This is the Part Where You Run

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Hope Mikaelson: (voiceover) "When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain. Good and evil. A savior and a lost cause."

Hope and Kenner Mikaelson were walking towards the gate of the Salvatore School.

Hope: (voiceover) "But what if the only real difference is just who's telling the story. My name is Hope Mikaelson."

Kenner: (voiceover) "And my name is Kenner Mikaelson. We come from a long line of the villains in the tales you've heard about vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between. The school behind these gates protects the secrets of people like us."

Hope looked up at the full moon.

Hope: (voiceover) "And tonight, under the light of the full moon, we will be opening our doors to someone new."


Atlanta, Georgia

Rafael Waithe and Landon Kirby were walking down a street.

"Rafael, seriously," Landon said. "It's not right."

"It is what it is, man," Rafael told him.

"You're not Catholic," Landon told him. "You shouldn't have to confess your sins."

Rafael looked at him. "I tossed the lawn mower through the patio doors, bruh. If apologizing to God gets Hector and Maria off my back, so be it."

Rafael and Landon walked into a church where a priest, Hector and Maria Gonzales were waiting for them.

"Buenas tardes, Father Pietro," Rafael greeted the priest.

"Buenas tardes, Rafael," Father Pietro said. "Por favor, pray with me."

Rafael knelt down on his knees.

"Landon, you can leave now," Hector told him. "It's okay. We can take it from here."

"I'm good, Hector," Landon replied.

Maria walked closer. "Landon, this is between your foster brother and God, okay?"

Landon looked reluctant to leave.

"Hey, I got it, bro," Rafael told him. "Just wait outside."

Landon, Maria and Hector left the church.


[Song: Love Is Madness - Thirty Seconds to Mars feat. Halsey]

Landon walked outside, listening to some music and sat down on the steps.

Inside, Maria and Hector were putting chains on the door, locking Landon outside.

Landon grabbed out his journal, starting to write.


Father Pietro moved his hand from his head and across his shoulder, starting to pray. "Spiritus Sanctus."

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee," Rafael said, praying. Father Pietro poured holy water onto his hands. "Blessed art thou amongst."

Father Pietro anointed Rafael's forhead with the holy water, starting to pray in Spanish. "God, whose nature is ever merciful and forgiving. Accept our prayer that this servant of yours departs."

Rafael looked at him. "What's going on here?"

"Accept our prayer that this servant of yours departs," Father Pietro repeated.

Rafael stood. "What?"

Hector and Maria ran up to Rafael, grabbing him.

"What are you doing?!" Rafael asked.

"Then impious one, depart," Father Pietro said in Spanish.

Suddenly, Rafael screamed as his bones start to snap.

Hector and Maria let go of Rafael.

Father Pietro held a crucifix. "Accursed one, depart demon."

Rafael fell onto his hands, his bones cracking and shifting. He looked up and growled, his eyes glowing gold.


Landon looked up when a car pulled up in front of the church.

Hope and Kenner got out of the car.

Landon looked at them in shock, taking out his earphones.

Hope and Kenner halted, looking at Landon in surprise.

"Landon," Hope said.

"Hope?" Landon asked. "Kenner?"

Alaric Saltzman walked closer. "You three know each other?"

"Long story," Hope told him.

Rafael could be heard screaming inside.

Landon stood, looking inside.

"Dr. Saltzman," Kenner said.

"Yeah, I'm on it," Alaric replied, walking up to the door and trying to open it. "The doors are locked."

"Dissera Portus," Kenner chanted, raising his arms to magically open the doors. "You're gonna wanna stay out here, Landon. Trust me."

Landon watched Hope, Kenner and Alaric walk into the church, still in shock.


Rafael groaned in pain as he continued to turn.

Father Pietro was still trying to exorcise him, praying in Spanish.

Alaric, Hope and Kenner walked towards them.

"Shut down the exorcist, would you?" Alaric asked.

Kenner raised his arm. "Silencio."

Father Pietro's mouth was magically removed, preventing him from speaking.

Rafael continued to writhe on the ground.

Hope raised her arms. "Ad somnum."

Father Pietro dropped the crucifix as he, Maria and Hector fell to the ground, unconscious.

Alaric put down his bag and grabbed out some chains.

"Help me," Rafael said, groaning in pain before his hands grew into claws and his legs elongated, his bones continuing to break. "What's happening?"

Landon walked in, his eyes wide. "Oh, my God."

Rafael groaned as Alaric, Hope and Kenner got the chains ready. His shirt ripped as his spine could be seen protruding through his skin. Rafael clawed the wooden floor of the church. Hope, Alaric and Kenner were attaching the chains to bolts in the floor before fastening them around Rafael.

Rafael started to scream in pain.

"All right, easy does it," Alaric told him. "Easy does it."

Hope, Kenner, and Alaric stepped back as they and Landon watched Rafael transform into a black wolf.

Rafael growled, trying to lunge forward but the chains held him in place.

Hope looked from Landon to Rafael.

[Song ends]



Mystic Falls, Virginia

Alaric was in the car with Hope, Kenner, Landon and Rafael, driving down a road.

"How do you three know each other?" Alaric asked.

"He used to serve us milkshakes at the Mystic Grill," Kenner answered.

"Peanut Butter Blast, whipped cream on the bottom," Landon said. He and Hope glanced at each other. "Hope and I danced once."

"We tried," Hope replied, chuckling. "And then you moved away."

"Then your brother made a door blow off its hinges with his brain," Landon said, looking at Kenner. "You feel like explaining that?"

"Oh, we'll explain everything," Alaric told him. "We're almost there."

"Where are we going?" Landon asked.

"Somewhere safe," Alaric answered.

The Salvatore School was seen up ahead.


