boyfriend." Josie looked down, hurt and disappointed. "So, you getting the consolation prize is perfect." Josie looked up. "Okay, I need your help." Lizzie held up two hair clips. "I'm going for Meghan Markle tasteful."

Penelope appeared in their doorway. "Whoop-whoop! Happy Birthday, witches!"

"Oh, look, it's Satan in a crop top," Lizzie said. "Come to burn my world down?"

"Retro," Penelope said. "Princess Di before she got style. I dig it."

"What do you want?" Josie asked.

"Oh, just to cheer you two up," Penelope answered. Lizzie removed the hair clip from her hair. "You know because your mom's not coming."

"What?" The twins asked in unison.

"Oh, I heard them cancel her pick-up at the office," Penelope said, tilting her head. "I thought you knew. Oops."

Josie looked down, disappointed while Lizzie waved her arm in anger, magically closing the door in Penelope's face. The twins looked at each other, not at all happy.


Jo was now wearing a change of clothes and she was currently putting her bloody wedding dress away.

Emma was in the office with Alaric and Jo. "I put a basic boundary spell to keep her in. You're sure she can't do magic?"

"She couldn't before she died, so if she can now, I guess we'll learn the hard way," Alaric said.

"Um, she's right here," Jo said, annoyed they were talking about her like she didn't exist. "And she's got a lot of questions."

Emma looked at Alaric. "Be careful of this one, Ric."

Emma walked away, leaving.

Jo crossed her arm, indignantly and turned away.

Alaric closed the doors. "Okay, let's talk. Who are you? What do you want?"

"I'm Josette Laughlin, almost Saltzman," Jo told him.

"No, Jo Laughlin is dead," Alaric replied.

"I'm well aware," Jo said. "It's not every day you get murdered at your shotgun wedding."

"Okay, what's the last thing you remember?" Alaric asked.

"Morning sickness," Jo answered. "My dress, our vows, my psychopath twin brother with a very large knife and . . . nothing. How long ago was that? You look a little seasoned."

"About 16 years ago," Alaric told her.

Jo's eyes went wide in shock. "16 years? I don't know what to say. How are you? How have you been?"

"Oh, just cut the--just drop the act, okay?" Alaric said.

"It's not an act, Ric," Jo told him. "This is Mystic Falls, I'm not exactly the first person to be brought back from the dead."

"Yeah, well, things have gotten a little complicated around here lately," Alaric replied.

Someone tried to open the doors.

Alaric and Jo looked at the doors, hearing knocking.

"Uh, Dad?" Lizzie asked. "Why is your door locked?"

Jo looked at Alaric, surprised. "Dad?"

Josie and Lizzie were standing outside the office.

"And when were you going to tell us that Mom wasn't coming back?" Josie asked.

Alaric held Jo, covering her mouth. "I was about to. There's--there's a strike at the airport in Mozambique."

The twins exchanged a look, not believing the excuse.

"She couldn't compel a pilot and hop on a private jet?" Lizzie asked.

"She'll explain everything later," Alaric told them. "Okay? But right now, I just need you to go because I am wrapping your presents."

"No, you're not," Josie said. "You're lying through your teeth."

Alaric looked up.

Josie and Lizzie touched the door, siphoning magic. "Sode."

The doors magically opened.

Alaric let go of Jo, facing his daughters.

"Who's this trollop?" Lizzie asked.

"Oh, my God," Jo whispered in realization.

"I need you to leave right now," Alaric told them.

"I'm sorry," Jo said, looking at the twins. "How old are you?"

"16," the twins replied.

"Today, it's our birthday," Lizzie added.

"You're twins?" Jo asked in shock.

"What are we interrupting here?" Lizzie asked.

"I'm serious," Alaric said. "Do as I say and now just go."

"Lizzie," Josie said.

"What?" Lizzie asked, looking at her.

"Lizzie, it's her," Josie answered.

Lizzie looked at Jo. "Her who?"

Josie picked up the photograph of Alaric and Jo getting married, showing it to her sister.

Jo covered her mouth in shock, realizing the girls were her daughters.

"Her," Josie repeated.

Lizzie looked at the photo before looking at Jo. "Holy crap. You're Bio-Mom."


Jo looked at the twins. "This is impossible. I wasn't even showing at our wedding. How?"

"Your family's crazy coven magically implanted them in Caroline when you died," Alaric explained. "She's their birth mother."

"Caroline?" Jo repeated. "So, you two . . . "

Alaric shook his head. "No. She married Stefan Salvatore, who basically died on their wedding day too. But that's a long story."

"They're still very close," Lizzie said.

"We opened this school together," Alaric told her.

"She's overseas right now doing very important recruiting work," Lizzie told her. "I'm Lizzie. After my mother's mom."

Josie introduced herself. "I'm Josie. Josette. Like . . ."

"Me," Jo realized.

Josie smiled.


Messina, Italy

Klaus and Nina were standing in front of a table, looking over numerous grimoires.

Freya Mikaelson walked in, holding another grimoire. "Any luck?"

Klaus sighed in annoyance. "No matter how many of these bloody things we search, it's pointless. None of them hold the answer to breaking Nina's curse."

Klaus slammed one of the grimoires closed.

"Hey," Nina said. "It's not the end of the world and we're immortal, remember? We have time."

Freya put the grimoire she was holding on the table with the rest. "Every spell has a loophole and since Kenner's blood was used to soak the moonstone, the only way I can think of to break it is--"

"That's out of the question," Klaus said, cutting her off. "There has to be another way."

"And we'll find it," Nina added, rubbing Klaus' shoulder.

Klaus laid his hand on top of her and gave it a comforting squeeze before walking away.

Freya sighed. "Things haven't changed that much, I see."

"Well . . ." Nina trailed off, chuckled. "At least he's not murdering the local witches in his quest for answers. So, it's an improvement."

"What about the Salvatore School?" Freya asked. "Could they help?"

"They don't know anything that Klaus doesn't know," Nina answered. 

Freya nodded.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope and Kenner were helping Rafael prepare for Lizzie's birthday.

"So, the emcee will then announce Lizzie and her escort," Hope told him.

"Her what?" Rafael asked, confused.

"Kinda like at a debutant ball," Hope explained.

"I grew up in foster care," Rafael said. 

"Okay, well, they had stairs, didn't they?" Kenner told them. "So, you're gonna meet her halfway down."

