Date Went Wrong Plus The Truth Chapter 5

You and Knuckles were looking at the stars quietly together. You looked at him, feeling nervous.

You took a deep breath and said,

"I'm having a great time with you Knuckles."

"Me too. Thanks for inviting me. So what's the special occasion of bringing me again?" He asked.

" see..." You sat up and held his hands.

Knuckles looked at you confused.

"Y/N? Are you ok?"

"The reason I brought you out here, was to tell you something really important."

"What is it?"

The twins were near a tree, listening to the conversation.

"There they are." Destiny said.

"Come on sister." Harmony said as they both smirked.

"Knuckles, I...I love you. I always had been." You looked away nervously.

Knuckles was shocked.

"Y/N...I..." Knuckles stopped talking when he suddenly heard singing.

"Ahhh.~ Ahhh.~"

Destiny and Harmony were singing softly at their hiding spot as the sound wave went towards them.

Suddenly Knuckles looked at you and let go of your hands. You looked confused as he stood up.

"Sorry Y/N. But I don't feel the same." Knuckles said as he walked away.


Knuckles continued to walk away.

"Wait! Come back! Please!"

The twins came out of their hiding spots and started laughing.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Just enjoying the heart breaking moment." Harmony said.

"Literally." Destiny said as they continued laughing.

You began to form tears.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Ohh! The poor sweet little girl. Did we make you sad?" They started to walk in a circle around her.

"You clearly don't know us as you think." Destiny said.

"We have an ability that no one even knows." Harmony said.

"We're surprised that you're not effective by it."

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked.

"We always get what we want." Harmony said.

"No matter what we do, we will get it." Destiny said.

"The power of music always shows its ways."

Destiny placed her hands on your shoulders.

"Melodies here. Melodies there. It's the music that gets us going." Destiny let go of you and stood in front of you with Harmony.

"It also helps keep me going by taking your man and making him mine!" Harmony said.

Destiny rolled her eyes at that comment.

"So you made him reject me!"

"Just doing you a favor. Your heart will be shattered in the future."

"But not by true love."

They both laughed and walked away.

You formed tears and ran back home.

What's gonna happen next? Find out on Chapter 6. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️