Alaric, Hope, Kenner, Landon and Rafael were now out of the car, standing in front of the school.

Lizzie and Josie Saltzman stood in front of them, greeting Rafael.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School," Lizzie said. "We're your tour guides."

Josie introduced herself. "I'm Josie."

"I'm Lizzie," Lizzie told them. "Sisters."

"Twins," Josie said.

"Fraternal, obvs," Lizzie added.

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon?" Alaric asked.

The twins grabbed Rafael, each of them holding an arm. "Morning, Kenner. Morning, Hope."

"Morning, girls," Kenner said.

"More like despair," Lizzie said.

Josie chuckled.

"I heard that," Hope told them.

"No, you didn't," Josie replied.

"Didn't have to," Hope said.

"Everyone, behave," Alaric told them.

"Love you, Dad," Josie and Lizzie said in unison as they led Rafael away.

Alaric sighed, looking at Landon. "So, let's get started."

Hope, Kenner, and Landon followed Alaric inside the school, formerly known as the Salvatore Boarding House.

Students, ranging from elementary to high school, were inside, walking around.

"I'm curious, Landon," Alaric said. He looked at some students. "Slow down. Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?"

"I . . . knew Hope and Kenner went to some fancy boarding school," Landon told him. "People in town said it was for troubled rich kids. I see, the rich part is true." He saw a girl sitting on a chair with her arms raised, using magic to hover some books. "Nobody in town mentioned anyone in here could do that."

Landon walked away, following Alaric.


Alaric led them into his office. "No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in just enough. Participate, contribute just enough. " He took off his jacket, hanging it up. Hope closed the door. "Keeps people from asking too many questions."

"What is there to know, exactly?" Landon asked.

Alaric looked at Hope and Kenner. Kenner raised a brow, shrugging slightly.

"Well, I used to have a speech prepared, carefully unpeeling the layers of mystical history," Alaric answered. "But it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up."

"You're a school for magic?" Landon asked.

Alaric sat down. "We are a school for the supernatural." Landon sat down. "Which covers a lot of territory. Everyone here has something that makes them special in ways that the outside world wouldn't understand."

Landon looked at Hope and Kenner. "So, what are you?"

"We should get to class," Hope said.

"No," Landon said, stopping them. "No. Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick, but . . ." He looked at Alaric. "I don't know you." Alaric nodded in acknowledgement. Landon looked at Hope and Kenner. "And though the image of you whammying a priest is still fresh, I need you both here. Just tell me what all that was in the church last night."

Kenner stepped forward. "What do you think it was?"

"Well, as best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real," Landon told them. Alaric, Hope and Kenner exchanged looks. Landon shook his head. "This is beyond insane. How is that even possible?"

"It's a long story involving an ancient vengeful witch and a bloodline curse," Kenner told him. "We cover all that in Origin of the Species, grade six."

"In grade six at my school, we learned the state capitals," Landon replied,

Hope chuckled. "We teach that too."

"I have some questions about Rafael," Alaric said.

"Like what?" Landon asked.

"Well, let's start with who he killed recently," Alaric answered.

Landon looked at Alaric, seeming speechless and hesitant.


[Song: On The Brink - I Am ORFA]

Josie and Lizzie were giving Rafael a tour of the school.

"Everybody gets along with everybody else, for the most part," Josie said.

"The wolves are pretty cliquey," Lizzie told him. "They like to hang with their own."

"In defiance of the school's commitment to inclusiveness," Josie added.

"That is why we volunteered to be your tour guides," Lizzie explained. "To give you a good witch welcome before your hairier brethren corrupt you."

Josie pointed to Dorian Williams, who was currently teaching a class. "That is our librarian, Mr. Williams. He's subbing for our Chemistry of Magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire."

"Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar," Lizzie told him.

Inside the classroom, Dorian underline the world 'odoray' on the blackboard.

"All right," Dorian said, putting the chalk down. "Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries. So you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that. Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what? Penelope, show us."

Penelope Park turned in her seat, raising her hands.

"She who shall not be named," Lizzie said.

"Talking about her gives her power," Josie added.

"Who are you talking about?" Rafael asked.

"Josie's evil ex," Lizzie answered.

Rafael looked at Josie, who was looking at Penelope.

Penelope looked at Josie, smirking. "Phesmatos is lucas odoray."

Penelope conjured an orange ball of energy in her hands, which exploded in smoke. Everyone coughed, covering their mouths to shield the smell. Lizzie wrinkled her nose in digust while Josie rubbed her nose, looking away.

"That's right," Dorian told the class. "A stink spell. Yes."

Lizzie groaned, looking at Rafael. "Come on, we'll show you the turret. It's where the seniors go to smoke."

"What do they smoke?" Rafael asked. "Eye of newt?"

"Weed," Josie answered.

[Song ends]


Landon looked at Alaric. "Why would you ask me that?"

"The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life," Alaric explained. "If Rafael triggered his curse, it's because he killed someone. And we don't accept cold-blooded killers into our program."

"He's not a killer," Landon said.

"We're not trying-" Kenner started.

Landon stood. "He's not a killer."

"Well, I know a little bit about his background," Alaric told him. "Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. Six foster homes in seven years. Prone to fits of anger."

"Yeah, you could just as easily being reading my file," Landon replied. "That's what it's like out there for people like him and me."

Hope looked at him. "Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now. But we're only trying to help. I've been going here since I was seven and Kenner was five. This is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home."

"But if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is no a threat," Alaric said, making Landon look at him.

Landon turned to walk away a few steps. "His girlfriend." He sighed. "Cassie. Last month." He turned around. "He was driving, there was a storm. He took a turn too fast. And then he started acting out. At first, I thought it was just grief. And then, maybe drugs or something. And then he threw a 200-pound lawn mower 50 feet across the yard. That was when our foster parents called in the priest. I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil."