Rafael walked down the stairs, sighing. "How do you know all this stuff?"

"One of our aunts has been around for more than a thousand years," Kenner said. "This kind of thing is her jam."

Hope walked down the stairs and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"So, what, I just stand here?" Rafael asked.

"Then you take her arm," Hope instructed, raising her own arm for him to take. "Sorta like you're putting yours on top, and then you descend together."

Kenner watched Hope and Rafael walked around arm in arm before pulling apart and facing each other.

"And now you bow," Hope told him, curtsying.

Rafael chuckled. "Yeah, you guys are messing with me."

"You think this is bad?" Kenner asked. "You know it's only gonna get worse, right? Lizzie Saltzman has been planning her sweet 16 since she was five. You probably should've thought twice before asking to be her date."

"Well, I didn't ask her," Rafael said. "All I know is I can't let her down though."

"Why?" Kenner asked.

"Because I slept with her, Kenner," Rafael answered.

Both Hope and Kenner stared at him in shocked disbelief.


MG walked towards Penelope. "You're lucky I respect women. And that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity or else you and I would be throwing down right now. Even if you can kick my ass."

"Dude, I am here to help," Penelope told him.

"By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?" MG asked.

"Oh, that was just for Lizzie, who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you," Penelope said. "So, why are you doing all this to try and make it pretty perfect?"

"Cause a man's gotta shoot his shot," MG replied.

"Oh, my God, no," Penelope told him. "I can't take it anymore. As your friend, I demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip."

MG shook his head. "Not when I can taste victory."

Penelope looked down, exasperated before putting on a smile. "Fine. I'll make you a deal. I will keep werewolf Prince Charming away from the party long enough for you to shoot your one final, inevitably failed shot. And when it's over, and when the Queen of Mean has broken your heart all over again, promise me that you will let Lizzie go."

MG nodded.


Alaric was holding the truth sphere as he questioned Jo.

Lizzie and Josie were watching.

"All right, one more time, what's your name?" Alaric asked.

"Josette Laughlin," Jo answered.

The truth sphere glowed blue.

"And what's your profession?" Alaric inquired.

"I'm a doctor," Jo said before correcting herself. "I was, anyway."

The truth sphere glowed blue again.

"Repeat after me," Alaric told her. "I'm here to harm you."

"I'm here to harm you," Jo repeated, causing the truth sphere to glow red.

Josie stepped forward. "How did you meet my dad?"

"That's not, uh, a question," Alaric said.

"I walked up to him at a college party," Jo told her. "He was the only guy over 20."

"Was it love at first sight?" Josie asked.

Lizzie looked at her. "Jo." Josie looked at her. "Don't be so nosy."

Jo smiled. "Not quite. I flirted with him and asked him for a sip of his drink. He told me he was a germaphobe. But I thought he looked like Indiana Jones, so . . ."

The truth sphere glowed blue.

Lizzie stood. "This walk down weird old people Memory Lane is fun and all, but we have a party to get ready for."

Josie looked at Jo. "Will you still be here after?"

"Well, I will be there when I can," Alaric told her. "Right now, the office is off-limits."

Josie nodded.

Jo gave Josie a reassuring smile, giving her a nod.

Josie grinned before leaving the office with Lizzie.


Kenner was watching Rafael and Hope practicing dancing. "I can't believe you slept with Lizzie Saltzman."

"Look, I was mad and she was there," Rafael said. Hope rolled her eyes. "I didn't say I was proud of it." They continued to dance. "You're leading."

Hope spun out and twirled before returning to Rafael. "You're officially a gigolo."

Rafael stepped back, scoffing, softly. "Thanks for this." He started to walk away. "I guess I'll see you at the party."

"No, you won't," Kenner told him.

Rafael looked at them. "So, what, you're both just gonna stay in your rooms alone while everybody else is having fun?"

"Yep, works for me," Kenner told him.

"Bullcrap," Rafael told them. "Everybody needs a crew."

"Kind of ironic coming from the reluctant Alpha," Kenner said.

"Okay, well, the pack is one thing, but a crew is a crew," Rafael replied. "You know what, I had that in Landon until your sister sent him away."

"We're back to that?" Hope asked.

"I'm just saying, it's one thing to be cool with being alone and it's another to wanna be the lonely kids on purpose," Rafael said.

Hope walked closer. "As opposed to Mr. Good Guy, who's taking a girl you don't even like to her own party."

"You know what, you're right," Rafael agreed. "Lesson learned." He turned around and tried to leave, but hit a magical barrier. "The hell?"

Kenner and Hope walked towards the barrier, hitting it.

"Barrier spell," Hope said. "Fantastic."

Penelope was standing on the other side of the barrier spell. "Sorry, kids. Nothing personal."

"Let us out of here, Penelope," Kenner told her.

"You'll be free in an hour," Penelope replied. Rafael sighed. "Plenty of time to practice that waltz."

Penelope smiled, walking away.

Hope, Kenner and Rafael looked at each other in annoyance.


Messina, Italy

Nina was standing on the balcony, looking up at the moon.

Klaus and Freya were still searching grimoires for some sort of clue. Klaus looked at Nina, watching her with concern.

Freya looked up and noticed Klaus' gaze. "Klaus . . ." Klaus tore his gaze away from Nina, looking at his sister. "It occurred to me that the moonstone is the binding agent in Esther's spell. If I could find a way to separate Kenner's blood and break that connection . . ."

"We would be one step closer to figuring out how to break the curse," Klaus finished, looking hopeful.

"It will take time and a lot of magic, but I think it can be done," Freya said.

Klaus nodded.

In that moment, a woman walked through the front door of the villa.

Klaus furrowed his brows, sensing her presence and tilted his head as his supernatural hearing kicked in.

Nina turned around in confusion. "Is something burning?"

Klaus rushed away, heading downstairs.

Nina and Freya exchanged a look before following him.

Nina and Freya ran into the parlor, seeing Klaus pinning the woman to a pillar with his hand gripping her throat.

"Who are you?" Klaus asked, his face transformed.

"Please . . ." The woman trailed off, struggling to breathe.

"Klaus!" Nina yelled, making him look her way. "Let her go!"

Klaus hesitated before releasing the woman.

The woman coughed, trying to capture her breath. "Thank . . . you . . ."

