5. Shopping.

After my little breakdown yesterday, Brett put me to bed. He didn't leave though, he stayed and he held me all through the night. It felt like a normal relationship, and as it suddenly dawned on me that we were faking it all, we were already at the mall.

"What about this one?" He asked as he picked up a bright yellow and puffy dress. I laughed at him until I saw his face. "Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Oh, you're being serious?" I asked before I shook my head. "No Brett, just no."

"But why not?" He asked and I laughed again.

"1, it's bright yellow, 2, it's really puffy, and 3, just look at it." I informed him and he shrugged as he put it back.

"So what kind of thing are you looking for?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure, I suppose it's just a dress, but I certainly do not want anything as hideous as that.." I laughed and I raised my eyebrows as Brett smirked and pushed his fingers into the belt holes in my jeans and pulled me forward.

"Well, if I had my way I'd have you go to prom naked but then everybody would see that beautiful body, and they need to know that it's mine." He told me before he bent down to kiss me, I went with it, plainly because I thought that someone was near by, even though I secretly hoped that he was just doing it, I soon found out that someone was in fact close as our lips connected.

'Holy shit..' Annie thought, making me pull Brett closer, just to show her that I was happy in another relationship and that even though Jacob cheated on me with her I didn't care. But, I did care.

Brett pulled away, his body still close to mine.

"Come on, let's find the perfect dress." He encouraged and I smiled as I turned around, his arms falling from my body but his hand reaching out for mine. I took a glance at Annie just to see the look on her face. And boy was it a sight to see, it was priceless, her lips were slightly agar with her hand covering half of her mouth out of shock. I didn't want to hear what she was thinking right now so I shut it off, for short amounts of time I can shut off other people's thoughts, I've been practicing lately, and it's been coming in handy.

I stopped in my tracks as I spotted it, the perfect dress.

"There it is.." I whispered and Brett leaned in close to my ear.

"Where is it?" He whispered making me shudder. I took a step forward and lifted up my hand, pointing to the black dress.

"It's so simple.." Brett laughed, and I nodded.

"It's so me," I joined in as I walked over to it. Checking the price tag, I smiled as I picked it up. "Perfect, lets go." We walked over to the counter to pay and Brett got out his wallet.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Paying for you dress?" He asked, and I shook my head as I put my hand on his.

"No, you're not." I told him as I quickly handed the man my money before he could even protest.

"Hattie, I asked you to prom, I should pay for your dress.." He argued and I shrugged.

"Too late.." I said smugly, no way would I let him pay for my dress, even if it wasn't even that expensive. But, would that stop the courageous Brett Talbot? Hell no.

"How about the cinema." He stated making me raise an eyebrow. "Right now." He added.

"What?" I asked, almost impressed at how hard he was trying.

"I'll pay for us to go to the cinema, right now, and you don't have a choice apart from what film to watch." He insisted and I pouted as I took the bag from the man at the till.

"Thank you," I smiled and he nodded to Brett.

"You've got a keeper," he winked, "If he wasn't yours I think i'd snatch him up myself."

I held back a laugh as I looked at Brett's expression change from smug to frightened in 0.23 seconds.

"Well, thanks again," I laughed as I pulled Brett out of the shop.

"Oh my god," He breathed. I put my hand on his arm and rubbed it, his muscles tensing.

"Calm down, he's not following us, I promise." I laughed and Brett sent me a look of warning.

"Just chose a movie Hattie." He grumbled and I laughed once more as we headed to the cinema.


Standing in front of the movie lists I hummed to myself quietly.

"Come on, we haven't got all day.." Brett pushed making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, lets watch Fast and Furious 7 seeing as it starts in 10 minutes." I told him and I watched as Brett smiled.

"Good choice, I was honestly expecting 2 hours of torture while having to sit through a chick flick." He admitted as his hand brushed mine.

"Sorry," I apologised and Brett laughed.

"It's all right, it was an accident, come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the tills, he ordered our tickets and to my surprise he ordered 2 large popcorn's, one sweet and one salty and 2 large drinks, pepsi and fanta. He also brought a tray of nacho's and some chocolate.