Hope and Kenner exchanged a look.

"All of that is consistent with a newly triggered wolf," Alaric said. "It's normal. Thank you for that, Landon. Hope."

Hope walked towards Landon, giving him a smile. "Everything's going to be okay. I promise."

"We're ready," Kenner said.

The door opened and Milton 'MG' Greasley walked in.

Alaric stood, introducing them. "Landon Kirby. Milton Greasley."

"Come on, Dr. Saltzman," MG told him.

"Right, MG, I'm sorry," Alaric said. "Take it from a guy named Alaric, I get it. Landon, MG is my student aide."

"He's also a vampire," Kenner told him.

"'Course he is," Landon said. "You know for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information."

"Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it," Alaric told him, smiling.

MG walked closer, putting his hand on Landon's shoulder and compelling him. "Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him, but you know it's for the best."

Landon pushed MG's arm away, looking at Hope, Kenner and Alaric. "Are you three out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?"

"MG, did you do it wrong?" Kenner asked.

"No, I didn't do it wrong," MG answered. "It's the easiest vampire trick in the book."

"Well, it didn't work," Kenner told him.

"Obviously, it didn't work," MG replied.

Landon grabbed his bag and tried to leave. MG rushed to stop him, gripping his throat and choking him until he fell unconscious.

"Careful," Alaric told him, walking closer. "Get him to the cellar. This is not good. This is bad."

Hope and Kenner watched Alaric and MG drag Landon out of the office.


Landon woke up in the cellar and stood, walking towards the bars. He tried to open the cell door but it was locked and just rattled. He stepped away and took a deep breath, looking up. It was clear being locked in a cell reminded him of his troubled childhood.

Young Landon: (voiceover) "No!"

Man: (voiceover) "Come here."

Young Landon: (voiceover) "No!"


Flashback - Seven Years Ago

A man made Young Landon sit on the floor in a closet. "You sit here and think about it."

The man walked out of the closet, shutting the door and locking Young Landon inside.

Young Landon banged against the door. "Please, don't lock me in here! Please!"



Landon breathed out through his nose.

Hope stood outside the cell. "Landon."

Landon turned around, startled. "Hope." He walked towards her. "Can you get me out of here?"

"Not yet," Hope told him. "But you're not a prisoner here, I swear."

"I'm in a witch dungeon," Landon said.

"It's a werewolf transition space," Hope corrected.

"Super," Landon said, sarcastically. "I'm not so good with, you know, small spaces."

"We won't keep you here long," Hope told him, "No one expected you couldn't be compelled."

"I don't know what that means," Landon replied.

"MG tried to erase your memories of this place," Hope explained. "But it didn't work."

Landon chuckled. "So, now what? I'm-I'm a hostage? "Where's Rafi?"

"He's fine," Hope told him. "You're fine too. Look, compulsion doesn't work on people who take this herb called vervain. The town's sherrif sometimes slips it into the coffee at the gas station we were at this morning. It takes about a day to pass through your system, but you just have to wait it out."

Landon exhaled. "Sure." He walked away from the cell door. "Yeah, no big deal. Yeah, I'll just sit here alone in the witch dungeon with my thoughts. Would you-I mean, could you wait it out with me?"

Hope looked at him, conflicted. "I'm really sorry about all of this, but it was nice to see you again."

Hope walked away, leaving the cellar.

Landon sighed.


Outside on the field, students were playing a game called Wickery.

A girl grabbed the ball, ducking to avoid a boy trying to tackle her and running off. A vampire rushed closer to push her, making her let go of the ball and fall. A boy caught the ball and tossed the ball into the air. A witch used magic to change the course of the throw and another boy jumped into the air, catching the ball as it passed through the gold ring suspended in the air. The ring vanished once a goal was scored.

A whistle was blown and the students watching cheered, applauding.

Lizzie, Josie and Rafael were walking down the field close by.

"Alyysa Chang made a broom fly in physics last year, but Rick Rogers fell 30 feet during practice," Lizzie informed him. "So real-life Quidditch remains an elusive pipe dream. It's called Wickery. My parents invented it when we were ten. Their version is a little less violent than ours."

Josie walked ahead of them, sitting next to MG. "Hey."

"Yo," MG greeted her. "Giving up dibs on the new guy so quickly?"

"It's not a competition," Josie told him. "Plus, I'm still nursing a wounded soul."

"Penelope Park," MG said.

Josie looked at him. "We don't mention her name anymore. Remember?"

MG chuckled. "Sorry."

The whistle blew again as another goal was scored. The spectators clapped and cheered.

"Do you think he'll go for her?" MG asked, looking at Lizzie and Rafael.

"Probably," Josie answered. "They usually do."

"Okay," MG said.

Lizzie and Rafael were sitting together.

"I heard about what happened to your girlfriend," Lizzie told him. Rafael looked at her, surprised. "Oh, I have spies everywhere. I'm nosy, in a like charming way."

Rafael nodded. "Thanks, I guess."

"On the plus side, we're all happy to know that you're single," Lizzie said, smiling. Rafael stared at her. "Oh, God. That was my inside voice." Rafael looked away. "I am so sorry. Guys like you make me nervous."

"Guys like me?" Rafael repeated, looking at her.

"You know, hot, angry, damaged," Lizzie stated.

"Yeah, well, I sort of made a point in my life of, uh, keeping clear of girls like you," Rafael told her. "So I guess I'm gonna go find Landon."

Lizzie looked sad and hurt as Rafael stood and walked away, leaving.


Hope and Kenner were standing near a lake, training.

Alaric was watching them.