Nina approached the woman, slowly and her eyes went wide in shocked recognition. "Oh, my God."

"What is it?" Freya asked.

"I know her," Nina answered.

Klaus looked at his wife, curiously. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Diana Chase," Nina told them. "She's my mom."

Klaus, Nina and Freya looked at Diana in shock. Her clothes were singed black and she had blood on her forehead, evidence of the state she was in at the time of her death.

Diana looked at Nina in disbelief. "Nina?"


Klaus, Nina and Freya were now alone in the parlor while Diana showered upstairs.

"How is that woman your mother?" Klaus asked. "I thought she was killed by your grandfather."

"She's not my real mother," Nina answered. "But she's the only mother I ever knew. She died when I was six."

"So, how is she alive now?" Freya asked.

"I have no idea," Nina answered before taking out her cellphone and dialling.

"What are you doing?" Klaus asked.

"I'm calling Alaric Saltzman," Nina told him. "If anyone can give us answers, it's him."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Alaric was in the office with Dorian and Emma.

"I-I don't get it," Alaric said. "She hasn't tried to escape, not a word about the knife. She knows things that only Jo knows and let's not ignore the fact that I remember her, so she's not like the other creatures."

"Blunt force hasn't gotten them what they want, so they've moved on to psychological warfare," Emma said. "Tread lightly. If Jo is another monster, she can do more damage to you than any dragon."

"It was something she said," Dorian said, showing them a book. "Here. There's an eye witness account of a group of World War I soldiers buried in France who came back to life and massacred a village. After, they didn't remember hurting anyone, and they all said they'd been 'yanked' back into being. Like Jo."

"So, someone or something resurrected them and used them to attack a village?" Alaric asked.

"Without them even knowing it," Dorian answered.

Alaric's phone started to ring. He picked it up and furrowed his brows when he saw who was calling. "Speaking of coming back from the dead." He answered the call. "Nina. Now's really not a good time."

Nina: (over phone) "No kidding. Because I just had an unexpected reunion with my mother who's been dead for 30 years."

"What?" Alaric asked, looking at Dorian and Emma. "Did you just say that your mother's been dead for 30 years?"

Nina: (over phone) "Yes! And now she's walking around as if no time has passed. I know that you've got your hands full with the twins' birthday, but I really need you to tell me what the hell is going on! She's not a ghost or a hallucination . . ."

Alaric closed his eyes. "No, she's a zombie."

Nina: (over phone) "I'm sorry, what? I think  I had crazy talk stuck in my ear, 'cause it sounded like you said zombie."

"No, you heard me right," Alaric told her. "I did say zombie."

Nina: (over phone) "We're not living in a Romero film, Ric! Zombies don't exist in real life!"

"Most people would say the same about vampires, werewolves, witches and hybrids, but you and I know better," Alaric said. "Look, the supernatural world has gotten more complicated since your kids brought you back. In the past month, I've had to deal with a dragon, a gargoyle, a giant spider, and a dryad who came from a place called Malivore in order to take possession of a supernatural knife. And now I have a zombie of my own to deal with, so . . ." He chuckled, ironically. "I have a full plate right now, Nina."

Nina: (over phone) "Wow, okay. Well, do you know why our lives have suddenly turned into an episode of The Walking Dead?"

"Something or someone brought them back," Alaric explained. "I don't know who or what, but I wouldn't let your guard down."


Josie was helping Lizzie get ready, styling her hair.

"Dad is so suspicious," Josie said.

"Uh, duh," Lizzie replied. "So am I."

"I just think she's more fairy godmother than zombie," Josie expressed.

"She's not our mother," Lizzie told her. "She's DNA. We can be mad at Mom all that we want for missing our party, but we cannot cheat on her with Mombie Dearest." She looked at Josie. "You're not even dressed. I don't want to be late to my own party."

"I'm done," Josie told her. "I'll catch up with you, okay?"

Lizzie grabbed her feathered shawl and left.

Josie saw an envelope tucked between her pillows and grabbed it. It was addressed to her. She opened it and pulled out a baggie. Then she pulled out the card inside.

Hope your birthday wishes come true. Kenner.

Josie put the card down and opened the baggie, pulling out a necklace. She put the necklace on and smiled as she held the pendant.

Penelope walked closer and knocked. "Hey, Jo Jo. Need an escort?"

"Sure, do you know anyone who's heart isn't made out of stone?" Josie asked, putting Kenner's card back in its envelope.

"Look, I am sorry about earlier," Penelope told her. "I saw a chance to make Lizzie suffer and, uh, I shot my shot."

"Why can't you just ease up on her?" Josie asked, walking closer.

"She sucks the air out of every room you're in," Penelope answered.

"She's my twin," Josie told her. "We can share oxygen."

"Are you sharing love interests now, too?" Penelope asked. "Because she's the only one with a date." Josie looked down. "See? You have crawled so far down the co-dependency rabbit hole that you think taking care of yourself is selfish. But it's not. So when are you gonna take care of you?"

"I take care of myself just fine," Josie said.

"Oh, really?" Penelope questioned. "Party starts in five. It's a shame you spent all of that time helping Lizzie get ready."

Penelope walked out, leaving.


Jo was still in Alaric's office, she opened the glass cabinet and the mirror inside showed her face decomposed. She reached to grab a photo album and opened it, looking at the pictures inside.

Josie siphoned the magic to open the door.

Jo looked at her.

Josie walked in, wearing a pink strapless dress. "Do you know how to braid?"

Jo smiled,


[Song: Animal - Spring King]

Lizzie arrived at her birthday party where balloons and streamers hung from the ceiling and everyone was dancing. She walked down the stairs.

The DJ spoke into his mic. "Ah, let's welcome birthday girl number one and her lucky escort!"

[Song ends]

Everyone cheered as the spotlight shone on Lizzie.

Lizzie became nervous when she couldn't find Rafael.

MG rushed to meet Lizzie halfway down the stairs.

"Where's my date?" Lizzie asked.

"You're looking at him," MG answered.

Lizzie looked at his shoes. "You're wearing sneakers?"

"These are Concord 11s, my lady," MG told her, giving her a rose.

"What if I told you my favourite was sunflowers?" Lizzie inquired.

"I'd know you were lying," MG said.

"How?" Lizzie asked.

MG smiled, extending his hand.

