Defeating The Sirens Chapter 7

The twins were behind stage getting ready for the big moment.

"Alright girls! Make me proud!" The manager said.

"Oh we will!" Destiny said as she grinned at Harmony.

Harmony gave her the same grin as Knuckles walked towards her.

"Good luck Harmony."

"Thanks handsome."

They rubbed their noses against each other and then Knuckles went to the audience.

"I told you that you don't need a man." Destiny said.

"I get what I want remember?"


Meanwhile with you and Tails, you got all of the equipment and began to set it up.

"Won't you be affected too?" Y/N asked.

"No. My mind is to smart to be infected." Tails placed a collar on your neck that shows a gem.

"I'm not a dog Tails."

"It's not a dog collar. This device with help with your singing to help get everyone back to normal. It will also absorb the sirens singing voices but once it does, we have to destroy it."


Tails sets up everything and gives you the microphone.

"Now we just have to wait for the right moment to use it."

You nodded and waited.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Give it up for the Musical Melodies!"

The curtains rise and the twins starts singing. The crowd was going wild as they cheered for them.

"There sure is a lot of people here tonight. I hope it works." Y/N said.

As the twins continued singing, they raised their hands up and summoned a huge sound wave, making everyone's eyes turn purple.

You gasped at the sight and then Tails yells,


You start singing as the crowd turned their heads and looked at you. Tails as playing the music from his laptop which was connected to the speaker.

The twins growled and grabbed each other's hand. Once they did, they widened their eyes as their eyes turned fully purple and they transformed into dragons.

They sent everyone that was in the crowd towards you and Tails as they flew towards you as well.

Tails quickly activated the shield to block out everyone. You continued to sing as the twins flew towards you.

"AHHH!~ AHHH!~" They singed so loud that the shield was starting to crack.

You gasped as everyone was hitting the shield.

"You gotta sing louder Y/N!" Tails said.

"I don't know if I can!"

"You have to try! Do it for the people you love!"

You suddenly saw you friends under the spell as well as they hit the shield, trying to get in. You looked at Knuckles and you felt heartbroken to see him like this.

You closed your eyes and gripped a bit harder on the microphone and started singing loudly.

"AHHHHH!~" A flash of light went through the shield from the gem on your neck and it went through the twins.

They screamed in pain as the wave of light was coming out of their mouth and was heading towards the gem. Tails quickly grabbed his weapon and it began to suck the twins inside.

They continued to scream until they were finally inside. Once they were, you took the gem off and stepped on n it, making sure it broke.

Then the lights flew out and began to spread everywhere on to everyone. When the lights set everyone free, they all looked at each other with confused and with slight pain.

You looked at Tails and high fived him.

"We did it!" You both said as you heard someone groaning in pain.

"Ohh. What happened?" Sonic asked.

"What's going on?" Amy asked.

"You're ok! You're ok!" You ran towards your friends and hugged them.

Sonic looked up and saw Tails.

"Tails! You're back from vacation!?" Sonic asked in a surprised tone.

"Sure am!" He said.

"What happened here?" Sticks asked.

"We'll explain to you when we head back." Tails said.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 8. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️