Kenner tried to punch and kick Hope, she blocked. Hope tried to kick Kenner twice, spinning to backhand punched him. Kenner grabbed her hand, blocking the move.

"You didn't have to lock him in a cellar," Hope said.

"Where else was I gonna put him?" Alaric asked. Kenner tried to punch Hope twice. She ducked and moved back to avoid his fists. "Block with your hand."

Hope grabbed Kenner's fist, pushing it down. "I got it."

"If you had it, I wouldn't have to say it," Alaric told her.

Hope and Kenner walked around to switch positions. Kenner tried to punch Hope, Hope pushed him away and tried to punch him, spinning to backhand punch him. Kenner grabbed her arm, pinning it behind her back.

"Dimiterre," Hope muttered, using magic to flip Kenner to the ground.

Hope flipped through the air and landed in a crouch as she stood over her brother, putting her hand on his chest.

"Cheater," Kenner said. Hope chuckled. He looked at Alaric. "You should really let a vampire start doing my training. You're getting a little old for me to break your human bones."

"How dare you," Alaric replied. Hope helped Kenner stand. Alaric looked at her. "You and Landon have a thing or something?"

"I don't have things," Hope told him, punching Alaric's palms four times.

"Yes, I'm well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy," Alaric said.

"There was obviously something," Kenner told her, delivering an uppercut punch to Alaric's palm, raising his leg to kick.

"I liked him," Hope said. Kenner tried to punch and kick Alaric again. "He's normal."

Hope tried to punch Kenner when he wasn't looking. Kenner spun around and blocked her fist with his hand.

"Well, let's keep him that way," Kenner said. "And hope he doesn't turn out like the last guy you had a thing for."

Hope gave her brother a look. "Am I never gonna live the whole Roman thing down?"

"No," Kenner said in a serious tone.

Hope sighed.

"We survive here because we follow the rules," Alaric told them. "We can't get sloppy about it."

"You're the one that's always telling us we need to get out more," Kenner pointed out.

Alaric handed them both a water bottle. "I tell you that you need to stop locking yourselves in your dorm rooms binge-watching Cutthroat Kitchen. I don't tell you to go out and fraternize with the human locals."

"You know, you can just be our headmaster," Kenner told him. "All this other stuff isn't in the job description."

"Attempt to make actual friends here and we can re-evaluate this relationship," Alaric replied.

Josie walked closer. "Dad." Alaric, Hope and Kenner looked at her. "Clean up on aisle L."

Alaric sighed, knowingly and walked away.


[Song: Kids (Ain't All Right) - Grace Mitchell]

Lizzie was in the kitchen, screaming and waved her arms, using magic to shattered the dishes in the cabinet. She continued to scream and cry as she had a temper tantrum. Lizzie waved her arms, throwing a shelf to the floor and extended her arm, magically throwing a knife at the wall.

Alaric walked in. "Eliza--."

Lizzie almost stabbed her father with a knife, but managed to stop it just in front of his face with her magic.

Alaric grabbed the knife and turned to face his daughter.

[Song ends]

"Hi, Daddy," Lizzie said with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, baby," Alaric said, giving her a smile.

Lizzie looked down, ashamed.


Night had fallen and Hope was lying in bed, looking at a book. She closed it and put it on the bedside drawer, lying back and sighing.


Landon was lying in the dungeon, sweating and sat up.


Hope climbed out of bed and ran her hands through her hair, sighing.


Landon walked towards the cell doors, grabbing the bars.


Hope stood and left her room.


Landon sat down on the floor in his cell.

Hope walked closer. "Hey."

Landon looked at her, surprised. "Hope."

Hope sighed, sitting down in front of the cell. "Can't sleep either?"

"Yeah, small spaces," Landon said. "You?"

"Sometimes I get restless," Hope told him.

"Busy brain?" Landon asked.

"Busy everything," Hope answered. "My body has a lot going on inside of it."

"Uh, which is an awesome segue into you telling me how you and your brother can move things with your mind," Landon told her.

"You ask a lot of questions," Hope said.

"Wouldn't you?" Landon asked.

"Hmm," Hope replied. Landon looked up, smiling. "Why are you smiling?"

"I'm remembering the day we danced in the town square," Landon said. Hope smiled. "This guy used to mess with me in school, finally got what was coming to him. I'd had a good day."

Flashback - Two Years Ago

Hope and Landon were in the town square.

"Do you maybe wanna dance or something?" Landon asked.

Hope looked at him. "You want me to dance with you?"

"Kinda living in the moment here," Landon told her.

Hope smiled as they danced.


Landon tilted his head. "Just like me to crush on the girl with the most baggage."

"I'm gonna try that sleep thing again," Hope told him, standing.

"You do that a lot," Landon told her.

"Do what?" Hope asked.

"Leave," Landon answered.

"I'm dangerous to people," Hope told him. "It's better if I keep my distance."

"Better for who?" Landon asked.

"Again with the questions," Hope said, walking away.

Landon rolled his head, angry with himself and threw a rock to the ground before standing. Suddenly, the door unlocked and opened on its own.

"Couldn't stay away, huh?" Landon said, looking out into the hallway.

Landon was magically dragged down the hallway.


[Song: You Without Me - Dryspell]

Landon was now in the woods where a party was in full swing.

Landon stood, looking at Josie and Rafael in shock. "Raf? What the hell, man?"

Rafael and Landon hugged.

"Y-you all right?" Rafael asked.

"Uh . . ." Landon trailed off.

"They helped me get you out," Rafael told him.

"Summoning spell," Josie explained. "Did I bruise you? I'm really still working out the kinks."

"Summoning spell?" Landon repeated, chuckling.

"Let's get you a drink, bro," Rafael said.

"Yeah, let's do that," Landon replied,

Rafael wrapped his arm around Landon's shoulder, leading him towards the abandoned house where the party was taking place.