A group of witches waved their arms, using magic to make confetti fall from the ceiling.

"The same way I know that your favorite color is lavender, your favorite dessert is key lime pie, you like a blend of hip hop and old school Motown, and powdered bat wings make you sneeze," MG told her, linking their arm before gesturing to the DJ.

[Song: Girls Just Want to Have Fun - STRFKR]

MG led Lizzie down the remaining steps.

"My favorite song," Lizzie said, smiling.

"I know," MG said.

They walked into the crowd and MG started to dance, moving around Lizzie. Lizzie laughed before joining in.

[Song ends]


Josie chuckled as Jo styled her hair.

"Aren't you gonna be late?" Jo asked.

"Oh, no, it's cool," Josie answered. "No one will notice."

Jo gave Josie her hair brush. "At your own party?"

"Maybe if I had a date," Josie said.

"Is there someone special?" Jo asked.

"That is a complicated question," Josie told her.

Jo sat down on the couch in front of Josie. "Humor me."

Josie smiled. "Well, last year, there was this girl, um, but she dumped me."

"Oh," Jo said, sympathetically.

"And now there's this boy," Josie continued. "Um, Lizzie has dibs, so . . ."

"Does she know you like him?" Jo asked.

Josie shook her head, chuckling. "No, that would be bad."

"Being 16 and having a strong twin sister isn't a cakewalk," Jo said. "But anybody's who's spent five minutes with you would know how special you are."

"You're only saying that because you're . . ." Josie trailed off.

"It's okay," Jo told her. "Caroline is your mom. She did a great job."

"Lizzie's exactly like her," Josie said. "You would never know that she's not her biological mom."

"And you take after me," Jo replied.

Josie smiled, looking down. "I'm really happy you're here. I honestly think that Dad is really lonely."

"He's a pretty terrific guy, your dad," Jo said. Josie nodded in agreement. "But you can catch me up later. You have a party to go to."

"Actually, do you wanna come with me?" Josie asked.

Jo smiled.


Messina, Italy

Now wearing clean clothes, Diana walked downstairs and when she passed a mirror, her decomposed visage was seen.

Nina and Klaus were in the living room, they looked at Diana when she entered the room.

"Thank you for the clothes," Diana said.

"How do you feel?" Nina asked.

"I'm still trying to work through everything," Diana answered. "It's hard to believe that the little girl I raised is now all grown up." She saw a picture of Nina with Hope and Kenner. "Is this your family?"

"Yes," Nina told her.

Diana smiled, picking up the picture. "You're a mother. They're beautiful."

"Enough of this," Klaus said, impatiently. "What is it that you want?"

Diana glanced at him, putting the picture down. "I'm sorry?"

"I've lived long enough to know that when the dead rise, it's always with an unseemly agenda," Klaus stated. "So, tell us what you're after and I promise to make your second death painless."

"Klaus!" Nina scolded him.

"I'm not after anything," Diana told him. "I don't know how I'm alive again! One minute I was dead and the next, I found myself here."

"And I'm supposed to take your word for it, am I?" Klaus asked. "I think I'd rather rip out your tongue than listen to your lies."

Nina pulled Klaus back, fed up. "Okay, stop it! There are better ways of getting to the truth besides torture."

Freya walked in. "Nina's right. And I know just how to do it."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope, Kenner and Rafael were still trapped in Penelope's barrier spell.

"So, you can slay a dragon, but you can't get us out of here," Rafael said, scoffing.

"Only Penelope can undo the spell," Hope told him. "Or the twins could siphon the magic."

"Well, that's unlikely, seeing as Lizzie probably thinks I'm standing her up right now," Rafael replied.

"Her ego could use a little deflating," Hope said.

"I'm not that guy, okay?" Rafael expressed. "I don't just forget about people."

"Relax, it's only been 12 hours," Hope told him.

"It's not that!" Rafael shouted. "Look, it's only been six weeks since . . ."

"Your girlfriend died," Kenner finished. "Cassie."

"It's crazy, but I feel like I cheated on her or something," Rafael told them. Hope and Kenner walked closer. "So if I can do right by Lizzie, maybe that can--"

"Then what?" Kenner asked, cutting him off. "It'll exonerate you?"

"I don't know," Rafael answered. "Maybe."

"Look, Raf, you went through something awful and it's right to mourn your girlfriend," Kenner told him. "But you can't pretend to like Lizzie to make yourself feel better. That's not doing her any good. Or yourself."

Rafael didn't give a reply before walking away.


[Song: Electric Avenue - Vic 2020]

The DJ played another song.

MG walked onto the dance floor, spinning through the air before landing on his feet.

Everyone cheered.

Lizzie chuckled. "You got moves."

"You ain't seen nothing yet," MG told her.

MG somersaulted, earning more cheers from the other students.

MG walked towards Lizzie. "Come on."

"No," Lizzie said.

"Yes," MG replied, pulling Lizzie onto the dancefloor.

They started to sance side by side.

Penelope watched from the balcony.

MG did some break-dancing moves before standing, continuing to dance.

Penelope looked around with furrowed brows. "Have you seen Josie?"

The guy next to her shook his head.

[Song ends]


Jo and Josie were walking through the woods, heading towards the party.

"So, Lizzie's in love with Raf, but MG's in love with Lizzie," Josie explained. "It's this whole thing."

"What?" Jo asked.

Josie chuckled. "There's this alcove that's up super high, so you'll be able to see everything."

Jo suddenly fell to the ground.

"Jo?!" Josie instantly ran to her side in concern. "Hey, Jo? Somebody help! I'll be right back, okay?"

Josie started to leave.

Jo moved her head and her eyes opened, they were completely white. Then she stood.

Josie stopped, sensing something was wrong and turned to look at Jo, who actually looked like a zombie.

Jo ran towards Josie.


Messina, Italy

Diana was sitting down with Nina, Klaus and Freya standing in front of her. Freya had sprinkled some herbs around her in a circle.

"What is all this?" Diana asked.

"I'm casting a spell that will allow us to search your subconscious," Freya answered. "If we can learn the source of your resurrection, then we can find out why you're here."

"A spell?" Diana asked. "You're saying that you're a witch?"

"It's okay," Nina said, trying to soothe her. "This won't hurt, but we have to know who's behind this."

Diana nodded, bemused.

Freya waved her hand. "Sova."

