I'm Losing Him Chapter 4

Everyone sat down and saw Amy giving everyone a plate with a lid on top. You felt uncomfortable when you saw Harmony hugging Knuckles arm.

"What are we having for lunch Amy?" Sonic asked.

"Open the lid and find out!" Amy said with a smile.

Destiny lifted up the lid and gasped.

"Excuse me, but can you make something else?"

"What's wrong with what I made?"

"Me and my sister don't like fish. Can you make us something else?"

"I'm sorry but that's what I made." Amy said.

Destiny walked towards Amy and went towards her ear. She started singing a melody quietly in her ear and then Amy widened her eyes.

"Oh I am so sorry! Of course I'll make you something different!" Amy quickly rushed to the kitchen.

Harmony continued to hug Knuckles arm while he was trying to eat.

"Can I have my arm back?"

"You are just so muscular that it's hard to let go." Harmony said.

Y/N glared at her as they continued to talk.

"Is she doing that flirting thing again?" Sticks asked.

"Yeah and I don't like it." Y/N said with a sigh.

"Here you go!" Amy came back and gave them a rich looking meal.

"Now that's what I call lunch!" Destiny said and started eating.

Amy sat down and looked at you.

"What's wrong Y/N?"

"I'm losing him..."


You pointed at Knuckles who was flexing his muscles. Harmony giggled and fed him some of her food.
Amy suddenly started to feel a small headache.

"I don't know what got into me but I might need a nap. But anyways, if you're worried about losing him, you're gonna have to tell him how you feel before she does."


"They're gonna be here for awhile so I suggest you do it sooner than later."

"You're right. I'll do it tonight."

"We'll make you look nice and beautiful! Knuckles is going to love it?" Amy said.

"We wish you luck Y/N." Sticks said.

"Thanks girls."

"No problem!"

Later that might, Amy told Knuckles to look his best because Y/N had a surprise for him. He agreed and went to go get ready.

When you came downstairs, you looked at Knuckles with a smile.

"Ready to go?"

Knuckles nodded and took your hand. You both walked outside into the night.

Once you left, Harmony saw this and growled.

"Let's go sister." Harmony grabbed Destiny and took her with.

What's gonna happen next? Find out on Chapter 5. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️
