Expectations hurt


People say it's easy to fall in love. It is true. yes I agree I've fallen in love. but I would rather say, I have fallen for something that will never be possible even in my dreams.

You can ask me how , but I cannot answer this question. Not that I don't want to. It's the fact, that I don't know the answer myself. I still couldn't acknowledge that I fallen for my mentor, knowing that he would never look at me the same way.

P'Forth. That grumpy bad-ass engineering sophomore. Crystal cut physic. Cheesy as hell to the one he loves.... Protective and possessive over his beloved ones. See... You can't blame me here. One would be made with titanium heart if they don't like him! But he like yo!

Today Pha proposed wayo in science cafeteria, with roses , balloons and chocolates too... truly romantic ! I wish I get it too. just kidding! but I need attention too. so what if I look handsome ..I can cry and feel alone too...just like now.

Another thing I realised...P'Forth is often missing sotus training. But never misses any Pageant practices or events. Does he love yo that deep ?

And i on the other hand started ignoring people completely. I go to pageant practice. Dont talk too much. Eat my lunch alone.Yo spends too much time with pha.Well doesn't care about me much.Im happy for him though.

I was having my lunch,at the near by cafe. Yo and his boy friend went on a lunch date . I wasn't even hungry! But i needed stamina... To practice!  The final run down is in a week. I was going to give my best. So i need calories. While i was eating, to my surprise, P'forth came and sat across me. I took time to look at him and wai (greet) him before continuing my lunch. Im not  giving him any attention. I dont want my heart to shatter even more than i actually am! I wish he doesn't talk to me. I cant bare to respond if he asks about yo. To my dismay, he started ,

"Is yo catching up with...."

"Yes P.. He is and currently now he is with P'Pha.." I ended my words cutting his actually....

He froze for a second and quickly nodded. I finished my lunch and was about leave when i wai'ed him.. He inquired,

"How is your practice..?.. "

"Dont worry P.. I wont let down our faculty for sure...' I said and left after giving him a thin smile.... That was just a disguise to hide the fact he was here for yo...! I knew it already. And dont want to keep seeing him.... So i left....

Time flew.... It was just two days before the day of final show down of pageant! ..... I was now with yo.. "Hy ming... P'forth is throwing a barbecue party in his house... He invited you too... Dont forget to come...." Yo  chirped enthusiastically...

"No yo... I ain't coming.. I have practice.. Tell him in case he inquires..." I lied... I wasn't going to practice today. I didn't want to. Offcourse!  he can invite yo by himself.... Cant he send atleast a message?  And im not bluffing!

I checked..... There wasn't a single message from him. He probably wouldn't have saved my number. Only in the sotus group... Only those messages... I cant see his profile.. One cannot see the profile, unless the other saves his number right.. I understood. Yo nodded and left actually running to meet phana kongthanin.... Lucky aint he!

I was about to leave the campus when P FORTH'S GANG was walking in... My hazers!  I just wai'ed them without actually looking at them... I don't want to. I was leaving to the parking lot , when a voice came up...

"Hy ming..!.". Obviously him..!
"Hello P... What can i do for you..." I asked him politely...

"Well actually.. Are you free tonight..?" I know what for...

"Ehh... No P.. I have practice..." I lied again... Oh god...

"I am throwing a party.. Thought you sh... "

"Awe P... So sweet of you... Im sry na.. I cant join you...." i cut his words before giving him a wai and turning to leave... Again i was stopped...

"Are you avoiding me Mingkwan dechapanya....? " He questioned me with raising brows and hands on the hips.... This man is intimidating and hot at the same time...arghh... He ignored me and now blaming me right away....

"Owch... Never P.. Sry if you feel so.... Im just tired na P... " I said before waing.... and practically running...

This person is bad! Very bad. Stole my heart,  was ignoring me and now blaming me that im ignoring him....

This is going to be a long night... I was tired. Both mentally and physically... My friends would have been enjoying the party. I wish i can too!

Hmmmm.... Ill head to bed.. Better to sleep of the pain. Just when i was going to close my eyes, i saw my phone ringing!  Its P forth.. I saved his number as 'TO BE AVOIDED...' funny... But wanted to save so. Just could avoid na... It kept ringing. I didn't pick......

When at the same time there was my door bell ringing. Who the hell... I opened the door with my phone ringing... It was P forth.!! He saw me and my phone and the name... And raised a brow in confusion and anger.........

God... Can anyone kill me now......!

A/N.. Meet u soon readers.... ❤️💚💙💛💜