Josie chuckled, following them.

Landon looked around, seeing a girl use magic to take some flames from the bonfire into her hands and blow on it, making it grow bigger. Another girl used magic to hover some water, letting it go as she laughed.

"Watch this," Rafael said, pointing to some kids. "They teach it in PE."

A werewolf jumped from the floor to the railing of the stairs and launched himself towards the balcony before jumping back down to the floor.

Landon looked at Rafael. "You seem good. I--I was worried."

Rafael patted his arm, leading Landon through the house. "I was talking to these wolf dudes back here. All that stuff I've been feeling, everything that gets me into trouble, it's normal. I want you to meet 'em."

"Um, honestly, I think it's best if I just take this opportunity to jump the fence and disappear," Landon told him.

"I'll go with you," Rafael replied.

Landon shook his head. "Raf, no."

"Man, it's you and me," Rafael told him. "Whatever we do, we do it together."

"We'll talk about it over a drink," Landon said, putting his hand on Rafael's shoulder. "Want anything?"

"I'm good," Rafael chuckled.

A werewolf walked closer, wrapping his arm around Rafael's shoulder. "Hey, man."

Rafael turned to talk to him.

Landon started to walk away, looking back at Rafael.

"Yo, Rafael, what's up, man?" Another werewolf greeted him.

Rafael greeted two more werewolves, grabbing their hands and bumping their shoulder together.

Landon walked away, leaving.

[Song ends]


Alaric banged a metal bowl, the sound reverberating. "Breathe."

Lizzie grabbed the bowl, making the echo stop. "Dad. This is lame.

"You nearly gave me a tracheotomy with a bread knife," Alaric told her. "Humor me." He banged the bowl again. "Hmm."

"You know, I could just whip up a remedy with some herbs from the bio lab," Lizzie said.

"No," Alaric replied, putting down the bowl. "No. No magic. Your magic gets you into these states and I want your mind . . ." He inhaled, closing his eyes. "To get you out of them."

Lizzie nodded, looking sad. "Dad." Alaric opened his eyes. "Do you think I'm broken?"

"Of course not," Alaric said. "I think your biological mother's crazy-ass witch ancestors left you with a legacy of darkness that you have to work through."

"But Josie doesn't have freakouts," Lizzie told him.

"Josie spends a lot of time worrying about other people's happiness," Alaric told her. "It's a supernatural phenomena called co-dependency." He chuckled. "And I'm pretty sure she got it from my side of the family."

"I just . . ." Lizzie trailed off. "I don't ever wanna hurt anybody."

"I know that, honey," Alaric said, sighing. "That's why we opened this school. To learn control, which is why I'm here now to help, okay?"

"I'm surprised that you have time, what with all of the private training sessions you've been doing with Hope and Kenner Mikaelson," Lizzie expressed.

"Maybe if you made friends, we could do group training," Alaric told her.

"I've tried to be their friend when I was five," Lizzie replied. "And when I was nine and when I was 13. They never make any effort."

"They have been through a lot and you know that," Alaric said. "They're just afraid to let themselves care. Kenner is more withdrawn than Hope because he's still carrying the weight of feeling responsible for his mother's death."

"Boo-hoo," Lizzie said. "Everyone in here has lost something. He doesn't hold the patent on it. Besides, his mom's not dead anymore."

Alaric inhaled. "Breathe. Breathe."

Lizzie closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

There was a knock on the door.

Alaric sighed.

"Come in," Lizzie said. Kenner opened the door. "Speak of the actual devil."

"Sorry to bother," Kenner told them. He looked at Alaric. "Um, I'm feeling kind of restless. I kind of need a release."

"Uh . . ." Alaric trailed off. "Back acres, but stay away from the Old Mill. Heathens are having a secret party I'm gonna break up in ten minutes."

"Thanks," Kenner said, closing the door and leaving.

Lizzie looked at her father in disbelief. "I'm missing a party?"


[Song: Alive - Battle Tapes]

The party was still raging in the woods.

Josie was walking through the abandoned house, looking around. Penelope sttod nearby and they looked at each other. Penelope looked smug while Josie looked dejected. After a moment, Penelope walked away.

Josie looked down before walking towards the bonfire where MG was drinking with some other students.

"No, look, Twilight ruined all vampire mythos, okay?" MG ranted. "Y'all want reality, y'all gotta go old school, okay? My man, Blade, he is the go. His crazy moms is all 'you wouldn't kill me'. And then, he's all 'I must release you'. And then he's like bam! Stab! Dude kills his crazy-ass mom. I'm not saying that y'all should kill your moms, 'cause that's--that's messed up."

Josie was sitting next to Rafael in front of the bonfire.

"Thanks for your help with Landon," Rafael told her.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Josie chuckled. "I know that my sister kind of put her foot in it earlier." Rafael chuckled. "I just--I really wanted you to know that we really are sorry about what happened to you."

Rafael looked at her. "Thanks." Josie gave him a smile. "I had gotten a track scholarship to UVA." Josie nodded. "She was gonna follow me after graduation." Rafael shook his head, sighing. "She was the best person I knew. Pretty much loved her in that way that they say only exist in movies."

"People who say that are the people who have never had their hearts crushed," Josie told him.

"You too?" Rafael asked.

"On the regular," Josie answered. "I care too much. It's kinda a problem."

"I don't think that's a problem at all," Rafael told her.

[Song ends]

Josie and Rafael stared at each other for a long moment.

"You should give Lizzie a second chance," Josie said. "Lizzie is the best person that I know."

Rafael looked down.


Landon was walking through the woods, stepping out into a clearing.

A wolf growled and Landon turned around.

