9. The Blood Moon pt.1

"The blood moon.." I said, waiting for Brett to tell me all about it as we sat on his bed.

"It's rare." Brett stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Brett! Tell me what the blood moon is..." I whined, getting a bit annoyed. Brett sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I really have to be somewhere Hattie, I'll text you later. Just get home." Brett answered. I huffed.

"For gods sake, why won't you tell me? I think I deserve to know as you could've killed me tonight!" I raised my voice, causing Brett to shut me up with his hand over my mouth.

"Just stop!" He whisper shouted. "My mom can't know."

He removed his hand from my mouth and I sighed.

"Fine, bye Brett." I said as I got up from his bed and headed for his bedroom door.

"Wait!" He called, making me stop and turn around to face him with an eyebrow raised. "Y-you could help me."

"Help you with what?" I questioned. Brett wasn't making any sense.

"Hattie," he breathed as he stepped forward and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Will you help me?"

With his blue eyes boring into mine, his eyes said he was desperate. And without even knowing what he wanted me to help with, his soft hands that lightly squeezed my shoulders made it hard to refuse. I nodded slowly, unable to look away. For some reason I hoped he'd kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. But my shoulders became cold at the loss of contact, he had moved away. I let out a small breath of disappointment. I don't know why I thought he would kiss me.

"The blood moon, it's when the moon is at its strongest. Like a full moon, but worse. We unwillingly change, but we can't control ourselves what so ever. Nothing can stop us apart from chains on the blood moon. And that's what I need you to do. Chain me up. But not just me, my whole pack. The blood moon makes us savage. We all need to be chained up. We can't hurt anybody if we're chained up." Brett explained. I bit my lip as I nodded.

"Okay." I stated. "I'll chain you all up."

"Right, I need to speak to Satomi to run her through the plan." Brett said as he walked past me. "Stay here." I took a seat on Brett's bed and watched as he headed to his window. Why was he going to his window? Brett put one leg out. I quickly stood up.

"Brett! What are you-" I cut myself off as Brett jumped out. I stuck my head out of the window and peered down at him. He looked up, he was standing with a smirk on his face.

"you worry too much." He whisper shouted, I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger up at him. He chucked before he ran off. I decided to have a snoop around Brett's room. I felt bad, but I was bored. I found his underwear drawer and immediately closed it again, we don't want to go looking in there now do we. I opened the drawer above it and found a photo album. It was pink, which intrigued me. I lifted it carefully out of the drawer and placed it in my lap. I opened it and was met by pictures of Brett and his ex. There were way too many selfies of them. But what I noticed is that Brett looked happy. Happier than I'd seen him. But so did Katherine. Now, she constantly has a resting bitch face. She must have really hurt Brett. What did she- I was cut from my thoughts as I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around, clutching at the photo album. I was faced with Brett smiling at me, until his eyes wandered down to see what I was holding. His smile faded. His jaw clenched. He looked back up at my face. I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Brett-" he put his hand up to stop me talking.

"Put it back and get out." He ordered. I suddenly felt upset, so I put the photo album back in the drawer and stood up.

"I'm sorry." I rushed but he just stared, he didn't blink, he didn't flinch. He just stood there, glued to the spot. I sighed as I turned around. I thought about leaving but then I remembered that he needed me. Even if I had done something wrong, he needed me. So I turned around and faced him again.

"what did she do to you?" I asked, Brett looked at the floor and he didn't answer. "Katherine, she must have done something bad to you. You don't smile like you did in those pictures. Brett, you don't look happy."

I took a risky step forward.

"Brett," I said quietly, "what did she do to hurt you?"

"Hattie!" He warned, he looked up, his eyes were glowing a golden orange. Oh fuck.

"Brett," I breathed as fear overloaded me. "Brett stop." He took a step closer to me, "I'm sorry," I told him as he took another step forward, he was getting close to me. Without thinking I took a step forward and hugged him. It was a risk I was willing to take. I liked Brett. It made me upset to realise how broken he really is. I held him tight as he seemed to slump a little bit. I could hear his breathing even out, I knew I had calmed him down. He wrapped his arms around me.

"She cheated on me." He said quietly, I pulled away slightly so I could look into his eyes.

"Brett, I'm sorry." I said, he shook his head slightly.

"It's alright." He answered, making me shake my head.