Diana hung her head, falling unconscious.

Freya looked at Klaus, nodding.

Klaus stepped into the circle, standing behind Diana and held her head. He closed his eyes as he entered her mind. He saw flashes of Diana's death, seeing her and Young Nina in the car, seeing her lose control and crash, seeing her help Nina get out of the car safety and then he saw the car catch on fire, killing her.

Nina watched Klaus and Diana, anxiously.

Suddenly, Diana opened her eyes. They were completely white, just like Jo's had been when she attacked Josie.

Nina and Freya gasped as they suddenly saw Diana in her zombified form.

Diana stood, turning to snap Klaus' neck, making him fall unconscious before dashing towards Freya. She pushed her back, making her hit her head on the table and fall unconscious.

Nina turned to look at Diana in surprise.

Diana Chase smiled, evilly.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope, Kenner and Rafael were now sitting, watching the clock.

Hope sighed. "One more minute."

Kenner looked at Rafael, who was sitting across from him. "Raf, Hope didn't just send Landon away. I sent to someone who's gonna help him find his birth mom."

"You sent him away by himself to find a woman that gave him up?" Rafael asked.

"What if she's amazing?" Hope asked. "And he finally gets a family?"

"He had a family," Rafael said. "He had me."

"A crew isn't the same," Kenner told him. "Family is always and forever."

"Yeah, you're right," Rafael replied. "He's not my blood. But he is my brother. If anything, maybe the two of you should try doubling down on friends to make up for the family you don't have." He glanced at the clock. "Time's up."

Rafael stood, walking away.

Hope and Kenner looked down, trying to hide the conflicted emotions rising in their hearts.


[Song: What's It Like Now - Mikky Ekko]

MG and Lizzie were still dancing, sliding across the floor as they moved around each other. Lizzie briefly touched MG's cheek and they continued to dance. MG twirled Lizzie before lifting her up.

[Song ends]

MG lowered Lizzie to the floor, slowly.

[Song: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - Sleeping At Last]

Lizzie smiled as she and MG looked at each other. They started to sway to the music as other couples joined them on the dance floor.

Rafael walked closer, wearing a suit.

Lizzie looked at him.

"I got this," Rafael said, looking at MG. "Thanks."

MG stepped aside, disappointed.

Rafael looked at Lizzie. "I'm sorry I was late."

"I'll forgive you," Lizzie said, smiling. "Just this once."

Rafael stepped back and bowed.

MG looked crestfallen as he watched them.

Rafael and Lizzie linked arms.

MG walked away, leaving the party.

[Song ends]


Dorian was talking to Alaric over the phone.

Alaric: (over phone) "She could be anywhere, Dorian."

"I've got the faculty searching the building as we speak," Dorian said, walking through the school.


Alaric was in the woods. "I'm on my way to the dance hall."

"Ric!" Jo called out. "Ric!"

Alaric turned, seeing Jo running towards him. "Call off the dogs. I think I found her."

Dorian: (over phone) "I think I'll keep them on standby."

Alaric hung up.

"Something's wrong," Jo said, running closer.

"How did you get out?" Alaric asked.

"Josie wanted me to come to the party, so she siphoned the spell again," Jo answered. "I know it was stupid, but I just--I wanted to see their sweet 16."

"Okay, just tell me exactly what happened!" Alaric told her.

"I don't know!" Jo replied. "I was with her one minute and then . . ." She showed him her hands covered in dirt. "Ric, I lost time. I don't know, I must have done something to her, but I just--I don't know--"

Jo fainted again, falling into Alaric's arms. She opened her eyes, they were completely white again.

The Necromancer spoke through Jo. "There's a knife in your possession that will buy you the answer."

Alaric dropped Jo.

The Necromancer laughed, making Jo stand. "You'll need to rush. I'm sure your daughter has an hour before she runs out of air."

Enraged, Alaric pushed Jo against a tree. "Where is she?!"

Jo smirked, evilly.

Hope and Kenner stood nearby, dressed up for the twins' party.

"Dr. Saltzman," Hope said. Alaric looked at them. "What's going on?"

"Hope, Kenner, I need your help," Alaric told them.


MG was sitting alone in the abandoned house in the woods, moping.

Penelope walked closer. "Hey, have you seen Josie?"

"She's probably having the time of her life," MG said. "Like I was until Prince Charming showed up and turned me into the pumpkin." Penelope tilted her head in annoyance. "I have hate in my heart." He stood, walking to pick up a shovel. "I'm ready for battle. We're gonna duel."

"No, no, we're not doing that," Penelope told him. "I'm holding you to our deal. As of this moment, Lizzie Saltzman's canceled."

Hope and Kenner walked closer. Hope held a flashlight while Kenner held a shovel.

Penelope looked at them. "You gonna howl at the moon wearing that?"

"Sorry, no time for bitchy banter," Hope said, continuing to walk.

Kenner stopped, turning to face them. "Actually, we could use your help finding Josie."

"What happened?" Penelope asked, worried.

"Apparently, her possessed biological mother buried her alive in the cemetery," Kenner answered.

"We're coming with you," MG told them.

Penelope instantly picked up a shovel and the four of them left to go find Josie.


Messina, Italy

Klaus woke up and saw Freya lying unconscious with blood on her head. He looked around and saw Nina was missing.

"Nina?!" Klaus called.

Diana walked in, looking confused.

Upon seeing her, Klaus rushed towards her and gripped her throat, pinning her to the wall. "Where is she?"

"What are you talking about?" Diana asked.

"Nina!" Klaus shouted. "You attacked us and now she's missing. What have you done with her?!"

"I don't remember what happened!" Diana told him. "I blacked out!"

Furious and losing patience, Klaus tightened his grip. "Tell me!"

Diana gasped, getting possessed by the Necromancer and opened her now white eyes.

Klaus stared at her in shock.

"Hello, Niklaus," Diana/The Necromancer said. "Long time no see."

"Am I supposed to know who you are?" Klaus asked.

"You don't remember your old friend?" Diana/The Necromancer replied. "That hurts."

"I'm assuming I'm speaking with the puppet master," Klaus said. "What do you have to gain by raising this woman from the grave?"

"She was the only person I could use to get to your beloved wife," Diana/The Necromancer told him. "I could have raised the numerous other dead relatives she has, but sadly they were out of my reach."