Kenner, in his wolf form, stepped out from the trees and looked at Landon with glowing gold eyes.

Landon stepped back, getting scared.

Kenner growled and started to chase him.

Landon ran away, looking back.

Kenner growled louder, continuing his pursuit. He leapt towards Landon, becoming human again. Landon and Kenner fell to the ground, They stood and Landon saw that Kenner was completely naked.

"Are you crazy?!" Kenner asked, angrily. "I almost killed you!"

Landon looked at Kenner in shock.


Landon was now in the library, seeing a knife in a glass case and opened the lid.

Hope and Kenner walked in.

"Don't touch that," Kenner told him, now fully clothed.

Landon backed away from the case. "Sorry, I didn't. I mean, I wasn't . . . Where are we?"

"Uh, the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library," Hope said. She and Kenner walked towards him. "All of the artifacts in here have a supernatural history."

"What's the story on this one?" Landon asked, pointing to the knife.

"No idea," Hope answered. "But in my experience, your safest bet is to not touch it."

Landon nodded. "Noted."

"I'm sorry about earlier," Kenner told him. "You shouldn't have been out there.

"Yeah," Landon replied. "I'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact. So . . . I guess this means you're a werewolf. He said casually."

"I'm a lot of things," Kenner said.

"Care to elaborate?" Landon asked.

"Not really," Kenner said, walking away and leaving.

Hope closed her eyes, sighing. "Don't take it personally. My brother just takes the whole lone wolf thing way too seriously." Landon nodded, looking at her, expectantly. "They're just gonna make you forget tomorrow."

"Come on, humor me," Landon told him.

Hope looked at Landon, thoughtfully.


[Song: You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Eilish]

MG and Penelope were in the kitchen. MG was looking through the cupboards.

"This isn't much of an after-party, Penelope," MG told her. "There aren't any snacks. I need food. I got the munchies."

Penelope raised her leg, blocking his path. "I can help you with that."

MG looked at her and Penelope pushed her hair to the side, exposing her neck.

MG groaned as he felt his hunger rise. "We'll get in trouble."

MG started to walk away.

"I know," Penelope told him. "Seriously? I'm offering to rock your world right now."

"Okay, well, for one, we're not supposed to," MG said, opening a carton. "For two, last I checked, you were more into girls, and for three--"

"No one asked you to bring math into this conversation," Penelope replied,

"You know what I mean," MG told her.

Penelope got off the table she was sitting on. "For one, rules were meant to be broken." She walked closer. "For two, I am an equal opportunity evil temptress, and your binary assumptions about sexuality, they're dated." Penelope leaned closer, kissing MG. "And for three, I don't really care what your three was, but are you gonna suck me dry or not?"

MG looked at Penelope's exposed neck, breathing heavily as his face transformed. He started to kiss Penelope, she kissed him back and MG moved his lips down towards her neck, kissing it before pulling back and baring his fangs.

Josie walked in. "MG?"

MG and Penelope looked at Josie.

Feeling betrayed, Josie walked away, leaving.

MG's face returned to normal and he sighed.

Penelope smirked, running her finger across her bottom lip and walking away from MG.

MG looked at her, feeling ashamed.

[Song ends]


Landon was looking through a book.

"The blood that runs through my veins isn't human," Hope told him, walking closer with a book. Landon looked at her. "My dad is one of the earth's Original vampires."

Hope opened the book.

"'Klaus Mikaelson: The Great Evil'," Landon read.

"He wasn't very popular around here," Hope told him.

"One of my foster dads used to burn us with cigarettes," Landon told them, shrugging. "I guess evil is relative."

"My mother was a werewolf Alpha," Hope continued.

"Was?" Landon repeated.

"Was," Hope confirmed. "Um, my grandmother was a witch. So, all of those things passed down, making me and Kenner--"

Unicorns?" Landon asked.

"Hybrids of three different creatures," Hope answered. "Tribrids. My brother can control when he turn, which is what he was doing tonight. We're the only ones of our kind."

"Yes, like unicorns," Landon said.

Hope chuckled, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Can I show you something? Earlier, you mentioned the jock that messed with you the day that we danced."

Hope walked closer, placing her hands on either side of Landon's neck, sharing a memory with him.

Flashback - Two Years Ago

Connor and his friends stood outside the Mystic Grill, Connor threw something in Landon's face and they laughed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Connor said, unapologetically.

Landon glared at them and watched them drive away in Connor's car.


Landon and Hope had their eyes closed.

"It's the guy," Landon said. "You can just dial up one of my memories like that?"

"It's not your memory," Hope replied. "It's mine."

Flashback - Two Years Ago

Connor was getting his car washed.

Kenner stood with his arms raised. "Glace solidatur."

The water being sprayed on Connor's car started to freeze. Kenner twisted his wrists, using magic to shatter the window of Connor's car.

The Mystic Falls High students gasped in surprise.

"My car!" Connor explained. "Oh, my God!"

Kenner smirked.


Landon opened his eyes. "Your brother did that for me?

Hope looked at him. "He had it coming and Kenner hates bullies."

Landon and Hope looked at each other for a long moment.

Hope pulled her hands away. "Um, we shouldn't be in here after curfew. We should get you back before anyone notices that you're gone."


[Song: Fireworks - First Aid Kit]

Kenner had standing outside, looking up at the moon.

Lizzie walked closer. "Hey, I heard you almost made a meal out of Hope's new boy toy."

Kenner sighed. "What are you doing here, Lizzie?"

"You know, misery loves company," Lizzie said. "Or whatever."

"Well, I don't, so you can go," Kenner told her.

"Look, I know you think doing this whole 'tortured loner' act keeps people away, but--" Lizzie started.

Kenner cut her off. "It's not an act. And why do you care all of a sudden?"