"You went a little overboard with the food and drink didn't you Brett?" I asked, struggling to carry the two drinks and one popcorn.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I just brought 2 of each." He shrugged making me laugh.

"You could have just asked, I was standing right beside you." I informed him as we entered our screen.

"Shhh!" He shushed and I rolled my eyes.

"Brett," I began but he cut me off.

"Shhh!" He repeated.

"Brett!" I whined and he shushed me again.


"Don't make me chuck this popcorn all over you!" I warned and I heard him chuckle as we made our way up the steps and over to our seats. which was practically anywhere as it was almost empty. We took our seats near the back and I was thankful that I could now put down the food and drinks.

"What popcorn do you like?" Brett asked and Immediatley answered.

"Salted." I told him making him nod in appreciation.

"Me too." He said and I sighed.

"The sweet popcorn was a bit of a waste then.." I said and Brett laughed.

"It's only popcorn, don't worry about it. Give me some salted.." He ordered and I moved the salted popcorn over to him, he took it in his lap and started to shove it in his mouth making me shake my head as i studied him.

"what?" He asked with his mouth full, bits of popcorn sputtering out everywhere making me laugh.

"Ew! Gross!" I laughed and Brett started to laugh too.

"Sorry!" He told me. I waved him off and helped myself to some popcorn.

About three quarters of the way into the film, just as I was reaching for some popcorn, Brett reached in at the same time as me. Our hands touched and he almost jumped out of his skin. I surpressed a giggle as our eyes locked. He shook his head as he carried on watching the film. By the time the film ended, there were tears flowing freely down my face, the Paul Walker Tribute made me cry like a baby. To my surprise, Brett shuffled closer to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded as I wiped my tears.

"Yeah, it's just really sad." I admitted and he wrapped an arm around me, which confused me, we were about to leave. The lights came on and the few people that were in here got up to leave. So I did the same, I stood up, only to be turned around by Brett. His hand slipped up and around my neck as he moved his head down, his lips brushing mine. I went to move my head around but he kept it there.

"Who's watching?" I whispered and he smirked.

"No one," He answered before he pushed his lips onto mine, his arms wrapping around me. I too, wrapped my arms around him, maybe getting too excited by the passionate kiss. He pulled back, his head resting on my forehead.

"Maybe we should go," He suggested and I nodded, turning around on my heel and making my way down the steps overwhelmed by what just happened. Brett Talbot, just kissed me, and it wasn't for show, it wasn't for anybody else, it was for himself. He kissed me. Brett grabbed my hand as we left the cinema and into the car park, by now it was dark outside, so the dim lights of the car park made it feel spooky being here. I put it down to my imagination but as a dark shape flickered across the car park, faster then anything I stopped in my tracks.

"Brett, did you see that?" I asked, worried, he looked at me, before he looked around.

"What? What did you see?" He asked and I shook my head, my heart beginning to beat so fast I thought it was about to jump out of my chest.

"I don't know, Brett, but i-i saw something- I" I stuttered and Brett turned around so he was standing in front of me.

"It's alright, I believe you. I'm not going to let anything hurt you-" Brett paused as he stared at me for a moment. "If I tell you to run, you run, you hear me?" He handed me his car keys, making me nod, although I was shitting myself. He gripped my hand and pulled me along, walking at a brisk pace, we reached the car, and before I managed to unlock it I was stopped dead in my tracks by a growl. I slowly turned to the side to see Brett, growling loudly, his back was turned to me, but I could see the thing he was facing. I knew exactly who it was. Jacob. Only it wasn't exactly Jacob. He had long side burns, yellow glowing eyes, sharp teeth and long sharp claws that resembled some sort of animal. I let out a little cry as Jacob dropped to the ground on one knee and let out a massive roar.

"Get in the car, Hattie!" Brett growled, I rushed to unlock the car and climb in. Locking it behind me, and looking out the back window at Brett and Jacob. I looked down at Brett's hands, he had long claws too. Oh my god. What are they?

"Brett.." I mumbled, frightened for my life.