"What do you want with my wife?" Klaus asked.

"Ah . . ." Diana/The Necromancer trailed off. "I don't think you have time to interrogate me. The sun's coming up soon and without this--" She held up Nina's daylight ring. "--I'm afraid poor Nina will be forced to relive her death a second time."

Klaus' eyes went wide in worry.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Alaric was in his office, unlocking the safe to grab the knife, but it was empty. Knowing who took it, he made a call.

Dorian: (over phone) "Hello, Ric."

"Where is it?" Alaric asked.


Dorian and Emma were in his car, driving down a road with the knife.

"Asking for a friend?" Dorian asked.


"I need the knife, Dorian," Alaric told him. "My daughter's life is at stake."

Dorian: (over phone) "That's why I moved it. I knew the monster was gonna make a play."

"I need you to bring it to me now," Alaric said.

Dorian: (over phone) "Hero 101, Ric. If you don't give the bad guys what they want, especially if we don't know what it does, I mean this thing could spawn Armageddon."

"It has Josie!" Alaric told him.

Dorian: (over phone) "We'll save Josie, Ric. But we're not giving up this knife."

Frustrated, Alaric hung up.


Hope, Kenner, MG and Penelope walked through the woods, entering the cemetery.

"MG, listen for her breathing," Hope told him.

"Hold on, I hear something," MG said. "Shovel."

Penelope gave MG her shovel and he started digging.

A hand shot out of the ground and grabbed MG's leg. MG screamed, falling to the ground as a zombie crawled out of its grave.

Penelope tried stabbing the zombie with the shovel, but it had no effect.

"That won't work," MG told her, grabbing his shovel and driving it into the zombie's head, killing it. He stood. "To kill a Walker, you gotta go for the brain. Everybody knows that."

"Yeah, every nerd, maybe," Kenner replied. "Just call it a zombie."

More zombies climbed out from the ground.

"Zombies," Hope corrected. "Plural."

The four of them stood back-to-back as numerous zombies surrounded them.


[Song: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - Sleeping At Last]

Rafael and Lizzie were dancing. Rafael twirled Lizzie, so her back was facing him and they swayed.

"There's a clothing-optional rock quarry nearby," Lizzie said. "It's cold, but I figured since we won't be getting much sleep tonight, it would be refreshing."

Rafael twirled Lizzie again, so that they were facing each other. "Lizzie, I'm sorry, but I can't. I know it's a dick move to do this on your birthday, but it would be even worse to lie to you. Now I'm yours and I'm here tonight, and I want to be the best date that I can be, but the other stuff is not gonna happen."

Hurt, Lizzie let go of Rafael. "I don't understand. Last night . . ."

"Last night was a mistake," Rafael told her.

They continued to dance.

Lizzie was fighting tears. "Where is my sister?"

[Song ends]


Zombie 1's head had been decapitated.

"Whoo!" MG cheered. "Two for two, baby."

Hope looked at Kenner and MG. "Penelope and I can handle the rest. Just find Josie."

Kenner nodded. "Right. Got it."

MG grabbed Kenner and rushed away.

Zombie 2 growled, walking closer.

"How do you wanna do this?" Hope asked. "Magic?"

"I say we DIY and pretend they're Lizzie Saltzman," Penelope answered.

Hope looked at Zombie 3. "Works for me."

Penelope swung her axe into Zombie 2's head.

Hope swung her shovel into Zombie 3, slicing through his head.

MG stopped running and banging could be heard underground.

"Josie, we hear you," MG said. "Hold on."

MG and Kenner started to dig, hitting a coffin. MG dropped his shovel and ripped off the lid of the coffin, only to find another zombie.

Zombie 4 climbed out of the coffin and crawled to attack MG.

Kenner stabbed his shovel through Zombie 4's head, killing her. "MG, we're running out of time."

MG looked behind him. "Watch out!"

Zombie 5 walked towards Kenner. Kenner turned around and held him at bay.

"Penelope!" Kenner called. Hope and Penelope ran closer. "Axe!"

Kenner pushed Zombie 5 back and Penelope tossed her axe towards Kenner. He caught it and spun around, decapitating Zombie 5.

MG watched Zombie 5 fall.

"Damn it, MG," Hope said. "Get up and find her."

"There's too much noise," MG replied.

"Well, listen harder," Hope told him. "Pretend you're on a beach or something."

MG stood and focused his vampire hearing on finding Josie.

Josie could be heard screaming.

"I got her," MG said, rushing away.

Hope, Kenner and Penelope ran to follow him.

MG knelt down, using his hands to dig into the ground. Hope, Kenner and Penelope helped.

Josie pushed her arm through the ground.

"Oh, my God," Hope whispered.

MG grabbed Josie's hand, pulling her up.

Josie gasped, breathing heavily as she tried to recapture oxygen. She looked up with tears in her eyes.

Hope, Kenner, Penelope and MG were relieved.

"The talisman," Kenner said. "It worked."

Josie looked at the necklace he gave her for her birthday. "What's it supposed to do?"

"Make quiet things heard," Kenner told her.


Alaric and Jo were in his office.

"She could've died because of me," Jo said, pacing in worry.

"But she's okay," Alaric replied. "And it wasn't you. I know that now. It was whatever takes over. I mean, something is driving these monsters. A-a dark presence, we can't figure it out. And until we do, we're just at its mercy."

Jo looked at him. "This is wrong. This isn't safe for any of us. To get this thing out of me, tell the girls to siphon its magic from me."

"But the magic's probably the only thing keeping you alive," Alaric said.

Jo shrugged, knowingly.

"Oh," Alaric said, looking down, sadly. "Right."

Alaric stood, embracing Jo as they both cried.

"Josie thinks you're lonely," Jo said. "Are you happy?"

"I am happy right now," Alaric replied, tearfully. "In the arms of my demon possessed baby mama."

Jo chuckled. "I'm serious."

"I'll be happy when the girls are grown," Alaric told her. "I promise."

Jo pulled back. "Do they know what happens when they turn 22?"

"No," Alaric said. "Not yet. And we don't want them to know until we've exhausted all options. That's why Caroline's missed their birthday. She's following some lead."

"You tell Caroline I said thank you for being my girls' mom," Jo told him.

Alaric and Jo hugged each other again, devastated over having to lose each other a second time.