"I don't," Lizzie told him. "But my dad gave me a lecture about making friends earlier . . ."

"And you thought you'd start with me?" Kenner asked. "Why?"

Lizzie hesitated. "I don't know. Maybe because we're sorta alike?" Kenner looked at her, raising his brows. "You know, we've both got issues, thanks to our families."

Kenner looked away. "Look, whatever you're trying to do, don't, okay? The last thing I need right now is a friend." Kenner walked away a few steps. Lizzie followed him. Kenner sighed, turning around. "I try not to get close to people anymore."

"Yeah, I know that better than anyone," Lizzie said. "Everytime I tried to get close to you or be your friend, you'd push me away. Just like you are now."

"Well, take the hint and stay away from me," Kenner replied. "The people I care about have a tendency to die on me."

Kenner walked away, leaving

Lizzie watched him, shaking her head and scoffed, walking back inside.


Josie was lying in her bed, still trying to process what she saw in the kitchen.

Lizzie walked in. "Hey, Jo."

Lizzie climbed into bed with Josie.

Josie sighed. "I just saw MG with his tongue down you-know-who's throat."

"Gross," Lizzie said. "He should know better than to make out the Dark Lord. Bad friend move."

"Yeah," Josie whispered in agreement.

"Just forget about her," Lizzie told her. "Focus on somebody new. A good crush will even you out. I'm setting my sights on Rafael. If he ever speaks to me again after I was such a freakshow."

Lizzie rested her head on Josie's shoulder, who was despondent to learn her sister was after the one guy she thought she could crush on.


Hope led Landon back into his cell.

Landon exhaled.

"Give me your hand," Hope told him, walking into the cell.

Landon turned around, putting his hand in Hope's palm. "I thought we established I'm a terrible dancer."

Hope chuckled, laying her other hand on top of his and closed her eyes. "Preitori Speculo."

A blue glow emanated from the ceiling, Landon looked up and saw Hope had used magic to create a starry night sky above them.

Hope smiled, looking at him. "I thought that might help you sleep."

Landon looked around, chuckling. "You are a really nice person, Hope Mikaelson. This is the part where you run."

"Yeah, I know," Hope said.

Landon sighed. "I'm not gonna remember any of this, am I?"

"Probably not," Hope told him. "No."

"Well, in that case . . ." Landon trailed off, walking closer and kissing Hope.

After a moment, they pulled away and looked at each other.

[Song ends]


The next day, Alaric was in his office with Landon.

"It's been 24 hours," Alaric said. "You ready for round two?"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could stay," Landon told him.

Alaric averted his gaze for a moment. "I can put you in touch with somebody who could help you with your problems at home."

"I don't have a home," Landon said. "Not anymore. I can work. I can do the dishes and help with the janitorial stuff. I can cook."

"I'm sorry, Landon," Alaric told him. "But you don't belong here."

"Then where do I belong?" Landon asked. Alaric looked down. "Tell me where I should go. You have no idea what it's like out there." Alaric chuckled, softly. "I don't want to cause trouble. I just want a way out of my own life."

"I know it seems cruel," Alaric said. "But please understand, this school was created so we could shape the minds of young supernatural beings, protect their secret and then send them out into the human world fully equipped to handle it. We are here to prevent these great kids from indulging in their darkest impulses. Make no mistake, these are predatory creatures." Landon pressed his lips together, angrily. "Vampires are driven by the feed and the kill, wolves can't control themselves in their primal state, and witches . . ." Alaric chuckled. "Witches, when provoked, are responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history." Landon looked at him. "It's simply not safe for you here. I'm sorry."

"I understand," Landon told him.

Alaric spoke into the intercom. "Have MG come on in, please."

MG walked in, looking at Landon. "I'm sorry about yesterday." Landon looked down, his lips pressed together to hold in his anger. "But your buddy's gonna be okay here. We'll look out for him. Now, all you gotta do is go home."

Landon stood, facing MG.

MG started to compel him. "Forget everything that you've seen or learned within the past few days. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him, but you'll know it's for the best."

Landon looked at MG in the eyes, but it seemed like the compulsion hadn't taken effect.


Hope was watching Landon leave from a window.

Rafael was seeing Landon off outside. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Landon told him. "I promise."

Rafael smiled, slapping Landon's hand and they embraced each other. Then they withdrew from the hug and parted ways.

Hope continued to watch Landon leave, touching her lips and smiled as she remembered their first kiss.


Dorian was looking at the glass case in the library, concerned.

Alaric walked closer. "What's wrong?"

"The alarm didn't trigger," Dorian told him. "I don't know why."

"What was it?" Alaric asked.

"Knife, dated circa the 12th century," Dorian answered. The case holding the knife Landon had been looking at earlier had been broken into. "Supernatural origins unknown."

Alaric walked away.


Alaric went to see Hope and Kenner and told them what happened.

"How do you know it was him?" Hope asked.

"Ancient artifact goes missing along with too-good-to-be-true hapless human?" Alaric replied. "You do the math, Hope."

"That would make him a liar, okay?" Hope said. "I've known my fair share of those and there was nothing about him--"

"Hope--" Kenner started.

Hope cut him off. "No, you don't understand. There's no way that the one time I choose to get close to someone, they turn out to be a liar. It's not possible, okay? I'm not that stupid."

"You were when you trusted Roman," Kenner pointed out.

"Landon is not Roman!" Hope argued.

"When he walked out that door, we compelled him to go home," Alaric told them.

"So?" Hope asked.

"So he didn't," Alaric answered. "It was the first place we checked. And if he didn't go home, that means his memory wasn't erased. He was just pretending that it was."

Kenner looked thoughtful.


Landon was riding on a bus.

