Just One


Forth came back from his parents home, the next day of the star and moon competition.

The moment he  came back he rushed to lam to know what happened the previous day . Well ,  according to his family no phone during family time!

"Hey lam , what happened yesterday man..?"..forth asked to lam.

"Yo man , where did you disappear suddenly.... yesterday was awesome! Ming won it man . And hey he asked for you...I told your in vacation!..."lam said

"You what...why ....." Forth asked hurt evident in his eyes. he wasn't gone because of family vacation!  his sister met with an accident. He had to be there to give blood.... They both shared a rare blood group, AB negative.

Forth knew Ming would be angry on him...but he had to make himself clear , so he ran to the cafeteria. He knew Ming would be there .

He went there to see Ming ! yes he saw Ming hugging a girl and.........
Kissing her forehead.

Forth didn't like it...he had this same wierd aura when he saw Ming leaving with a girl during the practice of star and moon competition.

That time forth somehow stoped him from going out with that girl who he doesn't even know . He thought , maybe as a senior he didn't like ming going out during practices... But now when he saw ming with a girl and him both hugging , it had nothing to do with him but he had same feeling again.

Forth slowly walked  towards ming , while the girl was walking away. Ming's smile faded with the sight of forth. unknown pain filling his eyes!

Ming started walking the opposite direction. he didn't want to meet this person , who is now walking towards him.

"Mingkwan stop .. please...I want to talk to you  ....."

"There is nothing to talk senior....or should I even call you that? please, leave me alone...."

Ming said literally running, but forth caught his hand and dragged him to an empty class near the cafeteria....

Ming was struggling all the while to release himself from the person whom he loved with his whole heart. forth locked the door as soon as both were in. ming's eyes widened in shock...

"P what are you doing ? leave me, I want to go! I have class in few minutes..."

"Then listen to me....I'll leave you...."

"What if I say I won't...?"

"I can do anything here mingkwan dechapanya ....we are all alone you know....."

Ming had shivers running down his nerves. He was wondering what happened to his senior....who ignored him and vanished during the competition. the one standing in front of Ming was entirely a different person!

"P...p.please leave me, I have to go..." very first time Ming was blushing and stuttering because now,  forth was very close to him placing his hands on either sides of Ming....

When forth came even closer....Ming pushed him with tears in his eyes

"....look here forth fucking jaturapom ! I'm not in the mood to play with you and definitely you have played enough with my feelings. kept ignoring me, but came to my  home travelling just to get me to your damn party.  stopped me from dating literally stating that I should concentrate on practice, but you weren't there at the show! not as senior, not as a mentor, not as my hazer who chose me as a moon. I had to see all mentors giving bundles of roses to their junior moons and stars! I wasn't even worth JUST ONE right..and..now you pull me and lock me in a room,  kind of seducing torture.... what in hell...." Ming said sobbing....

Suddenly forth hugged Ming tightly and said softly , "I had a call stating my younger sister met with an accident...we shared a rare group...only I could donate...I had to be there ...sorry for not being with you yesterday... believe me...I wanted to see you win ... I did. Really did ....I never ignored you...never did never will...
And about the dating thing ... I don't know why ..I don't like you dating I think so... cause even the last and just now when I saw you with that girl...I didn't like it...I don't know why..."

"Where you stalking me forth......"

"Oh no! here we go again. I came to apologise to you....but I saw you , kissing her....... forehead." forth said looking down.

"Sh..she is my cousin..well but what has it got to do with you....we aren't even dating or seeing each other to get jealous mister....." , Ming said smirking but completely broken inside wishing that it was the opposite!

"Not exactly the truth...but just so you know....I Have DECIDED TO COURT YOU FROM TODAY.......... !"

Hey guys...the next chapter is the last.......meet you soon...💙💚💛💜❤️vote comment and share...luv you...