Messina, Italy

Nina was chained up in a room with large windows, she pulled on the chains but was unable to break them. She looked outside, seeing the sky change color as light peeked over the horizon.

Knowing she was toast without her daylight ring, Nina fought harder to free herself.

"Come on," Nina said, screaming in frustration. "Come on!"


Klaus, Freya and Diana were running through the town, searching for Nina.

"It's almost sunrise," Freya said.

Klaus turned on her. "If anything happens to Nina because of you, I assure you I will make you suffer in ways far worse than what Nina endured at the hands of your husband."

Diana came to a abrupt halt. "What do you mean? Marcus loved Nina."

"Oh, did he?" Klaus asked, sarcastically. "Was it an expression of love when he would beat her because he blamed her for your death?"

"What?" Diana asked, shocked before shaking her head. "No, Marcus wouldn't do that."

Klaus scowled at her. "The husband you remember is not the man you thought he was. Monsters hide their true nature behind a mask."

"Klaus, enough," Freya told him. "We need to find Nina."


Nina continued to struggle to break the chains binding her.

"Ugh, so much for vampire strength," Nina complained.

Outside the sun started to rise and light shone through the windows. Nina became nervous and sunlight drew closer to her, pulling on the chains harder. Then she screamed in pain as her skin sizzled and burned.


Klaus looked around, listening and heard Nina scream.

He rushed away and entered a church.

"Nina?!" Klaus called.


Nina heard her husband's voice. "Klaus!"

A second later, the door was ripped off its hinges and Klaus came rushing in.

Nina continued to cry out as the sun burned her. Klaus pulled down the chains and lifted Nina into his arms, cradling before rushing her to safety.


Klaus, Nina, Freya and Diana were back in the villa.

Diana looked at Nina, worriedly. "Nina, I am so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"I know," Nina said. "It wasn't you who locked me up in that church. You were possessed."

"By who?" Freya asked.

"I don't know," Nina answered.

"Whoever it was, they targeted Nina for a reason," Klaus told them. "When I find out--"

"Your revenge can wait," Freya told him. "We need to figure out what to do with her." She looked at Diana. "She's a tool that can be used against us."

Nina knew what Freya was suggesting, shaking her head. "No, no! We're not killing her!"

"Nina, she attacked you!" Klaus said.

"It wasn't her!" Nina argued.

"Regardless, we need to deal with the threat standing before us!" Klaus told her.

"Klaus, we are not--" Nina started.

"It's okay," Diana said. Everyone looked at her. "Your husband's right. As long as I'm around, none of you are safe."

Nina looked at her, sadly.


Mystic Falls, Virginia

MG and Penelope were standing in the hallway.

"I'm serious, Peez," MG said. "Something clicked when I was taking out those zombies. Uh, it felt right inside, like that was the real me."

"Meaning?" Penelope asked.

"I'm a superhero," MG answered. Penelope laughed. "Like from the comics. 'Cause heroes don't just get the girl. They get all the girls."

"Oh, totally," Penelope said. "Superman is such a slut."

They laughed.

Josie walked out after having a shower. "Thanks for tonight, MG."

"First hero thank you accepted," MG said. "Up, up and away."

MG walked away, leaving.

Penelope looked at Josie. "Hey, what about me? I helped."

Josie turned around. "You're the reason I got buried alive on my birthday. I took your advice. I wanted something and I went for it. I made the selfish move and I ended up fighting a zombie. There's room for people in this world that just care about other people. Not everybody has to be a showboat."

"You're right," Penelope agreed. "This world needs the selfless and the selfish to keep spinning. I happen to be the latter."

[Song: The Safety Dance - Sleeping At Last]

Penelope pulled Josie closer and kissed her.

Josie pulled away. "I hate you."

"I know," Penelope said.

Despite her hate, Josie kissed Penelope back, cupping her face.


Hope and Kenner were sitting by themselves by the fireplace.

Rafael walked closer. "Hey."

Hope and Kenner looked at him, speaking in unison. "Hey."

"Rough night?" Rafael asked.

Hope looked down at herself. "Um, no. All evidence to the contrary. We actually had a lot of fun." Rafael nodded. "What about you?"

Rafael sighed, sitting down. "About that. I was straight with Lizzie."

"Well, um, we now have our own Avengers squad," Kenner told him.

Hope, Kenner and Rafael laughed.

"You guys look like you took a bath in dirt," Rafael told them.

"Oh, thank you," Kenner said.

"You're welcome," Rafael replied.

"No, actually, you wouldn't believe the night we've had," Hope told him. "We, um, decided to take your advice."

[Song ends]


Lizzie, Josie, Alaric and Jo were sitting in the twins' room.

"So, we just siphon the magic out of her until she's, what, dead again?" Lizzie asked.

"Oh, my God, Lizzie," Josie said, looking at her. "What is wrong with you?"

"What?" Lizzie asked.

"It's okay, Josie," Jo told her.

Josie looked at her.

[Song: Wake Me Up - Tommee Profitt feat. Fleurie]

"It's okay," Jo repeated. "I'm already dead. I was a witch. Just like you. And we believe in the natural order of things. I shouldn't be here. I love that I had this, but it's a lie and now I need you to help me make it right. The longer I'm here, the more I remember where I came from. I used to watch you. I used to watch all of you. Like in a dream where everything is warm and happy. I think I was at peace. So, that's where I'll be. Waiting for you."

Josie nodded, fighting tears.

Jo smiled.

"I'm so sorry," Lizzie said with tears in her eyes. "I was awful to you."

"Oh, Lizzie," Jo said. "You have such a big heart. It's okay to let other people see it."

Lizzie closed her eyes, looking down and let the tears fall.

Josie cried.

Jo crouched down in front of the twins. "Oh, my beautiful girls. You are everything that I could've ever wished for. Everything. Be good to each other. Fight for each other. When you're older, you'll understand what I mean. But I need you to remember that I said it."

Josie and Lizzie nodded.

Jo reached her hand towards Lizzie, Lizzie looked down and grabbed Jo's hand. Jo nodded and looked at Josie, offering her other hand.

Josie looked down, shaking her head. "I can't. I can't."

"Oh, Josette," Jo told her. Alaric cried, silently. "This is the right thing to do. It's the only thing to do for you for you."

Josie hesitantly took Jo's free hand.

Jo exhaled, looking at the twins. "I love you." She stood. "I love all of you so much."