Kenner: (voiceover) "If his mind can't be controlled by a supernatural being, then that only means one thing."

Landon looked around before looking down at the knife in his hand, the same one that was in the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library.


Kenner looked at Hope. "That he is a supernatural being."

Hope didn't want to believe what her brother was saying was the truth, but couldn't deny the facts that were piling up.


Alaric was holding an assembly, looking at all of his students.

"For 10 years, we've gone undetected," Alaric said. "Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our singular mission. Tonight, I need your help to find Landon Kirby before he exposes us all."

Rafael was shocked by the news.


MG was following Josie. "Jo."

"I'm not talking to you," Josie told him.

"Hold on, I'm sorry," MG said. Josie turned around. "All right, I'm an ass. You-know-who, she puts those sex herbs in her weed and I had a momentary lapse in judgement."

"Why does everyone find her so special?" Josie asked.

"She's not special," MG answered. "She's just . . . available. Come here." He hugged Josie, trying to comfort her. "Don't hate me, okay?"

Josie saw Penelope a few feet away, laughing with some girls.

MG pulled away from Josie and walked away.

Unable to contact her anger, Josie muttered a spell. "Ignitus."

Josie used magic to set Penelope's arm on fire.

Penelope shook her arm and screamed.

The other girls covered Penelope's arm with a jacket. "Put it out!"

Josie turned and walked away.

Kenner was watching her, getting an idea.


Kenner was now in Josie's room. "I need your help."

"Three more words than your annual average," Josie said, standing. "Find someone else."

Josie walked across the room.

Kenner closed the door as Josie sat on her bed.

"This stuff about Landon is my sister's fault," Kenner told her, walking closer. "I can fix it. I know how to track him, but it involves using dark magic."

Josie looked down. "We're not allowed to use dark magic here."

"Says the girl who just set her ex on fire,' Kenner said.

Josie looked at him. "Are you blackmailing me?"

"No," Kenner told her. "No, I'm just looking for a kindred spirit in revenge."


Josie and Kenner were now preparing the spell. Josie lit a candle while Kenner looked through his grimoire.

Kenner picked up a mouse. "Sorry."

Kenner lowered it into a box and snapped the mouse's neck. Josie blew out the lit match. Kenner held the mouse while Josie crushed some herbs, pouring them on the pages of the grimoire. Kenner sliced open the mouse's stomach and spilled blood onto another page.

"Are you sure about this?" Josie asked.

"Absolutely," Kenner answered.

Josie and Kenner crossed their arms and held hands, starting to chant. "Inveniet hostium et tenebrae." Wind started to blow around the room and Kenner and Josie's hands glowed red. "Inveniet hostium et tenebrae. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae."

Kenner had his eyes closed and saw Landon on a bus.

"Do you see anything?" Josie asked.

"Just flashes," Kenner answered. He shook his head. "Come on, give me something." Kenner saw the bus pass a road sign. SOUTH 29. "I got it, Route 29. Near the state line."

Josie could also see the same images as Kenner. They saw Landon reach into his jacket and grab out the knife, the blade was glowing red.

"Is that the knife?" Josie asked.

"Yeah," Kenner answered.

"What's it doing?" Josie questioned.

"I have no idea," Kenner told her.

The knife continued to glow red as it reacted to the spell Kenner and Josie was casting. Landon looked at it in shock and the glow grew brighter, making him avert his eyes. That's when was shrouded in a blinding white light.


The bus was parked on the side of the road and police were currently investigating the scene.

Alaric, Hope and Kenner was standing on the road, talking to Sherrif Matt Donovan.

"Called in a favor with a buddy at State Patrol," Matt informed them. "Asked him to lock down the scene til we got here. Local PD thinks it was a chemical spill."

"What's the actual story?" Alaric asked.

Matt shook his head. "I'll leave that to you to figure out."

Matt looked at Hope and Kenner.

"All right," Alaric said. "Thanks, Sheriff."

Hope and Kenner exchanged a look.

Later, Alaric, Hope and Kenner were walking towards the bus.

Hope: (voiceover) "Funny how life works. After years of pushing people away, I opened my heart to Landon Kirby, the human in the wrong place at the right time who just needed a place to belong. Turns out, Landon isn't the hero of my story at all."

Alaric, Hope and Kenner walked onto the bus, seeing all the passengers were dead. They had been burned, severely.

Hope was disturbed by the sight.

Kenner: (voiceover) "But when I hunt him down, I'm gonna be the villain of his."

Kenner pressed his lips together in anger.


"Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn" trailer

Alaric looked at Josie and Lizzie. "I have to find Landon Kirby."

Landon was sitting on a bus, averting his eyes from the intense glow of the knife he had stolen from the Salvatore School.

Hope and Kenner walked through the school, everyone was looking at them.

Hope looked at Kenner, pointing at herself. "This school is at risk of exposure because of me."

[Song: In Your Eyes - Alfie Ray and Dan Cox]

Rafael looked at Hope and Kenner. "He took a stupid knife?"

Landon looked at the knife, the blade was glowing red.

"Nothing in this school is a stupid anything," Kenner told him.

Hope looked out a window.

Kenner used magic to throw a woman away from him.

"We don't allow black magic," Alaric scolded him.

Alaric was running through the woods.

Kenner magically pushed Landon against the wall, looking angry. "Where's the knife?"

Alaric, Hope, Kenner, Landon and Rafael ran away from a woman who was breathing fire.

Hope looked shocked. "Fire-breathing witch."

The woman expelled fire from her mouth.

"She was burning everything in her path," Landon told them.

The woman growled, her eyes glowing red.

"Get to the car and get out of here," Hope said.

Landon and Rafael ran away.

"Go," Alaric told them.

The woman breathed fire again.

[Song ends]