"No, no it's not alright. Cheating is not alright. You're not alright." I informed him. To my surprise he brought his hand up to my neck. His eyes never left mine.

"I'm alright when I'm with you." He whispered, I let out a shaky breath. Was I dreaming? Brett leaned forward, his lips slightly agar. I found myself closing my eyes and waiting for his lips to meet mine. Only a loud laugh stopped us. I quickly opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the window. There was a boy sitting on the window sill laughing.

"What's so funny, Max?" Brett asked, his eyebrows furrowed. I let go of Brett, realising what he was laughing at. Who was this kid?

"I'm alright when I'm with you." Max laughed, "come on, stop being so cliche to get in the poor girls pants and let her chain us up. I'm sure she's into the more kinky stuff." Max winked at me.

Whips and chains excite me- Max thought. I stifled a laugh and Max rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't meant to be funny." He said, looking directly at me.

"She can hear your thoughts Max, she's a Fox." Brett informed him. Max's mouth dropped open.

"Prove it." Max challenged.

"Max, we don't have time." Brett said, stepping forward but Max held his large hand out.

"Oh no, I want to see this." He said. "What am I thinking?"

You're hot

"You're hot." I said out loud.

Brett wants to get in your pants

"Brett wants to get in your pants" I cringed as I said it.

So do I

"So do I" as I said this, Max smiled devilishly, his gaze turning to Brett.

Now watch Brett get angry as he likes you

"Now watch Brett get angry as he likes you." I shook my head as if to say, uh no, he does not like me. But Brett had already gone up to Max and pushed him out the window. Brett turned to me, he was bright red.

"Uh, the rest of the pack is here. We should get going." He said awkwardly. I smiled at him.

"Sure." I answered. Brett went to climb out of the window. Really? What's wrong with the front door? "Brett," I called making him look at me. "I'll see you down there, I'm going to use the door."

"Why not-" he began but I cut him off.

"Nuh, uh. I'm not jumping out of the window Brett." I answered. He smirked.

"I will catch you." He suggested but I shook my head. As much as that sounded appealing I decided that I would not be jumping out of the window.

"I'll see you down there, Brett." I said and he shrugged before he jumped out. I walked throughout his house and out of the front door. I walked around to the back of the house and found Brett's pack members waiting for me.

"This is the Kitsune?" A tall, blonde and beautiful girl asked Brett.

"Yes, Hannah. Play nice, she could take you with a click of her finger." Brett informed her.

"Hey fox! Walk with me!" Max called and I looked at Brett. He smiled and nodded slightly so I walked off towards Max. He was with a few other members.

"This is Charley," he introduced the girl next to him. "She's lovely." She had short brown hair and pretty brown eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Fox." Charley smiled.

"Uh, actually, it's Hattie." I laughed.

"Sorry love, we will be calling you fox." A man said, he wasn't that much older than the others, but he wasn't a teenager anymore, that's for sure. "I'm Aaron."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

"How do you know Brett again?" Max asked. I bit my lip, thinking of what I could say. The truth, Hattie: the truth is always good.

"Uh, I'm his fake girlfriend." I admitted.

"His fake girlfriend?" Charley asked.

"Yeah, I mean, my ex was being a problem and his ex was being a problem and it just happened to get them off our back. We just go with it." I explained.

"Fake girlfriend?" Someone asked from behind us, we all looked back at Hannah. "That's so tacky." She turned to Brett, "we would move a lot faster if we didn't have her with us."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Hannah? You want to move faster, that's what you want?" Brett asked. Hannah smiled widely.

"That's what I want." She stated happily. I felt a little deflated. They were just going to ditch me? Brett stepped forward and winked at me. I tilted my head, confused. He stepped in front of me.

"Hop on," he said, holding out his arms behind him. I happily jumped on his back, I wrapped my arms around his neck, making sure I wasn't strangling him. He held my legs. He turned around to face Hannah, who's mouth was now dragging along the floor.

"Now we can move faster," Max laughed. Brett chucked quietly before he turned to the rest of his pack members. He nodded and they all began to run through the woods. Brett started to run with me on his back.

"Brett, are you sure-" I began but he cut me off.

"You're not heavy Hattie. And don't worry about Hannah, she's normally like this." Brett explained.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"To meet Satomi, we don't have much time. You need to chain us up. And fast." He answered.