Jo looked at Alaric, who cried as he met her gaze.

Jo sighed, shakily and closed her eyes.

Josie and Lizzie also closed their eyes as they siphoned the magic from Jo, their hands glowed red until Jo vanished.

Alaric sat on the bed next to his daughters and they comforted each other as they mourned their loss.


Messina, Italy

Diana was standing on the balcony, watching the sun rise. Nina stood next to her, now wearing her daylight ring again.

Nina looked at her. "You don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do," Diana said. "I don't belong here anymore."

"I'm sorry," Nina said with tears in her eyes. "It's my fault you died."

"No, it's not," Diana told her, shaking her head. "I don't regret saving you, Nina. If I had to do it over, I would make the same choice. Every time." There was a moment of silence. "Klaus told me about Marcus. Is it true? Did he--?"

Nina hesitated, looking away. "He wasn't the same after the accident. He only had enough room in his heart to love you."

"Baby, I am so sorry," Diana said, crying.

"It's alright," Nina told her. "I may have had a hard life, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I'm happy now."

Diana nodded, relieved. "I'm glad."

Nina looked at Diana, fighting tears. "I can't do this. I can't kill you."

"You have to," Diana told her. "I need you to save me now."

Nina shook her head, not wanting to kill her.

Klaus walked closer. "I'll do it." 

Nina and Diana looked at him.

"Go, Nina," Klaus told her. "You shouldn't have to see this."

Diana gave Nina a nod, telling her it was okay.

Conflicted, Nina wrapped her arms around Diana. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, baby," Diana sniffled.

After a long moment, Nina withdrew from the hug and rushed away.

Klaus approached Diana. "I'll make this as painless as possible."

"What changed your mind?" Diana asked.

"I made a promise to my wife," Klaus answered. "That I would protect her. Always and forever."

Diana smiled. "I can see how much you love her. Thank you for taking care of her in my absence." She turned around, closing her eyes as she basked in the sunlight. "I'm ready."

Klaus stood behind her and drew a knife, driving it into the back of her head.

Diana gasped before dying for a second time.

Nina leaned against the wall in the hallway, sobbing in devastation.


Klaus and Nina had burned Diana's body in the backyard.

Nina stared into the flames, looking numb.

"Are you alright, love?" Klaus asked.

"I'm gonna find out who did this," Nina answered. "Whatever's going on, there's only one place I can go to find answers. Mystic Falls."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Lizzie returned to the dance hall, which was still decorated. She looked around, wondering how her birthday could be both the happiest and saddest day of her life.

Kenner walked in.

Lizzie turned to look at him. "What do you want?"

"I heard what happened with your mom," Kenner said. "And misery loves company or whatever. Isn't that what you told me?"

Lizzie looked away. "I don't need a pity party."

"That's not what this is," Kenner told her. "Losing a parent isn't easy to get over. Trust me, I know."

Lizzie looked at him. "Josie told me you helped save her from a horde of zombies. So, thanks, I guess. I'm sure you did it to earn your hero badge."

Kenner nodded, sarcastically. "Yeah, 'cause that's what I live for. Looks like I missed a killer party."

Kenner offered Lizzie his hand.

"What are you doing?" Lizzie asked.

"What's it look like?" Kenner replied. "I'm asking the birthday girl for a dance?"

"Me? Dance with you?" Lizzie said. "No, thanks."

"Fine, suit yourself," Kenner told her, walking away.

Lizzie closed her eyes, remembering Jo's words. "Wait!" Kenner turned around. "I guess one dance won't kill me."

"What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger," Kenner stated.

Kenner took Lizzie's hand and she put her free hand on his shoulder while he placed his on her waist. They started to waltz.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Lizzie asked.

"Why not?" Kenner replied.

Kenner spun Lizzie out before reeling her back in, holding her close. Then he dipped her low and they stared into each other's eyes, seeming to get lost in the moment. Kenner raised Lizzie, slowly and they continued to dance.

[Song ends]


Alaric was standing in front of Jo's grave. He placed a picture of Josie and Lizzie in front of the headstone and the picture of himself and Jo on their wedding day.

Dorian stood nearby. "Ric, why don't you go home? I can take care of all of this."

Alaric stood. "The only place I'm going is to find whatever monster did this and kill it. Slowly."

The Necromancer walked closer, chuckling.

Dorian and Alaric turned around.

"It wouldn't do you any good," the Necromancer said.

"And who the hell are you?" Alaric asked.

"Aw, your pathetic attempt at humor does nothing to mask your fear," the Necromancer told him. "Tremble then in the presence of the Necromancer."

Alaric furrowed his brows. "Who?"

"The Necromancer, bringer of life and death," the Necromancer introduced himself. "He who holds the fates' threads. The cursed king of the underworld."

Alaric shook his head. "It's not ringing any bells." He looked at Dorian. "You."

"All I know about necromancers is from video games," Dorian said. "And they're like low-level witch cannon fodder."

The Necromancer laughed. "I am no mere witch. There's only one of me, I assure you, and now you see what I can do. Now, let's get down to the business of a certain knife."

"If you're the one responsible for what went down today, you're gonna wish you were someone else," Alaric told him.

"I told you, death cannot hold me," the Necromancer said.

"Buddy," Alaric said, picking up a shovel and swinging it to hit him in the head, making the Necromancer fall . "We'll see about that."


"Death Keeps Knocking On My Door" trailer.

[Song: Burn It Down - VHPR]

Nina approached the Necromancer.

"There you are, lovely girl," the Necromancer said.

"Nina, stay away from him," Alaric told him.

The Necromancer was sitting in a cell, looking at Nina. "You wanna take a walk through my subconscious?"


Nina was inside the Necromancer's mind, looking around. "Hello? Hello? Hello?"


The Necromancer laughed.

A parade was happening in the streets of New Orleans, featuring skeletons.

"Get me out of here!" Nina said.

Hope and Kenner watched Nina struggle as she stood behind the Necromancer with her eyes closed, both of them worried.

Kenner: (voiceover) "Our mom's in trouble and we can't help her."

A coffin was seen in the French Quarter.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Nina asked, crying.

Nina opened the coffin, looking inside.

Nina was sitting on her knees, covering her eyes with her hands.

"It means permanent death," the Necromancer said, chuckling.

[Song ends]
